Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 0780 - Commerce and Insurance
Subtitle 0780-02 - Division of Fire Prevention
Chapter 0780-02-23 - One and Two Family Dwellings and Townhouses
Section 0780-02-23-.07 - INSPECTIONS
Current through September 24, 2024
(1) Inspections of construction of one (1) family and two (2) family dwellings, townhouses begun after October 1, 2010, and additions thereto of thirty (30) square feet or more of interior space begun after October 1, 2011, will be conducted by deputy building inspectors appointed under contract with the Commissioner of Commerce and Insurance pursuant to T.C.A. § 68-120-101.
(3) It shall be the duty of the permit holder or agent thereof to notify the building inspector through the permit issuing agent that such work is ready for inspection. It shall be the duty of the person requesting any inspections required to provide access to and means for inspection of such work.
(4) Inspections shall be conducted in the order set out in paragraph (2) of this rule. Work shall not be done beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining approval of the building inspector. The building inspector, upon notification, shall make the requested inspections and shall either indicate the portion of the construction that is satisfactory as completed, or shall notify the permit holder or an agent of the permit holder wherein the same fails to comply with the adopted standards. Any portions that do not comply with the adopted codes and standards shall be corrected and such portions shall not be covered or concealed until authorized by the building inspector.
(5) The Commissioner of Commerce and Insurance, or designee, may waive an inspection if an inspection letter approving the work acceptable to the Division is signed and submitted by an architect or engineer currently registered in the state of Tennessee.
(6) Inspectors shall not inspect the work of family members or other relations where such inspection creates a conflict or the appearance of impropriety as determined by the Commissioner, or designee.
Authority: T.C.A. § 68-120-101(a), (b), and (d).