South Dakota Administrative Rules
Title 61 - Department of Public Safety
Article 61:18 - Drivers' licenses
Chapter 61:18:01 - General provisions
Section 61:18:01:11 - Burden of proof at hearing
At a hearing, the department bears the burden of establishing that a person's driving privileges are subject to suspension, revocation, disqualification, or cancellation. For suspension, revocation, or cancellation, the department must establish violation of the applicable statutes or rules or both by a preponderance of the evidence. For disqualification or any other withdrawal of privileges granted pursuant to a commercial driver's license, the department must establish violation of the applicable statutes or rules or both by clear and convincing evidence. The department need not establish in any case that the person has been charged with or convicted of a violation of the applicable statutes or rules or both.
General Authority: SDCL 32-12-49, 32-12-49.4.
Law Implemented: SDCL 32-12-49, 32-12-49.4, 32-23-11(3)(5).
In Re Zar, 434 N.W.2d 598 (S.D. 1989).