Current through September 24, 2024
These rules will apply solely to wells
constructed for the production of water from underground sources and have no
application to wells constructed for quarry blast holes or mineral prospecting,
or any purpose other than production of water.
(1) Requirements
(a) No person shall construct, reconstruct,
or repair, or cause to be constructed or reconstructed or repaired any water
well; nor shall any person install, repair, or cause to be installed or
repaired any pump, pumping equipment, water filter or water treatment device to
be used on a water well except in accordance with the provisions of the Wells
Act (T.C.A. §§ 69-10-101 et seq.) and these rules.
(b) Every well driller, within sixty (60)
days after completion of a water well, shall submit a report on the
construction or reconstruction of the well to the Department. The well
completion report shall be made on a form provided by the Department or a
reasonable facsimile approved by the Department.
(c) A Notice of Intent to drill a water well
must be submitted by the property owner or the licensed well driller to the
Director in the manner prescribed by the Department, prior to commencement of
drilling a water well in Tennessee. The licensed driller is required to have
sufficient documentation that a Notice of Intent was submitted to the Division
of Water Resources before beginning operations at a drill site. Sufficient
documentation for a Notice of Intent being filed may include one of the
1. Fee receipt of the Notice of
2. Confirmation number of
the Notice of Intent or other approved format approved by the Director and
issued by the Department.
(d) The Notice of Intent fee or copy of the
receipt for a Notice of Intent fee shall accompany the submission of the
driller's report. No well or borehole shall be drilled unless the driller has
documentation that a Notice of Intent has been filed. All well reports shall be
submitted with documentation of the Notice of Intent fee being paid.
Documentation of the fee being paid shall consist of the receipt originating
from a Notice of Intent or money collected and enclosed with the original
driller's report by the driller for the Notice of Intent. A Notice of Intent
and fee is not required for well closure, deepening or reworking any water well
or closed loop geothermal borehole. The amount of the Notice of Intent fee
shall be reviewed by the Department at least every five (5) years and shall
currently be scheduled as follows:
1. Water
wells for production of water per property site $75
(e) The requirement to furnish the Department
a Notice of Intent fee payment shall not apply to water wells drilled in any
local jurisdiction which is authorized, by private act or pursuant to the
provisions of an adopted "home rule" charter, to regulate the location and
construction of these wells and which has established a fee for the inspection
of both geothermal and water wells approved by the Commissioner.
(f) A Notice of Intent fee shall not apply to
any property owner, who within the past five years has filed a notice of intent
and paid the fee for the same property. The property owner or driller must
identify on the new Notice of Intent submitted for the property the
identification number from the first Notice of Intent fee submitted.
(g) Checks returned for insufficient funds
will be charged an established check processing fee and the Division will seek
payment from the individual responsible for writing the check.
(h) A Notice of Intent shall expire one
hundred and eighty days from the original date filed by the well driller or
(i) When strict
compliance with these standards is impractical, the driller or installer shall
make application to the Department for approval of an alternative standard
prior to the work being done. The Department may grant the request for an
alternative standard if it determines the proposed standards offer an
equivalent or higher level of protection to the environment. In an emergency or
in exceptional instances, the Department will respond to a verbal request
provided the applicant submits a written application within ten (10) days of
the verbal application.
(j) Every
well driller or person holding a well closure license, within sixty (60) days
of abandonment of a water well, shall submit a report of the abandonment of the
well or borehole to the Department. The abandonment report shall be made on a
form provided by the Department or a reasonable facsimile approved by the
Department. The report shall include the same information as required on the
completion report and shall include specific information on how the well was
closed and the placement and type of backfill placed in the well bore. The
abandonment report shall be signed by the licensed driller or person holding a
well closure license. All well closure reports shall include a diagram showing
the location and distance in feet of the closed well from one specific landmark
and septic system or sewer systems on the property.
(2) Location
(a) The construction of a water well is
prohibited at other than a safe distance from any known potential source of
contamination. The minimum safe distances shown in Table A shall apply for the
sources of contamination listed therein.
