Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 0250 - Children's Services
Subtitle 0250-04 - Standards for Regulated Institutions
Chapter 0250-04-02 - Standards for Group Care Homes and Family Boarding Homes
Section 0250-04-02-.02 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
Current through December 26, 2024
(1) The issuance and continuation of a license shall depend upon adherence to these standards.
(2) Agencies conducting independent living programs which serve children under the age of 17 in a community based or off-campus setting shall be licensed as a child-placing agency.
(3) Family boarding homes and group care homes shall maintain confidentiality in accord with the ethics of the social work profession and the provisions of T.C.A.. § 37-2-408. The agency shall act in the best interest of the client insofar as this does not violate the social responsibility of the agency for the protection of the community. All records must be maintained in a fire-resistant, locked file.
(4) All family board homes and group care homes must have written policies and procedures for reporting incidents of abuse or neglect of children in accordance with Tennessee State Law. These policies should clearly set forth the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in both the reporting and investigative process.
(5) All family boarding homes and group care homes shall keep accurate statistical records which give the complete scope of the work of the agency.
(6) Reports shall be made to the Department as follows:
(7) The annual application for licensure must be submitted to the Department and signed by the Chairman of the Board and/or the Executive Director of the Child Welfare Agency. The annual application for approval of a public agency must be submitted to the Department and signed by the Executive head of the agency,
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-226(b)(2);37-5-101; 37-5-105; 37-5-106; 37-5-112(a); 71-1-105(12) and 71-3-501 et seq.