(1) If the program provides meals, the
program shall provide developmentally appropriate meals, snacks, and drinks for
each child that are of sufficient proportions and nutritional value to meet
each child's health needs in accordance with the following minimum
(a) For children in the agency
at least four (4) hours, one (1) snack shall be provided, unless the four (4)
hour period covers a normal meal hour, in which case a meal shall be served.
However, if the child is fed their meal at home or in school, the child shall
be served two (2) snacks in lieu of a meal.
(b) Children in care five (5) to six (6)
hours shall be provided one (1) meal and one (1) or two (2) snacks. However, if
the child is fed their meal at home or in school, the child shall be served two
(2) snacks in lieu of a meal.
Children in care seven (7) to ten (10) hours shall be provided one (1) meal and
one (1) or two (2) snacks.
Children in care for longer than ten (10) hours shall be provided two (2)
complete meals and one (1) or two (2) snacks.
(e) A meal shall be provided to children who
arrive before 7:00 a.m. and who have not had breakfast at home.
(f) Foods high in sugar and/or fat content
but containing low nutritional value, shall not be served.
(g) All special needs diets shall be prepared
as prescribed by a physician or by the written instructions of the
(h) In order for parents to
be aware of the food their children are receiving, the week's menus shall be
planned and posted by the first day of each week and remain posted throughout
the week. These menus shall be followed, although reasonable substitutions are
permissible, if the substituted food contains the same nutrients. Any change
shall be documented in advance of the meal.
(i) Food shall not be forced on or withheld
from children.
(j) Programs must
establish a feeding schedule for infants.
(k) Bottled breast milk, infant bottles, and
formula shall not be heated in a microwave.
(l) Infants must be held while bottle
(m) Children shall not be
permitted to carry a bottle with them throughout the day.
(2) The following rules shall be followed for
meal service:
(a) Teachers and children shall
wash their hands with soap and water.
(b) High chairs and tables on which food is
prepared and served shall be washed with soap and water and sanitized prior to
and after snacks and meals.
Floors under tables and high chairs on which food is served shall be swept
and/or vacuumed after each meal and cleaned as needed.
(d) Solid foods (including cereal) shall not
be given in bottles or with infant feeders to children with normal eating
abilities unless authorized by a physician. Violation of this rule may result
in suspension, revocation or denial of the agency's ability under its
certificate of approval to provide infant care.
(e) To avoid choking, foods shall be
appropriately sized for the eating and chewing abilities of children.
(f) At mealtime, children shall be seated at
appropriately sized tables and chairs, and adults shall supervise
(3) The following
guidelines shall be followed for formula and food brought from home:
(a) All formulas and food brought from home
shall be labeled with the child's name.
(b) Milk shall be placed immediately in the
(c) Once milk has
been warmed, it shall not be re-warmed or returned to the
(d) For optimum
digestion, formula is to be served at body temperature.
(e) Frozen breast milk shall be dated when
(f) All formulas
remaining in bottles after feeding shall be discarded.
(g) Previously opened baby food jars shall
not be accepted in the center. If food is fed directly from the jar by the
teacher, the jar shall be used for only one feeding.
(4) Microwaves, bottle warmers, and crock
pots shall be only used by adults and shall not be accessible to children. All
devices shall be used on the lowest setting. Children shall not be held while
removing a bottle from crock pot or warming device.
(5) Infants shall be held while being fed as
long as they are unable to sit in a high chair, an infant seat, or at the
(6) Children shall always be
restrained in the high chair manufacturer's restraint device while sitting in a
high chair. Children who are too small or are too large to be restrained using
the manufacturer's restraint device shall not be placed in a high
(7) When children are
capable of using a high chair, they shall be allowed to do so and to experiment
with food, with feeding themselves, and to eat with fingers or spoon.
(8) Children shall never be left without
adult supervision while eating.
The following rules for food storage shall be followed:
(a) Potentially hazardous foods requiring
cold storage shall be maintained at forty-five (45) degrees Fahrenheit (F) or
below, and accurate thermometers for measurement of the food temperature shall
be kept in the refrigerators where such food is stored.
(b) Potentially hazardous food requiring hot
storage shall be maintained at an internal temperature of one-hundred forty
(140) degrees F or above.
Frozen foods shall be maintained at a temperature of zero (0) degrees F or
(d) Thermometers shall be
placed in all freezers and all other cold storage equipment.
(e) All dry food supplies shall be stored in
closed containers. These foods shall be stored in a manner to prevent possible
contamination and to allow for proper cleaning of the storage area. Containers
of food shall be stored at a minimum of six (6) inches above the floor or on
movable dollies.
(f) All food shall
be protected from contamination during storage, preparation, transportation,
and serving.
(g) No poisonous or
toxic materials except those required for sanitization purposes may be used or
stored in a food-service area of a facility.
(10) The following rules for food sanitation
shall be followed:
(a) Raw fruits and
vegetables shall be washed before use.
(b) Utensils shall be thoroughly cleaned and
sanitized after each use. Single-service utensils shall be made from non-toxic
materials and shall be discarded following use.
(c) Milk and food shall not be placed on the
table longer than fifteen (15) minutes prior to the beginning of the meal to
avoid contamination and spoilage.