Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 0540 - Electrolysis Examiners
Chapter 0540-01 - General Rules Governing Electrology, Electrologists, and Electrology Instructors
Current through December 26, 2024
The purpose of this paragraph is to define disciplinary actions that the Board may impose on licensees.
(1) Upon a finding by the Board that an electrologist or electrology instructor has violated any provision of the Tennessee Electrologists Practice Act (T.C.A. §§ 3-26-101, et. seq.) or the rules promulgated pursuant thereto, the Board may impose any of the following actions separately or in any combination deemed appropriate to the offense:
(2) Once ordered, probation, suspension, revocation, assessment of a civil penalty, or any other condition of any type of disciplinary action may not be lifted unless and until the licensee petitions, pursuant to paragraph (3) of this rule, and appears before the Board after the period of initial probation, suspension, revocation, or other conditioning has run and all conditions placed on the probation, suspension, revocation, have been met, and after any civil penalties assessed have been paid.
(3) Order of Compliance - This procedure is a necessary adjunct to previously issued disciplinary orders and is available only when a petitioner has completely complied with the provisions of a previously issued disciplinary order, including an unlicensed practice civil penalty order, and wishes or is required to obtain an order reflecting that compliance.
Petition for Order of Compliance
Board of Electrolysis Examiners
Petitioner's Name: ________________________
Petitioner's Mailing Address: ________________________
Petitioner's E-Mail Address: ________________________
Telephone Number: ________________________
Attorney for Petitioner: ________________________
Attorney's Mailing Address: ________________________
Attorney's E-Mail Address: ________________________
Telephone Number: ________________________
The petitioner respectfully represents, as substantiated by the attached documentation, that all provisions of the attached disciplinary order have been complied with and I am respectfully requesting: (circle one)
Note - You must enclose all documents necessary to prove your request including a copy of the original order. If any of the proof you are relying upon to show compliance is the testimony of any individual, including yourself, you must enclose signed statements from every individual you intend to rely upon attesting, under oath, to the compliance. The Board's consultant and administrative staff, in their discretion, may require such signed statements to be notarized. No documentation or testimony other than that submitted will be considered in making an initial determination on, or a final order in response to, this petition.
Respectfully submitted this the____day of_________________, 20___.
Petitioner's Signature
(4) Order Modifications - This procedure is not intended to allow anyone under a previously issued disciplinary order, including an unlicensed practice civil penalty order, to modify any findings of fact, conclusions of law, or the reasons for the decision contained in the order. It is also not intended to allow a petition for a lesser disciplinary action, or civil penalty other than the one(s) previously ordered. All such provisions of Board orders were subject to reconsideration and appeal under the provisions of the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act (T.C.A. §§ 4-5-301, et seq.). This procedure is not available as a substitute for reconsideration and/or appeal and is only available after all reconsideration and appeal rights have been either exhausted or not timely pursued. It is also not available for those who have accepted and been issued a reprimand.
Petition for Order Modification
Board of Electrolysis Examiners
Petitioner's Name: _______________________
Petitioner's Mailing Address: _______________________
Petitioner's E-Mail Address: _______________________
Telephone Number: _______________________
Attorney for Petitioner: _______________________
Attorney's Mailing Address: _______________________
Attorney's E-Mail Address: _______________________
Telephone Number: _______________________
The petitioner respectfully represents that for the following reasons, as substantiated by the attached documentation, the identified provisions of the attached disciplinary order are impossible for me to comply with:
Note - You must enclose all documents necessary to prove your request including a copy of the original order. If any of the proof you are relying upon to show impossibility is the testimony of any individual, including yourself, you must enclose signed and notarized statements from every individual you intend to rely upon attesting, under oath, to the reasons why compliance is impossible. No documentation or testimony other than that submitted will be considered in making an initial determination on, or a final order in response to, this petition.
Respectfully submitted this the____day of_________, 20____.
Petitioner's Signature
(5) Civil Penalties
(6) Informal Settlements - The Board consultant is authorized to enter into informal settlement agreements pursuant to Rule 0540-01-.19 under which a complaint against an individual may be closed without any disciplinary action. Any matter proposed for informal settlement must be subsequently ratified by the full Board before it will become effective. Such agreement may include any terms deemed appropriate by the Board consultant including, but not limited to:
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-101, 4-5-202, 4-5-204, 4-5-217, 4-5-223, 63-1-122, 63-1-134, 63-26-108, 63-26121, and 63-26-123.