Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 0465 - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Subtitle 0465-03 - Office of Administrative Appeals
Section 0465-03-.16 - FILING OF DOCUMENTS
Current through December 26, 2024
(1) To be considered timely filed, all documents required to be filed by a date certain with the OAA shall be filed by delivering such materials in person or in any other manner, including mail or hand delivery, fax or email, provided they are actually received by the OAA during normal business hours and within the required time period. For purposes of these rules, normal business hours are between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. C.S.T. Monday through Friday, excluding state and federal holidays.
(2) All documents required to be filed with the OAA shall be stamped with the date of receipt; provided, however, that if a document is hand delivered or sent by fax or email after hours or on a weekend or holiday, it shall be deemed received on the date of the next business day and will be date-stamped with that date. A copy of any document sent by fax or email for filing will be deemed an original document and maintained in the file.
(3) All requests for appeals received by the OAA shall be acknowledged in writing. The acknowledgement shall be sent, within three (3) business days of receipt of the request, by mail or by email to the address(es) provided by the appellant.
(4) For documents required to be filed with the APD in a contested case, the APD's rules and procedures are applicable.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-3-103; 4-3-2708; 4-5-101, et seq.; 4-5-301, et seq.; 33-1-302; 33-1-303; 33-1-305; and 33-1-309.