Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 1150 - TN Boards of Occupational and Physical Therapy
Chapter 1150-02 - General Rules Governing the Practice of Occupational Therapy
Section 1150-02-.12 - CONTINUED COMPETENCE
Current through September 24, 2024
On January 1, 2006 the Board shall begin to notify applicants for licensure renewal of the continued competence requirements as provided in T.C.A. § 63-13-204(d). Effective January 1, 2022, the Board shall require each licensed occupational therapist and occupational therapy assistant to participate in a minimum number of activities to promote continued competence during the twenty-four (24) months that precede the licensure renewal month. The renewal cycle will begin the first day of the licensee's birthday month and continue to the last day of the month preceding the licensee's birthday month.
(1) The requirements for continued competence activities are defined as planned learning experiences that occur for occupational therapists and occupational therapist assistants. Content of the experiences must relate to a licensee's current or anticipated roles and responsibilities in occupational therapy. Qualified learning experiences may include theoretical or practical content related to the practice of occupational therapy; research; management; or the development, administration, supervision, and teaching of clinical practice or service delivery programs in occupational therapy. The purpose of this requirement is to assist in assuring safe and effective practices in the provision of occupational therapy services to the citizens of Tennessee.
(2) For applicants approved for initial licensure by examination, successfully completing the requirements of Rules 1150-02-.04, .05, and .08, as applicable, shall be considered proof of sufficient competence to constitute compliance with this rule for the initial period of licensure. The use of physical agent modalities by any licensee requires additional certification pursuant to Rule 1150-02-.04.
(3) Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy Assistants are required to complete twenty-four (24) continued competence credits for the two (2) calendar years (January 1 -December 31) that precede the licensure renewal year.
(4) Twelve (12) of the required twenty-four (24) continued competence credits must be directly related to the delivery of occupational therapy services.
(5) One (1) hour of the required twenty-four (24) continued competence credits shall pertain to the AOTA Code of Ethics or other ethics related continued competence activities which have implications for the practice of occupational therapy.
(6) One (1) hour of the required twenty-four (24) continued competence credits shall pertain to the occupational therapy portions of T.C.A. §§ 63-13-101, et seq., the Tennessee Occupational and Physical Therapy Practice Act, and shall pertain to Chapter 1150-02, General Rules Governing the Practice of Occupational Therapy.
(7) Suicide Prevention Training required under the "Kenneth and Madge Tullis, MD Suicide Prevention Training Act":
(8) Ten (10) hours of the required twenty-four (24) continued competence credits may pertain to the licensee's current or anticipated professional role or may be directly related to the delivery of occupational therapy services.
(9) Continued competence credits are awarded pursuant to the Activity Table in paragraph (12).
(10) Approved Continued Competence Activity Providers
(11) The Board does not pre-approve continued competence activities. It is the responsibility of the licensed occupational therapist and occupational therapist assistant to use his/her professional judgment in determining whether or not the activities are applicable and appropriate to his/her professional development and meet the standards specified in these rules.
(12) Activity Table (Per Two [2] Year Cycle)
Approved Activities |
Equivalency |
Max.Credits |
Documentation |
(a) |
Volunteer Services to organizations, populations, individuals, that advance the reliance on the use of one's OT skills and experiences. This excludes holding any elected or appointed offices. |
5 Hours Equals 1 Credit |
12 Credits |
Verification letter from organizations. Describe outcomes of volunteer service provided. (See guidelines on the Board's web page at th) |
(b) |
Attending workshops, seminars, lectures, professional conferences offered by approved providers such as TOTA, AOTA, AMA, ASHA, APTA, state OT associations and regulatory boards, IACET, or a 3rd party entity that reviews and approves the course and provider. |
1 Hour Equals 1 Credit |
24 Credits |
Certificates of attendance or letter from sponsor of course. |
(c) |
Attending workshops, seminars, lectures, professional conferences by other providers. |
1 Hour Equals 1 Credit |
12 Credits |
Certificates of attendance or letter from sponsor. |
(d) |
Attending employer-provided continuing education. |
1 Hour Equals 1 Credit |
12 Credits |
Attendance records or certificates with name, date of course. (Attending OSHA, CPR & Safety Courses required for maintaining employment are not acceptable.) |
(e) |
Attaining an OT specialty or board certification (i.e., Certified Hand Therapist.) |
10 Credits |
20 Credits |
Award of certification within the renewal cycle. |
(f) |
Making professional presentations at state, national or international workshops, seminars, and conferences. |
1 Hour Equals 2 Credits |
20 Credits |
Copy of presentation, or program listing. |
(g) |
Panel and/or poster presentations for state, national, or international workshops, seminars, and conferences. |
1 Presentation Equals 1 Credit |
12 Credits |
Copy of presentation, or program listing. |
(h) |
Publication of an OT article in non-peer-reviewed publication (e.g., OT Practice, SIS Quarterly, Advance, Community Newsletters, etc.) |
1 Article Equals 5 Credits |
20 Credits |
Copy of publication. |
(i) |
Publication of article in peer-reviewed professional publication (e.g., journals, book chapter, research paper) |
1 Article Equals 10 Credits |
20 Credits |
Copy of publication. |
(j) |
Publication of chapter(s) in occupational therapy or related professional textbook. |
1 Chapter Equals 10 Credits |
20 Credits |
Copy of text and original letter from editor. |
(k) |
Mentoring a licensed OT colleague to improve the skills of the protégé. (Mentor must be currently licensed). |
10 Hours Equals 2 Credits |
12 Credits |
Goals and objectives, analysis of protégé performance. (See guidelines) |
(l) |
Mentoring other professionals in good standing to improve the skills of the protégé. (Mentor must be currently licensed.) |
