Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 0780 - Commerce and Insurance
Subtitle 0780-01 - Insurance Division
Chapter 0780-01-49 - Relating to Government Tort Liability
Section 0780-01-49-.04 - POOLING AGREEMENT
All pools formed pursuant to T.C.A. §29-20-401 shall have formal pooling agreements which contain all provisions specified by T.C.A. § 12-9-104. Such agreements shall also be approved by the Attorney General of the State of Tennessee as provided for by T.C.A. §12-9-104. All pooling agreements made and entered into pursuant to T.C.A. §29-20-401 or all plans, agreements or contracts between the pool and the governmental entities participating therein shall contain provisions which require all governmental entities participating in or benefiting from said pooling agreement to remain liable for their proportionate share of all losses incurred by the pool during their membership or participation in the pool, regardless of their withdrawal from, or the complete termination of, the pooling agreement.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 29-20-401 and 12-9-101.