(1) To apply
for a certificate of authority, a pool shall file with the Commissioner an
application on a form adopted by the Commissioner, accompanied by a
non-refundable filing fee as set under T.C.A. §
56-4-101(a)(1). A
person in this state applying for a certificate of authority to act as a pool
shall, under penalty of refusal, suspension or revocation of the certificate of
authority, declare therein that the statements made in the application are
true, correct and complete to the best of the person's knowledge and belief
under penalty of perjury.
(2) An
application for a certificate of authority shall include the following
documentation, together with such other information or documentation as the
Commissioner may require:
(a) Organizational
documents and information.
1. The articles of
incorporation, trust agreement, or any other similar document from which the
pool is formed;
2. The by-laws of
the pool;
3. The mailing addresses
and physical location of all of the pool's offices in Tennessee, including the
address where the books and records of the pool will be located;
4. The name, address, and telephone number of
each member; and
5. Documentation
evidencing designation of the board of trustees, administrator, and, if
applicable, third party administrator.
(b) Written contracts.
1. All contracts between the pool and the
pool's expected administrator;
All contracts between the pool and the pool's expected third party
3. Any and all
royalty agreements or contracts;
Any and all service fee agreements or contracts; and
5. The errors and omissions insurance
policies for the board of trustees issued to protect the pool from damages, if
(c) Operational
1. Any operational and/or claims
manual to be used by the pool;
Documentation establishing the rate at which insurance producers will be
commissioned to solicit members to join the pool; and
3. Underwriting guidelines established by the
board of trustees.
Financial documents.
1. Documentation in a
form acceptable to the Commissioner evidencing the financial ability of the
pool to pay the obligations of the pool and to pay the workers' compensation
obligations of its members, as provided in this Chapter; and
2. Documentation evidencing proof of payment
to the pool by each member of the initial premium due for such member in an
amount of at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the member's first year
(e) Member
1. Each member's application for
membership into the pool;
Indemnity agreements between the pool and each member establishing each
member's joint and several liability to the pool for all expenses, liabilities,
and claims asserted against the pool by any person or entity;
3. Documentation evidencing the current
experience modifier of each member, if the member's premium size makes it
4. Documentation
evidencing loss run data for each member for the past four (4) years or loss
run data for all prior years the member has been in business, whichever is
less; and
5. A financial statement
for the most recent fiscal year ended over ninety (90) days prior to the
application and for each quarter ended more than thirty (30) days prior, if
such quarterly statement is available. The pool may file the following types of
financial statements in order to comply with this Rule:
(i) Audited financial statement prepared by a
certified public accountant;
Compilation report prepared by a certified public accountant;
(iii) Tennessee Franchise and Excise Tax
Return including Form 1120; or
Such other financial statements as the Commissioner may accept.
(f) Sponsoring
association documents.
1. The articles of
incorporation or other similar document from which the sponsoring association
is formed;
2. The by-laws,
constitution, and procedures of the sponsoring association;
3. Documentation evidencing the fact that the
sponsoring association has members that support the association by regular
payment of dues on an annual, semiannual, quarterly or monthly basis;
4. A certification signed by the president of
the sponsoring association that the association was created in good faith for
purposes other than that of creating a self-insurance pool; and
5. Documentation evidencing that the
sponsoring association has reviewed the pool's application for a certificate of
authority and believes and represents to the Commissioner that the statements
made in the application and the documents accompanying the application comply
with the sponsoring association's constitution, by-laws and procedures and
applicable state statutes and regulations.
(3) To obtain and maintain its certificate of
authority, a pool shall comply with the following requirements as well as any
other requirements established by law or regulation:
(a) Each pool shall provide proof to the
Commissioner that it is comprised of ten (10) or more employers of the same
trade or professional association, and that the member employers are engaged in
the same trade or profession as the other members.
1. The Commissioner may refuse to issue a
certificate of authority to a pool upon finding that the different class codes
which the pool would be self-insuring are of such diversity or type of risk
that it would not be in the interest of the members, the members' employees, or
the public to allow a pool to self-insure such diverse class codes.