10 Hours Equals 2 Credits |
12 Credits |
Goals and objectives, analysis of protégé performance. (See guidelines) |
(m) |
Mentoring with other professionals in good standing to improve the skills of the protégé. (Protégé must be currently licensed.) |
10 Hours Equals 2 Credits |
12 Credits |
Goals and objectives established in collaboration with the mentor and selfanalysis of performance. (See guidelines) |
(n) |
Reflective occupational therapy practice in collaboration with an advanced licensed OT colleague to improve one's skill level. |
10 Hours Equals 2 Credits |
12 Credits |
Verification of skills obtained. Evaluation experience. Analysis of learning. (See guidelines) |
(o) |
Guest lecturer, teaching OT related academic course per semester (must not be one's primary role). For one time lecture use presentation value, see subparagraph (f). |
1 College Credit Hour Equals 6 Credits |
20 Credits |
Date, lecture or academic course title, name of institution, original letter from instructor regarding time spent in classroom, and course/lecture goals and objectives. |
(p) |
Independent reading peer-reviewed, role-related professional articles/chapters in textbook, and writing a report describing the implications for improving skills in one's specific role. Current copyright on textbook edition, which should not exceed 5 years at time of licensure renewal. Textbooks required to be read for academic courses or audit courses are not allowed. |
5 Articles and/or Chapters Equal 1 Credit |
12 Credits |
Annotated bibliography and analysis of how articles impacted improving skills in one's role. (See guidelines) |
(q) |
Providing professional inservice training and/or instruction for occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, and related professionals. |
1 Hour Equals 1 Credit |
12 Credits |
In-Service training attendance records, goals, and objectives with verification letter from supervisor. |
(r) |
Making presentations for local organizations/associations/ groups on OT related topic. (e.g., energy conservation, back care and prevention of injury.) |
1 Hour Equals 1 Credit |
12 Credits |
Date and location of presentation, copy of presentation or program listing; organization's contact person. |
(s) |
1. Level I fieldwork direct supervision OT or OTA (Not one's primary employment role.) |
1 Credit per Student Supervised |
12 Credits (A licensee may not receive more than 12 Credits for fieldwork supervision total.) |
Documentation required, name of student(s), letter of verification from school, dates of fieldwork. Cosupervision is acceptable; maintain dates & times when acting as primary student supervisor. Apply appropriate credits based on time spent supervising. |
2. Level II fieldwork direct supervision OT or OTA (Not one's primary employment role.) |
1 Credit per each week of supervision, per student supervised |
12 Credits (A licensee may not receive more than 12 Credits for fieldwork supervision total.) |
Documentation required, name of student(s), letter of verification from school, dates of fieldwork. Cosupervision is acceptable; maintain dates & times when acting as primary student supervisor. Apply appropriate credits based on time spent supervising. |
(t) |
Professional manuscript review (editing) for journals or textbooks. |
5 Hours Equals 1 Credit |
12 Credits |
Letter from publishing organization, verifying time spent. |
(u) |
Formal academic coursework |
1 Credit Hour per Semester Equals 10 Credits |
20 Credits |
Official transcript from an accredited educational institution. |
(v) |
Auditing formal academic coursework. |
15 Clock Hours Equals 2 Credits |
12 Credits |
Original letter from instructor regarding time in class or labs at accredited schools. Report by OT/OTA on learning objectives accomplished. |
(w) |
Professional study group/online study group designed to advance knowledge through active participation. |
3 Hours Equals 1 Credit |
20 Credits |
Group attendance records; study group goals; analysis of goal attainment and learning. (See guidelines) |
(x) |
Outcomes of self-assessment and professional development plan. |
2 Credits for SelfAssessment and Professional Development Plan |
2 Credits |
Acceptable documents include a completed formal self-assessment and professional development plan describing how goals were met and how they impacted competence and skills. |
(y) |
Extensive scholarly research activities, or extensive outcome studies (defined as research associated with, e.g., grants, post graduate studies, peer reviewed journals) |
10 Credits |
20 Credits |
Grant funding number, abstractexecutive summary and/or copies of the completed research/studies. |
(z) |
Collaborative or Clinical Research activities |
5 Credits |
10 Credits |
Executive summary and/or copies of the completed research studies or letter of verification from senior researcher or supervisor. |
(aa) |
Fellowship Training in specific area. |
10 Credits (Minimum 12 Weeks) |
12 Credits |
Certificate awarded from sponsoring organization to include dates and learning objectives. |
(bb) |
Independent learning/study (e.g., CE articles, video, audio, and/or online courses.) |
2 Hours Equals 1 Credit |
12 Credits |
CEUs, certificate of completion and # of contact hours awarded. |
(cc) |
Interactive online courses. |
1 Hour Equals 1 Credit |
12 Credits |
CEUs, certificate of completion and # of contact hours awarded. |
(dd) |
External self-study series. |
1 Hour Equals 1 Credit |
20 Credits |
Certificate of completion. |
(ee) |
Development of instructional materials using alternative media such as: video, audio and/or software programs to advance professional skills of others (not for proprietary use). |
5 Credits |
12 Credits |
Program description and media/software materials available if requested during validation process. |
(13) Documentation of compliance.
(14) Reinstatement/Reactivation of an Expired, Retired or Inactive License.
(15) The Board, in cases of documented illness, disability, or other undue hardship, may waive the continued competence requirements and/or extend the deadline to complete continued competence requirements. To be considered for a waiver of continued competence requirements, or for an extension of the deadline to complete the continued competence requirements, a licensee must request such in writing with supporting documentation before the end of the two (2) year period in which the continued competence requirements were not met.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 4-5-204, 63-1-125, 63-13-108, 63-13-204, 63-13-209, 63-13-210, and 6313-215.