South Dakota Administrative Rules
Title 46 - Department of Human Services
Article 46:11 - Developmental disabilities
Chapter 46:11:09 - Family support waiver services
Section 46:11:09:12 - Support plan for services
Current through Register Vol. 51, page 70, December 27, 2024
Each participant that receives respite care, personal care 1, personal care 2, supported employment, or companion care services through the agency with choice model will have a support plan developed with the assistance of the coordinator. The purpose of the support plan is to provide an individualized description of the participant's services needs se e to train each provider. The support plan shall include:
(1) The scope, frequency, duration, and cost of the services to be provided;
(2) The ISP goal that will be addressed by the service provider; and
(3) The signature of the participant, or the participant's parent if the participant is under 18 years of age, or the participant's guardian, if any, the service provider and the coordinator.
The coordinator will assist the participant to review and update the support plan for services at least annually or more often if the needs of the participant change.
General Authority: SDCL 27B-2-26.
Law Implemented: SDCL 27B-2-26(3)(4)(9).