Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 0400 - Environment and Conservation
Subtitle 0400-02 - Division of State Parks and Division of Natural Areas
Chapter 0400-02-08 - Management of Tennessee Natural Resource Areas
Section 0400-02-08-.15 - BUFFER AREAS
Buffer areas may be established adjacent to or within natural areas when deemed appropriate to eliminate the adverse effects of external influences. Such buffer areas may be devoted to uses other than nature preservation that do not adversely affect the natural area. Buffer areas may be controlled by ownership, easement, cooperative agreement, or other appropriate means. Criteria for buffer areas shall be included in the management plan. Management of a buffer area shall be in accordance with guidelines and provisions in the Natural Areas Preservation Act of 1971, T.C.A §§ 11-14-101 et seq.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201, et seq.; 11-1-101; 11-13-106; and 11-14-104.