South Carolina Code of Regulations
Subchapter 61-80 - Neonatal Screening For Inborn Metabolic Errors and Hemoglobinopathies
Appendix 61-80.B - Information Release Form: DHEC 1878, Authorization to Release Information Relative to Newborn Screening for Inborn Metabolic Errors and Hemoglobinopathies
Please check all boxes that apply.
[ ] A. I agree that information about __________, born __________, obtained as a result of tests conducted for screening for inborn metabolic errors and hemoglobinopathies may be released or exchanged with the following providers:
[ ] B. In cases where this information is immediately needed for continuity of health care, I authorize the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control to provide this information to the providers listed above by fax.
[ ] C. I authorize my signed form to be faxed to the providers listed above.
I understand that my confidentiality cannot be guaranteed when sending this information by fax. I understand that the copy of my signature below may be treated as an original signature.
I am the client, parent or legal guardian. I understand that I am responsible for this information if it is released to me and that my records are protected generally under state laws as well as statutes governing specific types of information and cannot be disclosed without my authorization. I also understand that I may revoke this authorization at any time except to the extent that action has been taken on it.
Signature: __________ Date: __________
Witness: __________ Date: __________
Revoked: __________ Date: __________
Some babies are born with diseases of the blood or body function. A baby with one of these diseases looks healthy. However, these diseases can cause intellectual disability, abnormal growth, infections, or death. Some of these diseases can be found by early testing. This testing, called newborn screening, is important so that your baby is not harmed by one of these diseases. During newborn screening, a small sample of your baby's blood is taken from the heel. The blood is tested. The blood shows if your baby has any of the "newborn screening" diseases. If your baby has one of these diseases, your doctor can treat your baby.
DHEC can store your baby's blood sample for special study. Studies help DHEC find out new information about diseases. If a study finds something in your child's blood sample that can help your child, DHEC can confidentially notify you (or your child if he/she is 18 years or older).