Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 0540 - Electrolysis Examiners
Chapter 0540-01 - General Rules Governing Electrology, Electrologists, and Electrology Instructors
Current through December 26, 2024
(1) Whenever a person holding a limited electrologist license changes employers, he is responsible for notifying the Board's office in writing within ten days of such change.
(2) The limited license holder shall notify the Board's administrative office in writing prior to beginning employment. Such notification must contain the following information: The limited license holder's name, limited license number, limited license expiration date, social security number, business address and telephone number. This notification must be received in the Board's administrative office on or before the tenth day following employment.
(3) In conjunction with the limited license holder's notification of employment, the supervising dermatologist shall submit to the Board's administrative office an affidavit that he accepts responsibility for providing direct supervision to the limited license holder.
(4) Upon termination of employment, the dermatologist and limited license holder shall notify the Board providing the following information: Limited license holder's name, license number, social security number, and date of termination.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 4-5-204, 63-26-108, 63-26-111, and 63-26-119.