Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 1160 - Private Investigation and Polygraph Commission (Polygraph Rules)
Chapter 1160-01 - Administration and Enforcement
Section 1160-01-.06 - PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS
Current through December 26, 2024
(1) Before beginning an examination, the polygraph examiner shall:
(2) Employment examination
(3) A polygraph examiner shall disclose to the examinee prior to the commencement of the examination that he or she is a law enforcement official or other officer of the court, and that should the examinee choose to proceed with the examination, that any illegal activity disclosed during such examination may be used against the examinee in a court of law.
(4) A polygraph examiner shall maintain verification of compliance with paragraph (1) of this rule in the examiner's records.
(5) A polygraph examiner shall not conduct a polygraph examination if he or she believes through observation or other credible evidence, that the examinee is physically or psychologically unfit for such examination.
(6) A polygraph examiner shall appropriately mark all of the questions and answers on the polygraph chart during a polygraph examination. If a numbered question sheet is used, the number of the question and the answer shall be noted on the chart at the point asked, and the question sheet shall either be attached to the chart or entered in the examinee's file.
(7) A polygraph examiner shall ensure that there is an interval of at least ten (10) seconds between the completion of the examinee's answer to a question and the beginning of the next question.
(8) The polygraph examiner shall not render a verbal or written opinion, based on chart analysis, until the examinee:
(9) The polygraph examiner shall ensure that the inquiry, investigation, and interview in a pre-employment or employment verification examination shall be restricted to questions relevant to the examinee's suitability for the position of employment.
(10) A polygraph examiner shall obtain signed notification from the examinee on a form prescribed by the Commissioner prior to the beginning of the examination. The notification shall include the following statements of understanding:
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-27-105, 62-27-111, 62-27-123, 62-27-125, 62-35-129, and 62-35-143.