Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 0400 - Environment and Conservation
Subtitle 0400-53 - Testing and Completing Wells for Production (Transferred from 1040-03)
Chapter 0400-53-03 - Prevention of Hazards and Pollution (Transferred from 1040-03-03)
Section 0400-53-03-.01 - SAFETY

Current through December 26, 2024

(1) Each operator shall so conduct his operations and maintain his equipment as to reduce to a minimum the danger of explosion, fire, or waste.

(2) All tests for production should be started and completed during daylight hours unless approval is obtained by the Supervisor.

(3) No boiler, open fire, or electric generator shall be operated within 100 feet of any producing oil or gas well or oil tank.

(4) Any rubbish, debris, or vegetation that might constitute a fire hazard shall be removed to a distance of at least 100 feet from the vicinity of wells to be tested.

(5) All waste shall be disposed of in such a manner as to avoid creating a fire hazard or polluting streams and fresh water strata.

(6) No test oil, condensate, salt water, or any other fluid substance shall be discharged to or disposed of in any way into any stream, lake, or other body of water, or into any ditch or surface drainage depression leading to any stream, lake, or other body of water, except in compliance with the Water Quality Control Act T.C.A. §§ 69-3-101 et seq. and the regulations of the Board of Water Quality, Oil and Gas, Chapter 1200-04-03.

(7) All wells shall have the equipment and containers or lined pits necessary to prevent the spillage of oil, condensate, water, or any other fluids or substances produced or used during any production test. The equipment shall be in place prior to the start of the production test, and shall be large enough to contain any plausible spill.

(8) All wells shall be cleaned into a pit or tank, located at a distance of at least 100 feet from any fire hazard or dwellings. If it seems likely that a pit will overflow, additional pits shall be constructed, or else tanks shall be brought in to contain the surplus fluids.

(9) No oil or gas well shall be drilled closer than 200 feet from a dwelling or closer than 100 feet from a state highway or county road.

(a) That portion of this regulation concerning distance from a dwelling may be waived by the Supervisor upon submission of a notarized statement by the dwelling owner agreeing to the well location.

(10) No oil or gas well shall be drilled within 200 feet of any water well that is in active use. This requirement may be waived by the Supervisor upon submission of a notarized statement from the well owner agreeing to the location of the oil or gas well and a plan identifying the additional measures to be taken to prevent pollution of the water well. .

(11) No oil or gas well shall be drilled within 100 feet of any stream, lake, or other body of water, so that an undisturbed riparian zone can be maintained, except that this requirement may be waived upon submission of a plan identifying additional measures acceptable to the Supervisor to be taken to prevent pollution of the waters of the State. No oil or gas well shall be drilled within 330 feet of any water body designated as an Outstanding National Resource Water (ONRW).

(12) The siting of wells, pits, or storage facilities in wetlands or in flood-prone areas (as indicated by the observed high water mark) of a stream is prohibited.

Authority: T.C.A §§ 60-1-201 et seq., and 4-5-201 et seq.

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