2. The Commissioner may, after notice and
hearing, revoke the certificate of authority upon finding that the pool is
self-insuring class codes of such diversity and risk that it is not in the
interest of the members, the members' employees, or the public to allow a pool
to self-insure such diverse class codes. In lieu of revoking a pool's
certificate of authority, the Commissioner may order a pool to refuse an
application for membership, cancel, or non-renew a member upon making such
3. Pools that possess a
certificate of authority as of January 1, 2005, do not have to comply with
Subparagraph (a) except to the extent they accept new members after such
(b) Upon request
by the Commissioner, a pool shall provide proof of an ability to pay all
claims, liabilities and legal obligations of the pool, including all open
workers' compensation claims submitted by employees of the members of the pool.
Such proof shall be established by the following documents:
1. The pool's annual audited financial
reports. Such annual audited financial reports shall adhere to the requirements
for financial reports provided in Chapter 0780-1-65;
2. A certification from a qualified actuary
that the pool has adequately reserved for its losses, including those losses
that have been incurred but not reported;
3. Each member's financial condition in the
form of an annual audited financial statement, compilation report prepared by a
certified public accountant, a Tennessee Franchise and Excise Tax Return
including Form 1120, or such other financial statements as the Commissioner may
accept; and
4. Such other documents
the Commissioner finds relevant to determining whether the pool can pay all of
its claims, liabilities and legal obligations of the pool.
(c) Each pool shall obtain both a specific
and aggregate excess insurance policy in a form and amount acceptable to the
1. Each pool shall file with the
Commissioner a certification from a qualified actuary that the amount of
specific and aggregate excess insurance procured by the pool is actuarially
sound. A pool may forego the purchase of aggregate excess coverage if it is not
obtainable or if it provides no additional protection to the pool so long as
this decision is certified by a qualified actuary.
2. The Commissioner may disallow the use of a
specific and/or aggregate excess insurance policy upon determining it is not
sufficient to meet the pool's responsibilities. In making this determination,
the Commissioner may consider the pool's size, types of employments, years in
existence and other relevant factors.
(d) Each pool shall enter into indemnity
agreements with its members jointly and severally binding the pool and each
member thereof to meet the financial obligations of the pool.
1. The indemnity agreement shall be on a form
prescribed by the Commissioner and shall include minimum uniform substantive
provisions prescribed by the Commissioner.
2. Subject to the Commissioner's prior
written approval, a pool may add other provisions needed because of its
particular circumstances.
3. The
agreement shall be irrevocable for the period during and for which the member
receives workers' compensation coverage through the pool, shall bind any
successor in interest, and shall remain in effect as long as there is in this
State any obligation or liability of the pool.
(e) The pool has deposited with the
Commissioner, in a form approved by the Commissioner, one of the following
types of security in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to
be used for the payment of claims in the event the pool becomes insolvent:
1. Negotiable securities;
2. Certificates of deposit;
3. Letters of credit; or
4. Surety bonds.
(f) Each pool shall have an estimated annual
standard premium of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000) in order to
obtain and maintain a certificate of authority.
(g) The Commissioner may require a pool to
submit any documents necessary to verify the information contained in or
documents submitted with the application.
(4) Before approving an application for a
certificate of authority filed under this Rule, the Commissioner shall find
that the person applying:
(a) Has not
committed any act that is a ground for denial, suspension or revocation set
forth in Rule 0780-01-54-.22;
Has the financial ability to pay the obligations of the pool and to pay the
workers' compensation obligations of its members;
(c) Has complied with all requirements for
obtaining and maintaining a certificate of authority issued to a pool by the
Commissioner; and
(d) Has paid the
fees set forth in this Rule.
(5) In the event the Commissioner determines
that an applicant does not qualify for a certificate of authority, the
Commissioner shall notify the applicant in writing of the denial and the basis