(1) General
Information. The THDA must verify all information that is used to establish
eligibility and the level of assistance. The THDA is also required to obtain
the consent of each adult household member to collect this information.
Applicants and program participants must cooperate with the verification
process as a condition of receiving assistance. The THDA will not pass on the
cost of verification to the household. Once consent is secured, the
verification of eligibility factors, included income sources, asset sources,
and deductions and allowances is gathered. Verification policies, rules, and
procedures will be modified as needed to accommodate persons with disabilities
in accordance with the THDA's reasonable accommodation policy. For more
information see the section on Disability, 0770-01-05-.30.
(2) Verification Process.
(a) Consent to Release Information.
1. The household must supply any information
that the THDA or HUD determines is necessary to the administration of the
program and must consent to the THDA's verification of that information
(24 C.F.R.
2. Forms.
(i) HUD-9886, Authorization for Release of
Information. At initial eligibility determination and at any recertification or
relocation, all adult household members are required to sign this form. The
purpose of this form is to facilitate automated data collection and computer
matching from specific sources, such as employers. This form provides household
consent only for the specific purposes specified. HUD and the THDA may collect
information from State Wage Information Collection Agencies (SWICAs), other
wage matching systems, and current and former employers of adult household
members. Only HUD is authorized to collect information directly from other
federal agencies.
(ii) The THDA
Authorization for Release of Information. This form must also be signed by
every adult household member at initial eligibility determination and at any
recertification or relocation. This form allows the THDA to collect information
from sources not included on the HUD-9886, such as child care providers,
medical professionals and educational institutions.
(iii) Once signed, both release forms are
considered active for fifteen (15) months.
(iv) Adult household members may be asked to
sign additional and specific consent forms as needed to collect information
relevant to the household's eligibility and level of
3. Penalties
for Failing to Consent (24
C.F.R. 5.232). If any household member who is
required to sign a consent form fails to do so, the THDA will deny admission to
applicants and terminate assistance of participants for failure to cooperate
with the verification process. The household may request an informal review in
accordance with the THDA procedures.
(b) Personal Declaration. Once consent is
secured, verification of eligibility factors, including income source(s), asset
source(s), and deduction/allowances is gathered. The THDA requires the head of
household to complete and all adult household members must sign the Personal
Declaration form in their own handwriting verifying eligibility information at
the time of application and when any changes in household income or composition
take place (recertification). The Personal Declaration form completed by the
family is used to guide the verification process and determine sources of
income, assets, deduction/allowance qualification and eligibility factors.
1. The head of household must discuss the
questions with other adult household members as the form is completed to ensure
that true and complete information for every household member is
2. The Personal
Declaration includes a household expense section. The section is included as an
anti-fraud measure. The THDA is required to compare current, paid expenses to
reported income. If a discrepancy is noted where current, paid expenses are
higher than reported income, the family must provide information on additional
income sources available to pay expenses.
3. The Personal Declaration is placed in the
tenant file and will be used to assist in the completion of the Form
(c) HUD's
Verification Hierarchy. HUD authorizes the THDA to use five methods to verify
household information and specifies the circumstances in which each method will
be used. In general, HUD requires the use of the most reliable form of
verification that is available and to document the reasons when the THDA uses a
lesser form of verification. In order of priority, the forms of verification
that may be used are Up-Front Income Verification (UIV) whenever available,
Computer-Generated Documents from third-party sources, Third-Party Written
Verification, Third-Party Oral Verification, and Self-Certification.
1. Up-Front Income Verification (UIV). UIV
refers to the THDA's use of the verification tools available from independent
sources that maintain computerized information about earnings and benefits. UIV
will be used to the extent that these systems are available to the THDA.
(i) The THDA restricts access to and
safeguards UIV data in accordance with HUD guidance on security procedures, as
issued and made available by HUD.
(ii) There may be legitimate differences
between the information provided by the household and UIV-generated
information. No adverse action can be taken against a participant until the
THDA has independently verified the UIV information and the participant has
been granted an opportunity to contest any adverse findings through the THDA's
informal review/hearing process.
(iii) The THDA currently utilizes the
following sources of UIV:
(I) Enterprise
Income Verification (EIV) System. HUD maintains this system to collect
employment and social security information for Housing Choice Voucher
participants. An EIV report must be attempted for every participant during
reexaminations. EIV is not available at initial eligibility.
I. Social Security Reports in EIV. Social
security information in EIV is updated quarterly, therefore, supplemental
information is not necessary unless the tenant disputes the EIV report. If the
participant disputes the EIV report, they must provide a current benefit letter
from the Social Security Administration (SSA), dated within sixty (60) days of
a request by the THDA, to supplement the EIV report information.
II. Employment Reports in EIV. EIV data is
updated quarterly, therefore, is not current for employment income. EIV may be
used to calculate past income, but may not be used to calculate current income
and rent without supplemental documents, preferably computer-generated
documents or third-party documentation. If the participant disputes EIV,
written third-party verification of the income source disputed must be
initiated. Written third-party verification may also be required to supplement
EIV, rather than computer-generated documents, if the THDA determines that
additional information is necessary to determine income and rent.
