Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 0400 - Environment and Conservation
Subtitle 0400-02 - Division of State Parks and Division of Natural Areas
Chapter 0400-02-02 - Public Use and Recreation
Section 0400-02-02-.17 - PORTABLE ENGINES AND MOTORS
The operation or use of a portable motor-driven electric generating plant, pump, or other equipment driven by a portable engine or motor outside any developed or public use area without written permission from the Park Manager, is prohibited. The Park Manager may issue a permit for the use if he determines that the applicant has submitted satisfactory justification for the use of such equipment, that natural resources will not be impaired, and that no undue interference with public enjoyment of the park area will result. This rule does not apply to outboard motors in areas where outboard motorboating in permitted , nor does it apply to electric generating plants on vessels.
Authority: T.C.A. § 11-1-108.