South Carolina Code of Regulations
Subchapter 9-100 - ADJUDICATION RULES
- Section 9-100.1 - Definitions
- Section 9-100.2 - Scope of Rules
- Section 9-100.3 - Construction and Modification or Waiver of Rules
- Section 9-100.10 - Adjudicator: Assignment
- Section 9-100.11 - Adjudicator: Powers
- Section 9-100.12 - Adjudicator: Withdrawal; Disqualification; or Unavailability
- Section 9-100.20 - Ex Parte Communications
- Section 9-100.21 - Separation of Functions
- Section 9-100.30 - Rights of [Docketed Party], Intervenor, and Limited Participant
- Section 9-100.40 - Representation
- Section 9-100.50 - Service of Documents
- Section 9-100.51 - Filing of Documents and Other Materials
- Section 9-100.52 - Form and Content of Filed Documents
- Section 9-100.53 - Amendment or Supplementation of Filed Documents
- Section 9-100.60 - Time Computation
- Section 9-100.70 - Motions
- Section 9-100.71 - Subpoenas
- Section 9-100.80 - Withdrawal or Dismissal
Comment: The General Provisions define the scope of these rules, define essential terms, and detail the construction and modification or waiver of these rules. They set forth the powers and duties of the Adjudicator and detail the rights of the parties involved. They contain provisions for an assignment to an adjudicator and terms for the adjudicator's dismissal, whether voluntary or involuntary. They give detailed instructions on party representation, service of process, filing of documents, the form and content of such filed documents, and the process to amend filed documents. Finally, the General Provisions provide a detailed summary of time computation, motions allowed, the adjudicator's subpoena powers, and the effect and method for withdrawal or dismissal of a claim.