III. Acceptable Documents to Supplement EIV
Information for Employment Income.
A. The four
(4) most recent, consecutive, pay stubs showing employee's gross pay per pay
period and frequency of pay. If the participant has been employed for less than
four (4) pay periods, they may provide all of the pay stubs they have received,
up to the date of the reexamination appointment, in consecutive
B. Letter from the employer
to confirm effective dates of employment and other pertinent
C. Computer-generated
payroll report.
Computer-generated letter or report from the unemployment office to confirm
benefit status and payments; or
The most recent four (4) unemployment pay stubs. If the participant has been
unemployed for less than four (4) pay periods, they may provide all of the pay
stubs they have received up to the date of the reexamination appointment in
consecutive order.
(II) ACCENT. The Tennessee Department of
Human Services (DHS) maintains a computer database, ACCENT, which includes
income, asset and household composition records for families receiving TANF,
food stamps and other transitional benefits through Tennessee's Families First
program. The THDA has been given permission by DHS to access certain records
through ACCENT as a UIV source.
(III) DHS Child Support Payment System. The
Tennessee Department of Human Services maintains a web-based Child Support
Payment System for child support payments paid through the court system. The
system is located at
The THDA has access to this system when the participant provides a member
identification number and/or when any member of the household receives other
DHS benefits available for review through the ACCENT system.
(IV) Third-party, private contractors
contracted by the THDA to provide income data collected from
(V) The State Wage
Information Collection Agency (SWICA). SWICA reports for employment and
unemployment records are available to the THDA currently for a charge per
household member record. Due to the cost of these records, it is currently
financially prohibitive for the THDA to access a SWICA record for each
household member. Therefore, the THDA will request SWICA information only
during fraud investigations.
Other web-based systems for document retrieval, such as the State of Tennessee,
Comptroller of the Treasury, Real Estate Assessment Data
Computer-Generated Documents (from third-party sources). The THDA will use
certain computer-generated documents as a source of third-party information.
The participant may provide the computer-generated documents if the document is
an original, or clearly an authentic copy that has not been altered, damaged,
or made illegible in any way and the source of the document is clearly
identified. Where possible, the THDA staff may also assist the family with
printing or requesting verification documents from web resources, such as
online statements available from the unemployment provider or benefit letters
from the SSA. Computer-generated documents may be used to supplement EIV
reports or in some cases to replace third-party written verification.
(i) The following documents are acceptable
examples of computer generated documents:
The four (4) most recent, consecutive, pay stubs showing employee's gross pay
per pay period and frequency of pay. If the participant has been employed for
less than four (4) pay periods, they may provide all of the pay stubs they have
received, up to the date of the reexamination appointment, in consecutive
(II) Payroll reports from
(III) Unemployment
Benefit Letters or web-based printouts of unemployment benefits.
(IV) SSA Benefit Letters.
(V) Childcare provider statements, such as
those provided to persons for flexible spending account documentation (for
child care deduction).
(VI) Printed
statements from medical providers documenting medical appointments or costs
(for medical deductions).
Pharmacy print-outs (for medical deductions).
(VIII) Printed statements from medical
insurers, life insurance companies, investment managers (401K or other
investment income), and other printed statements.
(IX) Bank statements (for
(ii) At the
THDA's sole discretion, a self-certification will be acceptable as the only
means of verification if the service charge for a computer-generated document
is more than $5. The cost of verification will not be passed on to the
applicant or participant.
3. Third-Party Written and Oral Verification.
If UIV or appropriate computer-generated documents from a third-party source
are not available to verify income, a case note should be made in the
participant's file on the Verification Tracking form and third-party
verification should be attempted. If EIV information is disputed, the THDA will
also initiate third-party verification.
The THDA will make one third-party written and one third-party oral
verification attempt before using a tenant self-certification.
(I) Third-Party Written Verification. The
THDA may mail, fax, e-mail or hand deliver third-party written verification
requests using the THDA forms and will accept third-party responses using any
of these methods. The THDA will send a written request for verification to each
required source and give the source fourteen (14) calendar days to respond in
writing. If a response has not been received by the deadline, the THDA will
attempt third-party oral verification.
(II) Third-Party Oral Verification. The THDA
will attempt third-party oral verification by placing one call. If there is no
return call by the 3rd business day from the last call, then a participant
self-certification will be used.
(III) A record of each attempt to contact the
third-party source, including no-answer calls and all successful contacts with
the source, will be documented in the participant's file on the Verification
Tracking form to ensure that all reasonable attempts are made to receive the
highest level of verification. For third-party oral verification, the name and
title of the person contacted, the date and time of the conversation or
attempt, the telephone number used, and any information provided orally will be
documented. A THDA staff member will fill out the appropriate verification form
with the information provided and will make a note in the file. The staff
member may choose to review tenant-provided documents if any question of the
information exists.
If the deadlines for submission are not met, the THDA will use the information
from the participant's self-certification, in particular the Personal
Declaration, on a provisional basis. If the THDA later receives third-party
verification that differs from the amounts used in income and rent
determinations and it is past the deadline for processing the reexamination,
the THDA will conduct an interim reexamination to adjust the figures used for
the reexamination. The household will not be held responsible for late
third-party information, but they will be responsible for repaying HAP and UAP
due to underreporting.
(iii) The
THDA will determine that third-party verification is not available when it is
known that an income source does not have the ability to provide written or
oral third-party verification.
The THDA will also determine that third-party verification is not available if
the asset or expense involves an insignificant amount, making it not
cost-effective or reasonable to obtain third-party verification and when there
is a service charge for verifying an asset or expense and the household has
original documents or copies of original documents that provide the necessary
Self-Certification. When information cannot be verified by a UIV source,
computer-generated documents from a third-party source, or third-party methods,
household members will be required to submit self-certifications attesting to
the accuracy of the information they have provided to the THDA, unless the
information is clearly certified on the Personal Declaration. The information
contained in the Personal Declaration is considered a self-certification. The
household may be asked to provide a separate handwritten statement in some
cases. The self-certification must be written in the household member's
handwriting and signed by the household member whose information or status is
being verified.
(i) In a case where the head
of household cannot or will not provide the contact information for persons
providing regular family support/contributions, a self-certification of the
income amount and frequency may be accepted from the head of
(ii) The THDA may
require a household to certify that a member does not receive a particular type
of income or benefit.
(d) Requirements for Acceptable Documents.
1. Any documents used for verification must
be made from an original and appear authentic. The documents must not be
damaged, altered or illegible in any way.
2. A certification is not considered complete
and will not be processed until all required verifications have been received
by the THDA. Failure to comply with the certification process may result in
termination of assistance.
3. When
verifications are received, they must be date stamped on the date of
4. All verifications,
along with the authorizations for release of information, must be placed in the
tenant file.
5. When determining
eligibility and at initial move-in, documents generally must be dated within
sixty (60) calendar days prior to initial issuance of a voucher, if
6. Documents provided by
the participant or computer-generated documents should be dated within the past
sixty (60) calendar days of the request date for the information. However, it
is appropriate to accept documents older than sixty days as long as the income
calculation includes documents within the past sixty days.
7. Interim and recertification (annual and
relocation) verification documents usually must be dated within one hundred
twenty (120) calendar days of the recertification date. If a document
represents the most recent scheduled report from a source, the THDA will accept
documents dated up to six (6) months before the effective date of the
household's recertification.
8. For
documents that cannot be copied for various reasons (including government
checks), the THDA will verify the information, source, date, check number,
9. Any self-certifications
must be made in a format acceptable to the THDA. Any information contained in
the Personal Declaration is considered to be a self-certification when other
verification attempts fail.
10. The
verification must be reasonable and acceptable to the THDA. If verification
furnished by the applicant or tenant appears to be unreasonable or
questionable, the THDA will make every effort to assist the applicant or tenant
in providing adequate verification. If the needed verifications continue to be
unreasonable or unacceptable, the THDA may not process the change until
verification as outlined by the verification hierarchy is obtained, at which
time assistance may be denied or terminated.
(e) File Documentation. The THDA must
document, in each participant's file, how the figures used in income and rent
calculations were determined. All verification attempts, information obtained,
and decisions reached during the verification process will be recorded in the
file in sufficient detail to demonstrate that the THDA has followed all of the
verification policies set forth in this plan. The record should be sufficient
to enable a staff member or HUD reviewer to understand the process followed and
conclusions reached. Staff will use the Verification Tracking form to document
verification attempts when a UIV, computer-generated document or third-party
verification is not available. Verification attempts and the barriers to
obtaining verifications will be documented on this form.
(3) Verification Documentation Requirements.
(a) Waiting List Preferences Eligibility.
Participants who claim a local preference must furnish documentation verifying
their eligibility for each individual preference.
1. Involuntary Displacement Due to Natural
Disaster Preference. See §
2. In-State Residency
Preference. See §
3. Elderly or Disabled Families
Preference. See §
(b) Legal
Identity/Age. See 0770-01-05-.11(5)(a).
(c) Family Composition. See
(d) Income
Limits. See 0770-01-05-.12 and 0770-01-05-.19.
(e) Provision of Social Security Numbers. See
(f) Citizenship.
See 0770-01-05-.13.
(g) Student
Status. See 0770-01-05-.15.
Debt to Another Public Housing Authority. See 0770-01-05-.16(5).
(i) Drug or Criminal Activity. See
(j) Eviction
from Public Housing. See 0770-01-05-.16(6).
(k) Verification of Existence of a Disability
and Disability Accommodations. See 0770-01-05-.30.
(l) Minimum Rent Exception. See
(m) Violence
Against Women Act (VAWA). See 0770-01-05-.30.