Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 1130 - Board of Physician Assistants
Chapter 1130-02 - General Rules Governing the Practice of an Orthopedic Physician Assistant (Transferred from 0880-10)
Section 1130-02-.01 - DEFINITIONS
Current through September 24, 2024
As used in these rules, the following terms and acronyms shall have the following meaning ascribed to them:
(1) Advertising - Informational communication to the public in any manner to attract attention to the practice as an orthopedic physician assistant. Includes, but is not limited to business solicitation, with or without limiting qualifications, in a card, sign, or device issued to a person; in a sign or marking, in or on any building; or in any newspaper, magazine, directory, or other printed matter. Advertising also includes business solicitations communicated by individual, radio, video, or television broadcasting or other means designed to secure public attention.
(2) A.M.A. - When the acronym A.M.A. appears in the text of these rules, A.M.A. represents the American Medical Association.
(3) Applicant - Any individual seeking licensure by the Committee who has submitted an official application and paid the application fee.
(4) Board - The Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners.
(5) Closed Files - An administrative action which renders an incomplete or denied file inactive.
(6) Committee - The Committee on Physician Assistants (C.O.P.A.).
(7) Committee Administrative Office - The office of the administrator assigned to the Committee.
(8) Committee Designee - Any person who has received a written delegation of authority from the Committee to perform Committee functions subject to review and ratification by the Committee and the Board where provided by these rules.
(9) Consultant - Any person who has received a delegation of authority from the Committee to perform Committee functions subject to review and ratification by the Committee and Board where provided by these rules.
(10) Department - Tennessee Department of Health.
(11) Division - The Division of Health Related Boards, Tennessee Department of Health, from which the Committee receives administrative support.
(12) Fee - Money, gifts, services, or anything of value offered or received as compensation in return for rendering services; also, the required application fees.
(13) Good Moral Character - The quality of being well regarded in professional ethics.
(14) Graduate - An individual who has graduated from a C.O.P.A. approved orthopedic physician assistant program whose transcript shows that graduation has been completed.
(15) He/she Him/her - When "he" appears in the text of these rules, the word represents both the feminine and masculine genders.
(16) HRB - When the acronym HRB appears in the text of these rules, HRB represents the Health Related Boards.
(17) License - The document issued by the Committee to an applicant who has completed the licensure process.
(18) N.B.C.O.P.A - When the acronym N.B.C.O.P.A. appears in the text of these rules, N.B.C.O.P.A. represents the National Board for the Certification of Orthopedic Physician Assistants.
(19) O.P.A. - When the acronym O.P.A. appears in the text of these rules, O.P.A. represents Orthopedic Physician Assistant.
(20) Orthopedic Physician - A physician or surgeon licensed pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 63, Chapter 6 or 9, who is specialty trained as an orthopedic physician or surgeon.
(21) Person - Any individual, firm, corporation, partnership, organization, or body politic.
(22) Physician - Any physician licensed pursuant to T.C.A. Title 63, Chapters 6 or 9.
(23) T.A.P.A. - When the acronym T.A.P.A. appears in the text of these rules, T.A.P.A. represents the Tennessee Academy of Physician Assistants.
(24) Use of Title or Description - To hold oneself out to the public as having a particular status by means of stating on signs, mailboxes, address plates, telephone listings, stationery, announcements, business cards, or other means of professional identification.
(25) Written Evidence - Includes, but is not limited to, written verification from supervisors or other professional colleagues familiar with the applicant's work.
(26) Written Protocol - A jointly developed written statement by the supervising orthopedic physician and orthopedic physician assistant. Includes, but not limited to, problems and conditions likely to be encountered by the orthopedic physician assistant and the appropriate treatment for these problems and conditions. This protocol will establish a practice specific range of approved tasks, problems, and conditions. These protocols shall be signed by both the supervising orthopedic physician and the orthopedic physician assistant and reviewed at least every two (2) years.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 4-5-204, 63-1-107, 63-1-115, 63-6-216, 63-19-102, 63-19-103, 63-19-104, 63-19-201, 63-19-203, 63-19-204, 63-19-205, 63-19-210, and 68-1-701 and Public Chapter 565 of 2021.