Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 0240 - Board of Regents
Subtitle 0240-07 - Middle Tennessee State University
Chapter 0240-07-01 - Public Records - Inspecting and Copying
Section 0240-07-01-.04 - COPYING OF PUBLIC RECORDS
Current through December 26, 2024
(1) The records custodian will make copies, or arrange for copies to be made, as well as determine copy fees and charges in the most economic and efficient manner practicable. An itemized estimate of the charges to be assessed for copies and labor should be provided to the requestor using the Request to Inspect or Copy Public Records form prior to producing the requested copies. Payment of fees and charges are to be made in advance. A requestor will be allowed to make copies of records with a camera or a cell phone if the number of pages to be copied is twenty-five (25) pages or less.
(2) Copy Format
(3) If a records custodian reasonably determines that production of records should be segmented because the records request is for a large volume of records, or additional time is necessary to prepare the records for access, the records custodian shall notify the requestor by using the Public Records Request Response form that production of the records will be in segments and that a records production schedule will be provided as expeditiously as practicable.
(4) If a records custodian discovers records responsive to a records request were omitted, the requestor should be contacted concerning the omission and the records produced as quickly as possible.
(5) Copies will be available for pickup at a location specified by the records custodian. At the requestor's request, and upon payment of postage, copies will be mailed to the requestor via USPS first-class mail.
(6) Fees and Charges.
(7) If the total amount of fees, labor/programming charges, and postage is less than twenty dollars ($20.00), the cost will be waived.
Authority: T.C.A. § 10-7-503.