Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 0400 - Environment and Conservation
Subtitle 0400-45 - Division of Water Resources
Chapter 0400-45-06 - Underground Injection Control (Transferred from 1200-04-06)
Section 0400-45-06-.07 - PERMIT REQUIRED
Current through September 24, 2024
(1) Except for exclusions specified in paragraph (3) of Rule 0400-45-06-.03, all injection wells and activities must be authorized by permit or by rule.
(2) For new injection wells, a permit must be obtained before construction commences, unless the injection is authorized by rule as described in paragraph (2) of Rule 0400-45-06-.14.
(3) The owner or operator of an existing Class II or III injection well shall complete, sign and submit to the Commissioner an application for permit in conformance with this Chapter within six (6) months from the date of approval of these rules. The owner or operator must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that the existing well complies with all applicable rules of this Chapter.
(4) Continued injection into existing Class V Wells is authorized by virtue of this rule provided compliance with paragraph (1) of Rule 0400-45-06-.05 and any other applicable rules of this Chapter are maintained. Owners/operators of existing Class V wells that fail to maintain compliance shall immediately cease operation and submit an application. An application must be submitted within the appropriate time frame for each grand division as specified in this rule. Within six (6) months of the effective date of this rule, owner/operators of injection wells within the Western Grand Division must submit an application. Within twelve (12) months of the effective date of this rule, owner/operators of injection wells within the Central Grand Division must submit an application. Within eighteen (18) months of the effective date of this rule, owner/operators of injection wells within the Eastern Grand Division must submit an application. If an application for an existing Class V well is not submitted within the specified timeframe, the owner/operator shall be subject to an application fee for a new well as specified in paragraph (1) of Rule 0400-45-06-.18.
(5) The Commissioner may require the owner or operator of a Class V injection well authorized by rule to apply for and obtain an injection well permit. Cases for which a permit may be required include: .
(6) Reserved.
(7) Class V wells utilizing innovative or experimental technologies may not be authorized by rule, but only by a permit. The permit shall require a surety bond.
(8) Emergency permits.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this rule the Commissioner may temporarily permit a specific underground injection if:
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 69-3-101 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq.