Current through December 26, 2024
The following shall constitute minimum standards required to be
furnished on a nondiscriminatory basis to all students before any school will
be granted a license:
(1) Staff
(a) Program Director. Each school shall at
all times be under the direction and supervision of a licensed practicing
electrologist, who also is licensed as an electrology instructor and who is
recognized by the Council of Electrolysis Education or the National
Electrolysis Organization or an equivalent organization. The program director
of each school shall be responsible for the organization, administration,
development, and general effectiveness of the electrolysis training
(b) Instructional Staff.
Any person teaching in the school of electrology shall meet the qualifications
for and be licensed pursuant to T.C.A. §
63-26-112 as an electrology
Facilities - All buildings where courses of instruction are being conducted
must comply with all municipal, county, state, and federal regulations as to
fire, safety, health, and sanitation codes or regulations.
(3) Equipment
(a) Each electrology school shall maintain
the following equipment on the school's premises at all times:
1. One high frequency or thermolysis
2. One galvanic or
electrolysis machine or one combination machine;
3. One dozen epilation probes or needles of
size 002, 003, 004;
4. Adequate
lamps and light bulbs for illuminating treatment areas;
5. Treatment table and chair for patients and
adjustable stool for operator;
6. A
towel and utility cabinet;
Covered containers for all lotions, soaps, sterilizing agents, cotton swabs and
tissues necessary for electrolysis treatment;
8. Fine pointed epilation forceps;
9. Sterilization equipment
sufficient to insure against the spread of infectious diseases.
(b) All equipment shall be
maintained in good working order and shall be updated as required.
(4) Curriculum
(a) A person wishing to obtain board approval
for a school of electrology shall provide and maintain a course of study of at
least 600 hours, 175 hours of theory and 425 hours of clinical practice
training. The curriculum for a school of electrology shall include the
Subject Hours
Electrology Theory
(i) General Orientation 3
(I) History of Electrology
(II) School Program/School Rules
(III) State law and regulations
(ii) Causes of Hair Problems 15
(iii) Structure of Hair and Skin 27
(IV) Histology of Lilosebaceous Unit
I. Types of hair structure
II. Follicle structure - lanugo,
III. Hair
(iv) Neurology and Angilogy 10
(I) Central Nervous System
(v) Microbiology, Bacteriology and
disinfecting, Hygiene 10
(I) Pathogenic and
(IV) Methods of
Principles of Electricity and Equipment 10
(vii) Modalities of Electrology 75
(I) Electrolysis
II. Multiple needle method
(viii) General Treatment Procedure 15
(ix) Development of a Practice 10
(I) Office procedures and
(II) Bookkeeping and
(III) Public relations
and advertising
2. Clinical Experience (Supervised)
(i) The clinical experience shall consist of
actual electrolysis treatments applied to the following areas of the human
anatomy for at least the following specified number of hours:
(I) Legs {including lower legs, thighs,
knees, and toes) 90
(II) Arms
(including lower and upper arms, elbows , and fingers) 90
(III) Face including chin, checks, skin area
around the eyes, lips, nose, forehead and ears) 155
(IV) Torso (including throat, napeline,
underarm, chest, breast, back and abdomen) 90
(ii) Hours spent in clinical treatment of
(I) Students shall adhere to the
following limitations in the clinical treatment of patients with electrolysis:
I. No more than two (2) hours per day during
the first fifty (50) hours of the required 425 hours of clinical treatment of
electrolysis patients;
II. No more
than three (3) hours per day during the next 200 hours of such clinical work;
III. No more than four (4)
hours per day during the remaining hours of such clinical work;
IV. No student shall engage at any one time
in the continuous clinical treatment of an electrolysis patient in excess of
one and one half hours.
(b) Each electrology school shall at all
times provide a curriculum necessary to satisfy the instruction and clinical
experience required in electrolysis necessary for licensure as provided for in
these rules.
(c) In performing the
electrolysis treatment specified in this rule, due consideration must be given
to the various positions and techniques of electrolysis treatment as well as
the relative skin conditions before and after electrolysis treatment.
(5) Student Practice
(a) A school shall not permit a student with
less than 120 hours of training to perform electrology services on the public.
The 120 school hours shall consist of not less than 35 classroom theory hours
and not less than 85 hours of practical study.
(b) A student, before receiving a license,
shall not practice electrology on the public outside the school.
(c) Identification. Students and limited
license trainees shall be required to wear a name badge indicating
(d) A student practicing
on the public outside the school or outside the approved limited license
training program may be deemed ineligible to take the state board
(6) Student
(a) A school shall keep permanent
records of students which shall be maintained not less than five years after
termination of training. The record will include all of the following:
1. A summary of the student's attendance
2. A summary of the
student's training
3. The date of
the student's enrollment
4. The
student's final grades and completion date
5. A copy of the student's contract
(b) A school shall keep temporary
records of students which shall be maintained for two (2) years after the
termination of training and which shall include the following:
1. The daily attendance record
2. A daily record of the type of services and
practical applications performed
(7) Fees for treatment by electrolysis
performed by a student are prohibited. No electrology school or student
enrolled in such school shall directly or indirectly accept any remuneration or
make any charge for services rendered to patients by the students of such
school, provided; however, a nominal charge may be made to cover expenses of
equipment and materials used in the treatment of such patients.
(8) Restriction on training time period.
(a) No student shall be permitted to spend
time in training, in excess of five (5) days per week and six (6) hours per
(b) All students, including
limited license trainees, shall have completed the electrology theory and
clinical training within a twelve (12) month time frame from the date
(9) Completion
of Training. Upon completion of the training:
(a) The program director must submit to the
Board's administrative office sufficient evidence documenting that the student
has satisfactorily completed the course curriculum pursuant to this rule;
(b) The student must apply for
licensure pursuant to Rule 0540-01-.05.
(10) Posting of board Law and Rules and
Regulations. Each school shall routinely obtain a copy of the Board's law and
rules to be posted in a conspicuous place within the school.
(11) School records shall be open to
inspection and photo copying by the Board upon reasonable notice and during
business hours.
Authority: T.C.A. §§
4-5-204, 63-26-108, 63-26-111, and