South Dakota Administrative Rules
Title 61 - Department of Public Safety
Chapter 61:24:02 - License procedures
Section 61:24:02:03 - Dealer license renewal
Each year after an initial license is issued and at least three months before the license renewal deadline described below, the department shall send the licensee a renewal notice. The notice must contain the deadline for renewal and information in the department's records pertaining to the dealership. The licensee shall verify the information, update the information as necessary, sign the notice, and pay any required fees. The notice, fees, and any required documentation must be received by the department before the deadline. The notice deadline is the month before the last day of the month assigned to the licensee for renewal of a dealer license. The department's review date is the last day of the month assigned to the licensee for renewal of a dealer license. Upon completion of the renewal notice process, the department must send an updated electronic dealer license to the licensee.
General Authority: SDCL 32-6B-14, 32-6C-17, 32-7A-14.1, 32-7B-20.
Law Implemented: SDCL 32-6B-14, 32-7B-8.