Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 0400 - Environment and Conservation
Subtitle 0400-02 - Division of State Parks and Division of Natural Areas
Chapter 0400-02-08 - Management of Tennessee Natural Resource Areas
Section 0400-02-08-.28 - SPECIAL USE OF AREAS
Current through September 24, 2024
(1) A person wishing to engage in research or educational activities in a natural area not otherwise permitted by these rules or in the management plan for the natural area shall secure a permit from the Commissioner. If the activities are to be carried on by a group, a special use permit may be issued to the group leader who shall be responsible for the actions of the group.
A permit for the use of fire in a natural area shall be required for areas designated by the management plan as Natural Environment Zones 1 and 2. In Natural Environmental Zones 3 and 4 a fire permit is not necessary but shall be restricted to designated areas.
All flights of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in a natural area shall be conducted and permitted according to the requirements outlined in Rule 0400-02-02-.33. For natural areas without a full-time manager, the Program Administrator shall serve as the manager for purposes of UAS operations in those natural areas.
(2) General Information Concerning Permits.
(3) For the purposes of this rule, unless context otherwise requires, "permit" means an Educational permit, a Scientific Research and Collecting permit, or a Fire permit issued pursuant to this rule. A permit issued under this rule only constitutes temporary, terminable permission to engage in the permitted activity and is not intended to create any ongoing right to engage in any activity.
(4) The Commissioner may, prior to the issuance or renewal of any permit, require a permit applicant to pay (in the form of a credit card, cash, certified check, or money order made payable to the Department) an amount determined by the Commissioner to be the reasonable anticipated costs sufficient to cover costs incurred by the Department in processing the permit application and overseeing the permitted activity as determined by the specific facts and circumstances of that permit. Upon request, the Commissioner shall provide a written breakdown of the anticipated costs. Nothing in this paragraph shall require the Commissioner to charge any costs for the issuance or renewal of a permit if the Commissioner determines that the permit may be issued and overseen without substantial cost to the Department.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201, et seq.; 11-1-101; 11-13-106; and 11-14-104.