(b) A water supply well may be constructed in
an area subject to flooding provided the top of the water tight casing extends
not less than two (2) feet above the one hundred (100) year flood
(c) Relation to buildings,
pits, and basements:
1. A well located
adjacent to a building shall be so located that the center line of the well
extended vertically will clear any projection from the building by not less
than five (5) feet.
2. New wells
shall not be constructed in pits or basements.
(d) New wells shall not be located closer
than ten (10) feet from a property line. New wells located from ten (10) feet
to twenty-five (25) feet from a property line shall require a minimum of
thirty-five (35) feet of casing installed below land surface with impervious
material such as cement grout or bentonite chips, tablets or bentonite grout
backfilled in the annular space to a depth of thirty-five feet.
Animal pens or feed lots
100 feet
Leaching Pits;
sewage lagoons
200 feet
Pit Privys
Sewer lines
50 feet
Sludge and septage disposal sites
100 feet
Septic tanks and
drain fields
50 feet
House to septic tank connections, if the line is
10 feet
House to sewer line, if the line is tight
10 feet
(3) Source of Water
(a) The source of water for any well
shall be at least nineteen (19) feet below the surface of the ground.
1. In the event that no other ground water
source is available, a source of less than nineteen (19) feet deep may be
developed provided that:
(i) Prior to the
installation of the casing in the well, the Division of Water Resources Central
Office is notified by phone regarding:
County and street address of the well
(II) Name and phone number of the well
(III) Street address of owner
if different from address of the well
(ii) A minimum of ten (10) feet of casing is
installed below ground surface.
(iii) The well is sealed from land surface to
a minimum ten (10) feet below ground with either cement grout or
(iv) The owner of the
well is advised by the driller concerning the development of a water bearing
zone less than nineteen (19) feet deep by sending a written report to the
homeowner and to the Division, at the time the completion report is submitted,
containing the following advisory:
(I) The
owner may need to place a chlorinator on the well to treat the water for
potential problems with microbiological contamination.
(II) A shallow water bearing zone may be more
subject to surface contamination surrounding the well and the well yield may
diminish over time.
(III) The
homeowner should provide a copy of the report and disclaimer to any prospective
buyer prior to any resale of the property where the well is located.
(b) The
driller shall develop the most favorable water-bearing zone(s) and seal off any
source(s) of less desirable quality.
(c) It shall be the duty of any person
attempting to construct a water well to seal off salt water, oil, gas, or any
other fluid or material which might contaminate a source of fresh
(4) Drilling
Fluids for Water Wells
(a) Water used during
the construction of a water well shall be obtained from a public water supply,
water well or protected spring box. Water taken from ponds, lakes, streams or
other surface sources shall not be used.
(b) All water used shall also be treated with
enough liquid bleach or hypochlorite granules to retain a free chlorine
residual of at least two (2) parts per million.
(c) The driller shall denote on the water
well report submitted to the Department from what source his drilling process
water was obtained.
(d) Drilling
fluids and additives shall be materials specified by the manufacturer for use
in water well construction and approved by the Department.
(e) During the course of drilling a water
well with air rotary equipment, a minimum of one (1) gallon of water per minute
must be injected or added into the air stream. The amount of water injected
shall be sufficient to control dust and to keep the hole cleaned out.
(f) The amount of rock drill oil used to
lubricate down hole drilling hammers shall not exceed hammer manufacturer's
recommendations. The oil used to lubricate the hammer shall be specifically
designed for that purpose.
Petroleum based products or byproducts spilled or leaked from a drill rig or
pump truck in any quantity greater than one (1) quart shall be removed from the
area within a twenty-five (25) foot radius around the well by the driller or
installer responsible for the spill before the drill rig or pump truck leaves
the site.
(5) Casing
(a) Wells drilled for the production of water
shall be cased with watertight casing extending from at least nineteen (19)
feet below the land surface to a minimum of six (6) inches above land surface.
For wells located in areas subject to flooding, see subparagraph (2)(b) of this
rule. For water sources less than nineteen (19) feet deep see subparagraph
(3)(a) of this rule.
1. The watertight casing
in wells constructed to obtain water from a consolidated rock formation shall
be firmly seated and sealed below all crevices that release inferior quality
water or mud into the well or to a depth of at least five (5) feet below the
top of the consolidated rock whichever is greater.
2. The watertight casing in wells constructed
to produce water from an unconsolidated aquifer (such as saturated gravel or
sand) shall extend at least to the top of the aquifer or to a depth of nineteen
(19) feet which ever is greater.
(b) Except as otherwise specified in these
regulations, the permanent well casing shall:
1. Casing shall be new or in like new
condition. Such casing or pipe shall not be used unless free of leaks,
corrosion, and dents; is straight and true, and not out of round, seamless or
welded, black or galvanized steel pipe conforming to the weights and dimensions
given in Table B and meeting the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM) Standards A53-87b or A589-85. Reject pipe shall not be used;
2. Have watertight joints that may be welded,
or threaded and coupled; and
3. Be
equipped with a drive shoe if the casing is to be driven.
4. Pipe sizes that are not listed in Table B
and are less than ten (10) inches in diameter shall match listed values as
closely as possible.
5. Pipe sizes
that are ten (10) inches in diameter or larger shall be Schedule 20 pipe as a
Diameters in inches
Wall Thickness in Inches
Weight in Pounds per foot
in Inches
Plain Ends Only
(c) Thermoplastic well
casing may be installed in wells constructed to obtain water from
unconsolidated aquifers (such as saturated gravel, sand or overburden)
1. The casing is new;
2. The casting meets or exceeds the
requirements of ASTM Standard F-480-88 and bears the NSF (National Sanitation
Foundation) seal in each section of casing;
3. The Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) shall
not exceed 26;
4. The casing is
installed after the borehole has been drilled to the final depth of the
finished well, and no additional drilling takes place after the casing has been
installed; and
5. Joints shall be
solvent cemented with a quick-setting cement, or threaded and
(d) In areas
where the water is obtained from overburden above the consolidated rock
surface, the casing shall be set at or just above the consolidated rock. A
screen may be attached to the bottom of the casing or the lowermost few feet of
the casing may be slotted or perforated to allow water to enter the well
provided the top of the screen or the topmost perforation in the casing is at
least 20 feet below land surface. The completed well shall be finished so that
extraneous material such as sediment cannot enter the well.
(e) Water well casing shall extend a minimum
of six inches above the finished land surface unless, site conditions dictate
that the well head will be better protected below ground surface and the upper
terminus is constructed in the following manner:
1. The casing is terminated just below ground
surface in a watertight manhole cover.
2. The manhole cover lid and skirt shall be
all cast steel or aluminum construction.
3. The manhole cover shall have a sufficient
diameter to use a well cap below the manhole lid.
4. The manhole shall be secured by a concrete
pad two inches thick and no less than 24 inches in diameter.
5. The manhole cover shall be equipped with a
positive drain to an area where water cannot enter from flooding or where
excessive runoff could back up through the drain to the well head. The drain
may be located in the basement area of a house.
6. The manhole cover shall be clearly marked
on the cover as a "water well".
Construction techniques for casings cut off below ground level shall conform to
the drawing in figure 1.
Click to view Image
Figure 1
(f) The upper terminus of the well head shall
be capped with a watertight well seal or cap specifically designed for capping
the well.
