(1) RECORDS: For
the protection of the agency staff and the children under care, the following
records must be kept, and should be revised frequently to keep them up-to-date.
Although another agency may have complete records on the children, information
must be kept on file for emergency purposes. Only agency authorized persons may
have access to case records. Case records must include:
(a) Identifying Information (Refer to
0250-4-2-.11S helter Care for Exception.):
Name of each child, date, and place of birth;
2. Full name, home address(es), telephone
number(s), work address(es), and work telephone number(s) of parents;
3. Name, address, and telephone number of a
competent adult who can assist in an emergency e.g. next of kin, other
relative, DHS, etc.; and
4. Name,
address, and telephone number of a physician to use in case of an
Intake/Preadmission Study (Refer to 0250-4-2-.11 E mergency Shelter Care for
(c) Health Information
must include: (Refer to 0250-4-2-.11 E mergency Shelter Care for Exceptions.)
1. A report of each child's initial physical
examination, current immunization record, and record of ongoing care received
while in the home;
2. Written
permission for the agency staff to obtain emergency medical care must be signed
by the person legally responsible for the child; and
3. Information regarding coverage for medical
expenses, e.g., insurance, Medicaid, etc.
(d) Foster Care Plan and Foster Care Review
Records: There must be a written plan for each child in care and records of
appropriate foster care reports and administrative and judicial reviews as
mandated by T.C.A. §
37-2-401 et seq. (Refer
to Appendix E and 0250-4-2-.11E mergency Shelter Care for Exception). All
out-of-state children are subject to the planning and review requirement of the
law. The court of jurisdiction will be the court of the county in which the
child is placed. Confidentiality of all foster care records shall be maintained
and release of records shall be only to those persons with a legitimate purpose
related to provision of services to the child.
(e) Length of Stay: There must be information
about the length of a child's stay in the group home and his/her release from
(f) School Records: There
must be documentation of school involvement for the time the child is in the
care of the agency. (Refer to 0250-4-2-.11E mergency Shelter Care for
(g) Narrative
recording, dated and signed by the appropriate worker, indicating significant
activity on the case.
(h) Relevant
legal documents and correspondence.
(i) Individual plan of care setting forth the
agency services to be provided each resident, the rationale for this service,
and documentation of the service as it is provided. (Refer to 0250-4-2-.11E
mergency Shelter Care for Exception.)
(j) Documentation of provision of child
sexual abuse education to the child.
(k) Documented discharge plan and discharge
statement. (Refer to 0250-4-2-.11E mergency Shelter Care for
(a) All required
records must be available upon request to any authorized agency of the
(b) The records must be
stored in a locked, fire-resistant file and must be handled
(a) Agencies must keep
resident records for a minimum of five (5) years after the discharge
(b) Certain basic identifying
information must be kept indefinitely.
(c) The agency shall make arrangements for
each child to accumulate appropriate meaningful materials such as photographs,
clippings, artwork, and/or school work which provide the child with tangible
evidence of his/her foster care experience. This material shall be made
available to the resident at the time of his/her release.
(4) POSTING OF LICENSE: A license to operate
a group care or family boarding home must be posted. No child-care facility may
give care at any one time to more children than the number specified on the
license, except in emergency situations, as provided in Rule 0250-4-2