South Carolina Code of Regulations
Subchapter 61-68 - Water Classifications and Standards
Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
1. All surface waters of the State, except as discussed in Section C., shall be identified within one of the classes described below. The Department may determine in accordance with Section 312 of the Clean Water Act that for some waterbodies (or portions of waterbodies), the designation of No Discharge Zone (NDZ) for Marine Sanitation Devices (MSDs) shall be enacted with application of the existing classified standards of the waterbody. Those waters classified by name shall be listed in R.61-69, Classified Waters, along with the NDZ designation, if applicable.
2. Where a surface waterbody is tributary to waters of a higher class, the quality of the water in the tributary shall be protected to maintain the standards of the higher classified receiving water.
3. For items not listed in each class, criteria published pursuant to Sections 304(a) and 307(a) of the Federal Clean Water Act or other documents shall be used as guides to determine conditions which protect water uses. Many of these criteria are listed in the appendix to this regulation. For consideration of natural conditions, refer to Sections: C.9., D.4., E.12., E.14.c.(2), E.14.c.(3), F.4.d., G.4., G.6., and G.9. For the following numeric criteria for turbidity (with the exception of Outstanding National Resource Waters, Outstanding Resource Waters, Trout Waters, and Shellfish Harvesting Waters), compliance with these turbidity criteria may be considered to be met as long as the waterbody supports a balanced indigenous aquatic community when land management activities employ Best Management Practices (BMPs). For consideration, BMPs must be in full compliance with all specifications governing the proper design, installation, operation, and maintenance of such BMPs and all applicable permit conditions and requirements must be met.
4. Outstanding National Resource Waters (ONRW) are freshwaters or saltwaters which constitute an outstanding national recreational or ecological resource.
Quality Standards for Outstanding National Resource Waters |
a. Color, dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform, enterococci, E. coli, pH, temperature, turbidity, and other parameters. |
Water quality conditions shall be maintained and protected to the extent of the Department's statutory authority. Numeric and narrative criteria for Class ONRW shall be those applicable to the classification of the waterbody immediately prior to reclassification to Class ONRW, including consideration of natural conditions. |
5. In order to maintain the existing quality of Class ONRW waters the following additional standards apply:
a. Discharge from domestic, industrial, or agricultural waste treatment facilities; aquaculture; open water dredged spoil disposal. |
None allowed. |
b. Stormwater, and other nonpoint source runoff, including that from agricultural uses, or permitted discharge from aquatic farms, concentrated aquatic animal production facilities, and uncontaminated groundwater from mining. |
None allowed. |
c. Dumping or disposal of garbage, cinders, ashes, oils, sludge, or other refuse. |
None allowed. |
d. Activities or discharges from waste treatment facilities in waters upstream or tributary to ONRW waters. |
Allowed if there shall be no measurable impact on the downstream ONRW consistent with antidegradation rules. |
6. Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) are freshwaters or saltwaters which constitute an outstanding recreational or ecological resource or those freshwaters suitable as a source for drinking water supply purposes with treatment levels specified by the Department.
Quality Standards for Outstanding Resource Waters |
a. Color, dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform, enterococci, E. coli, pH, temperature, turbidity, and other parameters. |
Water quality conditions shall be maintained and protected to the extent of the Department's statutory authority. Numeric and narrative criteria for Class ORW shall be those applicable to the classification of the waterbody immediately prior to reclassification to Class ORW, including consideration of natural conditions. |
7. In order to maintain the existing quality of Class ORW waters the following additional standards apply:
a. Discharge from domestic, industrial, agricultural waste treatment facilities; aquaculture; open water dredged spoil disposal. |
None allowed. |
b. Stormwater, and other nonpoint source runoff, including that from agricultural uses, or permitted discharge from aquatic farms, concentrated aquatic animal production facilities, and uncontaminated groundwater from mining. |
Allowed if water quality necessary for existing and classified uses shall be maintained and protected consistent with antidegradation rules. |
c. Dumping or disposal of garbage, cinders, ashes, oils, sludge, or other refuse. |
None allowed. |
d. Activities or discharges from waste treatment facilities in waters upstream or tributary to ORW waters. |
Allowed if water quality necessary for existing and classified uses shall be maintained and protected consistent with antidegradation rules. |
8. Trout Waters. The State recognizes three types of trout waters: Natural; Put, Grow, and Take; and Put and Take.
9. The standards below protect the uses of Natural and Put, Grow, and Take trout waters.
Quality Standards for Trout Waters |
a. Garbage, cinders, ashes, oils, sludge, or other refuse |
None allowed. |
b. Treated wastes, toxic wastes, deleterious substances, colored, or other wastes except those given in a. above. |
None alone or in combination with other substances or wastes in sufficient amounts to be injurious to reproducing trout populations in natural waters or stocked populations in put, grow, and take waters, or in any manner adversely affecting the taste, color, odor, or sanitary condition thereof or impairing the waters for any other best usage as determined for the specific waters which are assigned to this class. |
c. Toxic pollutants listed in the appendix. |
As prescribed in Section E of this regulation. |
d. Stormwater, and other nonpoint source runoff, including that from agricultural uses, or permitted discharge from aquatic farms, concentrated aquatic animal production facilities, and uncontaminated groundwater from mining. |
Allowed if water quality necessary for existing and classified uses shall be maintained and protected consistent with antidegradation rules. |
e. Dissolved oxygen. |
Not less than 6 mg/L. |
f. E. coli |
Not to exceed a geometric mean of 126/100 mL based on at least four (4) samples collected from a given sampling site over a 30-day period, nor shall more than ten percent (10%) of the total samples during any 30-day period exceed 349/100 mL. |
g. pH. |
Between 6.0 and 8.0. |
h. Temperature. |
Not to vary from levels existing under natural conditions, unless determined that some other temperature shall protect the classified uses. |
i. Turbidity. |
Not to exceed 10 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs) or ten percent (10%) above natural conditions, provided uses are maintained. |
j. Total microcystins |
Not to exceed 8 µg/L. For freshwater primary contact recreational use notifications and advisories samples shall not exceed 8 µg/L. |
k. Cylindrospermopsin |
Not to exceed 15 µg/L. For freshwater primary contact recreational use notifications and advisories samples shall not exceed 15 µg/L. |
10. Freshwaters are freshwaters suitable for primary and secondary contact recreation and as a source for drinking water supply after conventional treatment in accordance with the requirements of the Department. Suitable for fishing and the survival and propagation of a balanced indigenous aquatic community of fauna and flora. Suitable also for industrial and agricultural uses.
Quality Standards for Freshwaters |
a. Garbage, cinders, ashes, oils, sludge, or other refuse |
None allowed. |
b. Treated wastes, toxic wastes, deleterious substances, colored, or other wastes except those given in a. above. |
None alone or in combination with other substances or wastes in sufficient amounts to make the waters unsafe or unsuitable for primary contact recreation or to impair the waters for any other best usage as determined for the specific waters which are assigned to this class. |
c. Toxic pollutants listed in the appendix. |
As prescribed in Section E of this regulation. |
d. Stormwater, and other nonpoint source runoff, including that from agricultural uses, or permitted discharge from aquatic farms, concentrated aquatic animal production facilities, and uncontaminated groundwater from mining. |
Allowed if water quality necessary for existing and classified uses shall be maintained and protected consistent with antidegradation rules. |
e. Dissolved oxygen. |
Daily average not less than 5.0 mg/L with a low of 4.0 mg/L. |
f. E. coli |
Not to exceed a geometric mean of 126/100 mL based on at least four (4) samples collected from a given sampling site over a 30-day period, nor shall more than ten percent (10%) of the total samples during any 30-day period exceed 349/100 mL. |
g. pH. |
Between 6.0 and 8.5. |
h. Temperature. |
As prescribed in E.12. of this regulation. |
i. Turbidity. Except for Lakes. Lakes only. |
Not to exceed 50 NTUs provided existing uses are maintained. Not to exceed 25 NTUs provided existing uses are |
maintained. |
j. Total microcystins |
Not to exceed 8 µg/L. For freshwater primary contact recreational use notifications and advisories samples shall not exceed 8 µg/L. |
k. Cylindrospermopsin |
Not to exceed 15 µg/L. For freshwater primary contact recreational use notifications and advisories samples shall not exceed 15 µg/L. |
11. Shellfish Harvesting Waters (SFH) are tidal saltwaters protected for shellfish harvesting and uses listed in Class SA and Class SB. Suitable for primary and secondary contact recreation, crabbing, and fishing. Also suitable for the survival and propagation of a balanced indigenous aquatic community of marine fauna and flora.
