Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 0400 - Environment and Conservation
Subtitle 0400-52 - Drilling, Re-Entering, Plugging and Abandoning Exploratory and Exploitation Oil and Gas Wells (Transferred from 1040-02)
Chapter 0400-52-07 - Casing Program (Transferred from 1040-02-07)
Section 0400-52-07-.03 - SURFACE CASING
Current through December 26, 2024
(1) The operator shall submit a proposed casing program for approval by the Supervisor, on Application for Permit to Drill (Form CN-0211). If the Supervisor deems the casing program inadequate to protect fresh water zones and potential minable coal and other minerals, etc., he shall prescribe the casing program with which the operator shall comply. Unless an exception is granted by the Supervisor, suitable and sufficient surface casing shall be run and cemented to a depth not less than 100 feet below all fresh water strata encountered in the well and in a manner that shall protect such fresh water from contamination resulting from drilling operations. The Supervisor shall have the authority to require distances of less than 100 feet upon specific request from the operator if adequate technical justification can be made. The cement shall fill the annular space behind the surface casing from the base thereof to the surface of the ground. If cement returns are not received to the surface, then the annulus shall be cemented from the top.
(2) The Supervisor or his representative shall be given notice of cementing of surface casing at least 12 hours prior to conducting such operation. The Supervisor or his representative may witness the cementing operation. Form CN-0221 shall be accompanied by a copy of the drilling contractor's or service company's ticket for the work performed. .
(3) The operator shall run a cement basket on the surface casing one joint below the conductor pipe, or between the first and second joints if no conductor pipe is utilized, or as directed by the Supervisor. The operator shall utilize a centralizer in order to center the casing in the well bore and ensure it will be completely surrounded or encased by cement and achieve the required isolation.
Authority: T.C.A §§ 60-1-201 et seq., and 4-5-201 et seq.