Backfilling and Grouting
(a) The grout
material used in the backfilling or grouting of a water well shall consist of a
mixture of Portland Class A cement or quick setting cement in a ratio of not
over six (6.0) gallons of water per ninety-four (94) pound sack of cement, or a
high solids mixing bentonite grout with a minimum of 20% solids and a weight of
no less than nine and two tenths (9.2) pounds per gallon as measured by a
standard mud balance. The use of bentonite, in chip or tablet form, ranging in
size from one-quarter inch (1/4) to three-quarters of an inch (3/4) will be
allowed as an alternate seal to slurry grouting. The bentonite shall be mixed
and applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The use of
low solids bentonite drilling clay designed for use as a drilling fluid to form
a filter cake on the side walls of the borehole and to increase viscosity of
water) is prohibited for use as a grout or sealing material except as an
additive. Only bentonite grout, bentonite tablets, or bentonite chips approved
by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) or American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) certified parties as meeting NSF product standard 60 or 61
shall be approved by the Department as appropriate grouting or sealing
(b) For wells completed
with either steel or plastic well casing, the annular space between the casing
and borehole wall of the well from a depth of three (3) feet to ten (10) feet
below land surface shall be backfilled with an impervious material of either
cement grout or bentonite as defined in subparagraph (a) of this paragraph. The
remaining annular space between the casing and borehole wall shall be
backfilled with an impervious material or combination of materials such as
cement, bentonite, sand , puddled clay or well cuttings. However, the
department recommends that the remaining annular space between the casing and
the borehole wall of the well to the bottom of the watertight casing, be filled
with the same grout or sealing material used from three to ten feet.
(c) Placement of the backfill material shall
be done in such a way that there are no bridges or gaps in the annulus. The top
of the backfill material shall remain level with the land surface surrounding
the well.
(d) If bentonite is used
for backfill, it shall be placed in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations. For example, the product "Holeplug" from Baroid requires the
annular space in a well to be one and one half inches (1-1/2") in clearance or
more when "Holeplug" three fourths inch (3/4") is used. The annular space must
be a minimum of three fourths inch (3/4") in clearance in the event that
"Holeplug" three eighths inch (3/8") bentonite is used.
(e) If cement based grout or bentonite based
grout is used for backfill, it shall be placed around the casing by one of the
following methods:
1. Pressure
annular space between the casing and the borehole wall shall be a minimum of
one and five-tenths (1.5) inches, and grout shall be pumped or forced under
pressure through the bottom of the casing until it fills the annular space
around the casing and overflows at the surface; or
2. Pumping
The annular space between
the casing and formation shall be a minimum of one and five tenths (1.5) inches
and grout shall be pumped into place through a pipe or hose extended to the
bottom of the annular space which can be raised as the grout is applied, but
the grout pipe or hose shall remain submerged in grout during the entire
application; or
3. Other
The annular space between the casing and the borehole wall shall be a
minimum of two (2) inches and the annular space shall be completely filled with
grout by any method that will insure complete filling of the space, provided
the annular area does not contain water or other fluid. If the annular area
contains water or other fluid, it shall be evacuated of fluid or the grout
shall be placed by the pumping or pressure method.
(7) Well Screens
(a) Any water well finished in an
unconsolidated rock formation shall be equipped with a screen or perforated
pipe that will adequately prevent the entrance of soil or formation material
into the well after the well has been developed and completed by the well
(b) The well screen
1. Be of steel, stainless steel,
plastic or other Department approved material and shall be of a strength to
satisfactorily withstand chemical and physical forces applied to it during and
after installation;
2. Be of a
design to permit optimum development of the aquifer with minimum head loss
consistent with the intended use of the well;
3. Have openings designed to prevent clogging
and shall be free of rough edges, irregularities or other defects that may
accelerate or contribute to corrosion or clogging; and
4. Be provided with such fittings as are
necessary to seal the top of the screen to the watertight casing and to close
the bottom. If the screen is installed through the casing, a packer, seal or
other approved design shall be used to prevent the entry of ground water into
the well through any openings other than the screen.
(c) Multi-screened wells shall not connect
aquifers or zones which have differences in:
1. Water quality to the extent that
intermixing of the waters would result in deterioration of the water quality in
any aquifer or zone.
2. Static
water levels that would result in depletion of water from any aquifer or zone,
or significant loss of head in any aquifer or zone.
