(b) The approved inspection agency shall
submit for the manufacturer, a request for Council review which may include any
or all elements of building systems such as structural, mechanical, plumbing,
and electrical components. All modular building system submittals must include
at least the following:
(1) Structural:
(i) details specifying methods of field
connection of units or models to each other and foundations; and
(ii) all exterior elevations; and
(iii) elevations and details of elements,
walls or sections thereof providing resistance to vertical loads or lateral
forces; and
(iv) floor plans and
floor framing plans; and
details of framing system showing direction of face grain of plywood, blocking,
connections, etc.; and
vertical load calculations; and
(vii) lateral force calculations;
(viii) overturning and uplift
calculations; and
(ix) details of
all structural connections such as chord splices, corner and wall intersection
details, post and beam splices, etc., (both inplant and onsite connections must
be shown); and
(x) complete roof
framing plan showing method of framing, direction of face grain of plywood,
connections, etc., roof covering material and roofing specifications;
(xi) cross sections as
necessary to identify major building components; and
(xii) information for plywood when used, such
as thickness, index number, grade, direction of face grain, etc., and lumber
grades; and
(xiii) details of
flashing, such as at openings and at penetrations through roofs flashing
material and gage to be used; and
(xiv) attic access and attic ventilation;
(xv) wall and soffit material
as well as finish; and
interior wall and ceiling finish; and
(xvii) fire separation details, when required
by code; and
(xviii) opening
treatment for doors and windows including door swings; and
(xix) all foundation vents and under floor
access; and
(xx) structural steel
materials, sizes, finishes, and connection details; and
(xxi) reinforcing, concrete and mesh
materials, strengths, grades, sizes, spacing and details in accordance with
"Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, ACI 318"; and
(xxii) all work that is required on the
building site; and
(xxiii) details
of all elements for access and use by people with disabilities.
(2) Plumbing:
(i) plan and riser diagram of the plumbing
layout showing size of piping, fittings, traps, vents, cleanouts and valves,
etc., for gas, water, drainage, waste, and vent systems; and
(ii) plumbing materials, make, model, and
rating/capacity of fixtures; and
(iii) make and model of safety controls and
their locations; and
(iv) intervals
and method of horizontal piping support; and
(v) vertical piping and valve supports;
(vi) location of flues and
vents above roofs and required clearances from air intakes, other vents and
flues, etc.; and
(3) Mechanical:
(i) location of all equipment and appliances;
(ii) listed or labeled
appliances, units or equipment; and
(iii) heat loss and heat gain calculations;
(iv) BTU, input and output
rating of all appliances and equipment; and
(v) duct and register locations, including
size, and materials; and
clearance from combustible material or surfaces for all appliances, equipment,
ducts, flues, and chimneys; and
(vii) method of providing required combustion
air and return air; and
location of flues, vents and chimneys, and clearances for air intakes;
(ix) details and approvals for
dampers in ducts penetrating fire separation walls, floors and ceilings;
(x) method of testing;
(xi) method of securing every
appliance and its components to avoid displacement and movement from vibration
and road shock.
(i) plan and detail of service
equipment, including service entrance, conductors, service raceway and
clearances, above ground, and above structures; and
(ii) method and detail for grounding service
equipment; and
(iii) diagram of the
entire electrical installation; and
(iv) complete load calculations for service
and feeders; and
(v) identification
and sizes of all feeders and branch circuits; and
(vi) size, rating, and location of main
disconnect/overcurrent protective devices; and
(vii) method of interconnection between
modules or units and location of connections; and
(viii) location of all outlets and junction
boxes; and
(ix) the protection of
nonmetallic sheathed cable in locations subject to mechanical damage;
(x) method of backing,
mounting, and strapping of fixtures and wiring; and
(xi) name plate rating of all appliances and
equipment; and
(xii) method of
testing; and
(xiii) labeling of
wiring, fixtures, and equipment.
(5) Calculations and test procedures. When
the composition or configuration of elements, assemblies, or details of
structural members are such that calculations of their safe load carrying
capacity, basic structural integrity, or fire resistance cannot be accurately
determined in accordance with generally established principles of engineering
design, such structural properties, or fire resistance of the members or
assemblies may be established by an approved inspection agency.
(6) Design plan approval expiration. Design
plan approvals shall expire on the effective date of any applicable change to
these regulations and the building codes referenced herein.
(7) It shall be the responsibility of the
manufacturer to submit an application for design plan renewal to the
(8) Revocation of
approval. Revocation of a plan approval shall occur upon the failure of the
manufacturer to comply with the provisions of these regulations.
(9) Nonconforming application. If an
application does not conform to the requirements of these regulations, the
applicant shall be notified in writing. If corrections have not been received
by the Council within ninety (90) days of such notice, the application will be
deemed abandoned. Subsequent submission shall be as for a new
(10) Evidence of
Council approval. Approved plans and specifications shall be evidenced by
acknowledgment of the Council. Approved copies of the plans and specifications
shall be returned to the manufacturer with a letter indicating the limitations
of the approval, if applicable. A copy of the letter shall be available for
inspection use at each place of manufacture.
(11) Manufacturer's unit data plate. The
manufacturer shall install on all modular building units, a data plate which
shall contain, but not be limited to the following design information:
(a) maximum live load; and
(b) maximum snow load; and
(c) maximum wind load; and
(e) thermal transmittance value (Uo) of:
walls, roof/ceiling, and floors.
(12) The data plate shall be permanently
mounted in a conspicuous location.
(13) Manufacturer's component data plate. The
manufacturer shall install on each modular component or package of modular
components a data plate which indicates the limiting characteristics and design
criteria of the components for determining how they can be installed and
utilized within their capabilities.
(14) All modular plans, apart from
single-family dwellings, must be submitted to the Council and approval issued
prior to the commencement of construction of the modular building or component
in the manufacturing facility. The approved inspection agency shall not inspect
or allow a certification label to be affixed to any modular building or
component whose plans have not been approved by the