Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 0100 - Alcoholic Beverage Commission
Chapter 0100-11 - Rules for Sales of Wine at Retail Food Stores
Section 0100-11-.01 - LICENSES AND PERMITS
Current through December 26, 2024
(1) Procedure for Off-Premise Retail Food Store Wine License Application. An application for a retail food store wine license shall be made on forms provided for such purpose by the Commission. In addition to completing and filing such forms, data, written statements, affidavits, evidence or other documents deemed a part of the application, an applicant shall provide the Commission with the following information:
(2) If a lease agreement, assignment, sublease or other documentation executed by the applicant for a retail food store wine license and the owner or landlord of the proposed location, sought to be licensed, contains provisions that would limit or restrict the sale or distribution of wine or other alcoholic products (i.e. alcoholic beverages and/or beer as defined in T.C.A. § 57-5-101) within the same shopping center or other development whereupon the applicant seeks to license its premises, the applicant and the owner or landlord of the proposed location, shopping center or other development, must submit documentation acceptable to the Commission waiving any such restrictions to any and all tenants within the same shopping center or other development. An applicant is not required to obtain and submit the leases of other tenants of the shopping center or other development. However, lease or deed restrictions or covenants imposed by an owner or landlord limiting or restricting the sale or distribution of wine or other alcoholic products (i.e. alcoholic beverages and/or beer as defined in T.C.A. § 57-5-101) by other tenants within the same shopping center or development will serve to prohibit the issuance to the applicant of a retail food store wine license at the proposed location.
(3) An applicant for a retail food store wine license shall identify all retail liquor stores within 500 feet measured from the closest outside wall of the confines of the retail food store to the closest outside wall of the retail liquor store. An applicant may submit waivers of the permission required pursuant to T.C.A. § 57-3-806(e) from the retail liquor stores located within 500 feet of the applicant's retail food store, signed by the owners of such retail liquor stores, and such waivers shall be deemed to be written permission from the retail liquor store for the issuance of the retail food store wine license to the applicant.
(4) Restriction on License after Revocation. If a retail food store wine license is revoked by the Commission, for a period of one (1) year following revocation, no subsequent license shall be issued to the spouse, child or children, daughter-in-law, son-in-law or other person having any interest in the business of the licensee whose license was revoked. Additionally, for a period of one (1) year following revocation, no license shall be issued at the same location or in close proximity of the same location. The Commission may, in its discretion, waive the prohibition regarding locations.
(5) Must Surrender License If Business Discontinued. Whenever any licensee discontinues business for any reason, it shall immediately notify the Commission in writing and surrender its license.
(6) Time Requirement to Commence Business. Approval of the issuance of a retail food store wine license by the Commission shall automatically expire ninety (90) calendar days after such approval if the licensee has not opened for business, unless a written request is received and granted for an extension.
(7) Business Name Change. At least seven (7) calendar days prior to any change in its business name or "d/b/a", a licensee shall submit the proposed change in writing to the Commission for approval. Upon approval and within a reasonable time, the Commission will amend the licensee's electronic record to reflect the licensee's new business or "d/b/a" name.
(8) Display of License. Any person, partnership, corporation, or other legal entity holding a retail food store wine license shall prominently display and post, and keep displayed and posted, in a conspicuous place in the licensed premises, the license so issued.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 57-1-209, 57-3-104(c)(4) and (5), 57-3-803, and 57-3-806.