Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 0080 - Department of Agriculture
Subtitle 0080-06 - Plant Certification
Chapter 0080-06-22 - Boll Weevil Eradication
Current through December 26, 2024
(1) All growers in an elimination area shall complete a cotton acreage report showing planting intentions, noting the location and acreage of all cotton fields by a date recommended by the Foundation and established by the Commissioner. All growers shall complete the intended cotton acreage report at the local FSA office servicing each county in which they produce cotton. Such reports shall be filed for each year of participation in the program. Growers who fail to complete this report by the established date shall be assessed a $5.00 per acre penalty.
(2) All growers in an elimination area shall complete a cotton acreage report showing actual FSA certified acreage noting the location of all cotton fields by a date recommended by the Foundation and established by the Commissioner. All growers shall complete the certified cotton acreage report at the local FSA office servicing each county in which they produce cotton. Such reports shall be filed for each year of participation in the program. Growers who fail to complete and file this report by the established date shall be assessed a $5.00 per acre penalty.
(3) Notification of the dates established for reporting of planting intentions and actual FSA certified cotton acreage shall be given to growers via correspondence from the Department prior to April 15 each year.
(4) Non-commercial cotton shall not be planted in an elimination area without a waiver issued in writing by the Commissioner. Application for a waiver shall be submitted in writing and the Commissioner's decision to grant or deny the waiver shall be based on the following:
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 43-6-406 and 43-6-409.