South Carolina Code of Regulations
Section 80-010 - Organization of the SCNM
Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
1. The SCNM is organized, trained and equipped under direction of the Commander, SCNM (COMSCNM), pursuant to Federal and State law, conforming with the table of organization, policies, standards, and training requirements established by the Secretary of Navy and by COMSCNM.
2. The Commander, South Carolina Naval Militia (COMSCNM) ranking officer will be a one star flag officer who reports administratively and operationally to the South Carolina Maritime Security Commission (SCMSC). The Adjutant General of South Carolina is acknowledged as the ranking military officer of the State of South Carolina but is not in the SCNM administrative or operational chain-of-command. COMSCNM will recommend appointments of all officers to the state ranks. Upon approval, they will be commissioned by the Governor. COMSCNM will appoint personnel to state enlisted rates. These commissions (officers) or certificates (enlisted) will be executed by the Chairman, SCMSC on behalf of the Governor. Personnel holding state commissions or appointments may wear uniforms pursuant to coordination with respective services, custom and tradition, and in accordance with SCNM regulations.
3. COMSCNM is responsible to and reports to the SCMSC. COMSCNM will establish a staff with standard naval structure that may include but not limited to deputy commander, chief of staff, special liaisons and task forces, admin, intelligence, operations, logistics/supply, communications, training, plans/requirements, legal, public affairs (including ceremonial units), and senior enlisted and other advisers deemed necessary to the efficient and effective functioning of the Naval Militia.
4. COMSCNM is authorized to execute Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with appropriate administrative and operational entities as pertains to the operations and functions of the SCNM. These MOUs will be witnessed by the Chairman, SCMSC.
5. There shall be three divisions to the SCNM: