South Carolina Code of Regulations
Section 62-252 - Program Benefits and Maximum Assistance
Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
A. Qualified members of the National Guard may receive college assistance program benefits up to an amount equal to one hundred percent of college cost of attendance, provided, however, these college assistance program benefits in combination with all other grants and scholarships shall not exceed the cost of attendance at the particular eligible institution in any given award year; and the cumulative total of all college assistance program benefits received may not exceed eighteen thousand dollars.
B. A member shall not qualify for college assistance program benefits for more than one hundred thirty attempted hours from the time of initial eligibility into the college assistance program.
C. Students may receive college assistance benefits upon completion of their first bachelor's degree in a preceding level (less than one-year certificate or certifications, one-year certificate and two-year program or associate's degree) in accordance with Section 62-251 H.
D. Students who have been awarded a graduate degree are not eligible for the College Assistance Program benefit.
E. Students may not receive college assistance benefits at more than one institution during the same term. Where students are enrolled in more than one institution during a semester, the benefit will be received at the student's home institution.
F. College assistance benefits must not be awarded for graduate degree courses.
G. Less than full-time students may receive college assistance program benefits.
H. College assistance program benefits may not be applied to the cost of continuing education or graduate coursework.
I. A Guard member who qualifies under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 must meet all eligibility requirements as defined in "Program Benefits and Maximum Assistance" Sections except for the full-time enrollment requirement, if approved by the Disability Services Provider at the home institution. A Guard member must comply with all institutional policies and procedures in accordance with ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It is the responsibility of the Guard member to provide written documentation concerning services from the institutional Disability Services Provider. The institutional Disability Services Provider must provide written documentation to the Office of Financial Aid prior to each academic year verifying that the student is approved to be enrolled in less than full-time status. The institution is responsible for retaining appropriate documentation according to the "Institutional Policies and Procedures for Awarding" Section.
J. Remedial/developmental or non-degree attempted hours shall be used toward the National Guard member's 130 attempted hours.