(8) Gravel-Packed Wells
(a) In constructing a gravel-packed well:
1. The gravel shall be composed of quartz,
granite, or similar rock material and shall be clean, rounded, uniform,
water-washed and free from clay, silt, or other deleterious material.
2. The gravel shall be placed in the annular
space around the screens and casing by any method that will insure accurate
placement and avoid bridging or segregation.
3. The gravel pack shall have a minimum
thickness of at least one-inch and shall be placed a minimum of nineteen feet
below land surface.
4. The gravel
shall be disinfected using water with a free chlorine residual of at least 50
parts per million (ppm).
(b) The gravel pack shall not connect
aquifers or zones which have differences:
In water quality that would result in deterioration of the water quality in any
aquifer or zone.
2. In static water
levels that would result in depletion of water from any aquifer or significant
loss of head in any aquifer or zone.
(9) Large Diameter Wells
(a) Large-diameter bored or augered wells may
be cased with concrete pipe provided such wells are constructed as follows:
1. The bore hole shall have a minimum
diameter of six (6) inches larger than the outside diameter of the
2. The annular space around
the casing shall be filled with grout to a depth at least five feet below the
static water level or twenty (20) feet below land surface, whichever is
greater. The grout shall be placed in accordance with the requirements of
subparagraph (6)(d) of Rule 0400-45-09-.10.
3. The annular space around the casing below
the grout shall be completely filled with sand or gravel that has been
disinfected with water containing a free-chlorine residual of at least 50 parts
per million (ppm).
4. The sand or
gravel material shall be composed of quartz, granite, or similar rock material
and shall be clean, rounded, uniform, water-washed and free from clay, silt, or
other deleterious material.
(b) The wellhead shall be completed in the
same manner as required for other water-supply wells.
(10) Well Development. Prior to completion of
a well for water supply, the driller shall take all steps necessary to:
(a) Remove any mud, drill cuttings, or other
foreign matter from the well that would render the well useless for its
intended purpose;
(b) Correct any
damage to the aquifer that might have occurred during drilling; and
(c) Disinfect the well.
(d) Fracturing as an aid in water well
1. Fracturing includes the use of
explosives, acid or pumping fluids or air into water well in an attempt to
increase the yield of the well. General water well disinfection procedure with
chlorine is not considered fracturing. A licensed driller shall supervise
fracturing and submit a rework report for each site.
2. Water used in fracturing must be obtained
from a public water supply, water well or protected springbox and chlorinated a
minimum of two (2) parts per million chlorine residual prior to
3. Wells located closer
than fifty (50) feet from known sources of pollution shall not be fractured.
Known sources of pollution include but are not limited to septic tanks field
lines and sewers.
4. All packers
set in a zone to be fractured by fluid or air must be placed at depths greater
than fifty feet below land surface or a depth greater than twenty feet below
the bottom of water tight casing, or whichever is greater in depth from land
5. The driller shall
submit a report of driller within sixty (60) days upon completion of fracturing
the well reworking the well, and denote in the comments section the zone
fractured, water used and amount of pressure induced on each zone.
(11) Wellhead
(a) The top of the casing shall be
cut off smooth and level, be free from dents and cracks, and shall terminate at
least six (6) inches above the land surface. All wells shall be capped with an
approved well cap.
(b) Underground
installations leading from the well shall employ a pitless adapter which does
not require welding at the casing. Pitless units or adapters shall comply with
the Water Systems Council's Pitless Adapter Division (PAD) PAS-1 (6th Ed.,
March 1987) and shall bear the PAD symbol of certification or shall otherwise
have been approved by the Department.
(c) Pitless units or adapters shall be
constructed and installed so as to prevent the entrance of contaminants into
the well or potable water supply, conduct water from the well, protect the
water from freezing, and provide access to water system parts within the
(d) Surface drainage shall be
diverted away from the well head so that water is not allowed to stand around
the casing.
T.C.A. §§
69-10-101 et seq. and 4-5-201 et