Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 0080 - Department of Agriculture
Subtitle 0080-04 - Food
Chapter 0080-04-08 - Antifreeze Regulations
Section 0080-04-08-.05 - SUBMISSION OF FORMULA
When antifreeze is introduced into commerce within the state, the Commissioner may require the manufacturer to furnish a statement of the formula or contents of such antifreeze, however, the statement of formula or contents may state the content of inhibitor ingredients of generic terms if such inhibitor ingredients total less than five percent (5%) by weight of the antifreeze and if in lieu thereof the manufacturer, packer, seller or distributor furnishes the Commissioner with satisfactory evidence, other than by disclosure of the actual chemical names and percentages of the inhibitor ingredients, that the said antifreeze is in conformity with Tennessee Code Annotated, Sections 53-3713 - 53-3723 and this Chapter.
Authority: T.C.A. §§53-3715 and 53-3720.