Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 0400 - Environment and Conservation
Subtitle 0400-49 - Water Resources (Water and Waste Water Operator Certification)
Chapter 0400-49-01 - Rules Governing Water and Wastewater Operator Certification
Section 0400-49-01-.10 - CONTINUING EDUCATION
Current through September 24, 2024
(1) Completion of Continuing Education Requirements. At least once during every continuing education period each certified operator shall satisfactorily complete the required number of continuing education hours approved by the Board for the particular type of certificate he/she holds.
(2) Continuing Education Period. The continuing education period is three calendar years and shall begin either with the date the certified operator obtained his/her certificate or the date the certified operator last satisfactorily completed the required number of continuing education hours and shall end at the conclusion of the annual continuing education term three calendar years thereafter. An annual continuing education term shall begin each year on October 1 and shall end on September 30 of the following year.
(3) Failure to Complete Continuing Education Requirements. The failure of an operator to satisfactorily complete the required number of continuing education hours approved by the Board Secretary during his/her continuing education period shall be grounds for the denial of his/her application for the renewal of his/her certificate. An operator that fails to satisfactorily complete the required number of continuing education hours during his/her continuing education period due to extenuating circumstances may make a written request to the Board for an extension of time to do so. All requests by an operator for an extension of time to meet the continuing education requirement must be made in writing to the Board either within two months of the elapsed continuing education period or by the date of return of the operator to active employment, whichever is later. All such requests must be accompanied by complete supporting documentation of the circumstances causing the failure to meet the continuing education requirement.
(4) Notification of Satisfactory Completion. An operator shall notify the Board Secretary upon his/her satisfactory completion of the continuing education requirement by furnishing appropriate documentation of course completion. Notification by the operator is not necessary in those cases where an agency notifies the Board Secretary of such activity.
(5) A certified operator shall only receive credit for a continuing education course that is completed in its entirety. A certified operator attending the same continuing education course more than once in two consecutive continuing education periods shall only receive credit for the operator's first attendance.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201, et seq. and 68-221-901, et seq.