Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 0465 - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Subtitle 0465-03 - Office of Administrative Appeals
Current through December 26, 2024
(1) Every person against whom an adverse administrative action, as defined in Rule 0465-03-01-.05(f), has been taken by the department shall be provided a written notice, sent to the last known address of the recipient, which contains the following information:
(2) For a Class I substantiation or three (3) or more Class II substantiations in separate investigations for incidents occurring or discovered within a twenty-four (24) month period, the items listed in subsection (1) above will be included in a letter or notice issued by the department within ten (10) business days following the Class I substantiation, or, if applicable, within ten (10) business days after the determination by DIDD that the third Class II substantiation has occurred.
(3) For a referral for placement on the Abuse Registry, the items listed in subsection (1) above will be included in a letter or notice issued by the department within ten (10) business days following the meeting of the Abuse Registry Review Committee at which the substantiated perpetrator's case was considered.
(4) For a Class I substantiation or three (3) or more Class II substantiations in separate investigations for incidents occurring or discovered within a twenty-four (24) month period for which a referral for placement on the Abuse Registry was not made, the items listed in subsection (1) above will be included in a letter or notice issued by the department within ten (10) business days following the meeting of the Abuse Registry Review Committee at which the substantiated perpetrator's case was considered.
(5) The notifications required by subsections (2), (3) and (4) of this rule shall be sent by certified and regular mail to the last known address of the recipient. The notifications will be accompanied by an appropriate response or election form for use by the recipient in responding to the department and exercising or declining his/her rights to appeal.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-3-103; 4-3-2708; 4-5-101, et seq.; 4-5-301, et seq.; 33-1-302; 33-1-303; 33-1-305; and 33-1-309.