Quality Standards for Shellfish Harvesting Waters |
a. Garbage, cinders, ashes, oils, sludge, or other refuse |
None allowed. |
b. Treated wastes, toxic wastes, deleterious substances, colored or other wastes except those given in a. above. |
None alone or in combination with other substances or wastes in sufficient amounts to adversely affect the taste, color, odor, or sanitary condition of clams, mussels, or oysters for human consumption; or to impair the waters for any best usage as determined for the specific waters which are assigned to this class. |
c. Toxic pollutants listed in the appendix. |
As prescribed in Section E of this regulation. |
d. Stormwater, and other nonpoint source runoff, including that from agricultural uses, or permitted discharge from aquatic farms, and concentrated aquatic animal production facilities. |
Allowed if water quality necessary for existing and classified uses shall be maintained and protected consistent with antidegradation rules. |
e. Dissolved oxygen. |
Daily average not less than 5.0 mg/L with a low of 4 mg/L. |
f. Fecal coliform. |
Not to exceed an MPN fecal coliform geometric mean of 14/100 mL; nor shall more than ten percent (10%) of the samples exceed an MPN of 43/100 mL. |
g. Enterococci. |
Not to exceed a geometric mean of 35/100 mL based on at least four (4) samples collected from a given sampling site over a 30-day period; nor shall more than ten percent (10%) of the samples exceed a single sample maximum of 104/100 mL during any 30-day period. Additionally, for beach monitoring and notification activities for CWA Section 406 only, samples shall not exceed a single sample maximum of 104/100 mL. |
h. pH. |
Shall not vary more than three tenths (3/10) of a pH unit above or below that of effluent-free waters in the same geological area having a similar total alkalinity and temperature, but not lower than 6.5 or above 8.5. |
i. Temperature. |
As prescribed in E.12. of this regulation. |
j. Turbidity. |
Not to exceed 25 NTUs provided existing uses are maintained. |
12. Class SA are tidal saltwaters suitable for primary and secondary contact recreation, crabbing, and fishing, except harvesting of clams, mussels, or oysters for market purposes or human consumption and uses listed in Class SB. Also suitable for the survival and propagation of a balanced indigenous aquatic community of marine fauna and flora.
Quality Standards for Class SA Waters |
a. Garbage, cinders, ashes, oils, sludge, or other refuse. |
None allowed. |
b. Treated wastes, toxic wastes, deleterious substances, colored, or other wastes except those given in a. above. |
None alone or in combination with other substances or wastes in sufficient amounts to make the waters unsafe or unsuitable for primary contact recreation or to impair the waters for any other best usage as determined for the specific waters which are assigned to this class. |
c. Toxic pollutants listed in the appendix. |
As prescribed in Section E of this regulation. |
d. Stormwater, and other nonpoint source runoff, including that from agricultural uses, or permitted discharge from aquatic farms, and concentrated aquatic animal production facilities. |
Allowed if water quality necessary for existing and classified uses shall be maintained and protected consistent with antidegradation rules. |
e. Dissolved oxygen. |
Daily average not less than 5.0 mg/L with a low of 4.0 mg/L. |
f. Enterococci. |
Not to exceed a geometric mean of 35/100 mL based on at least four (4) samples collected from a given sampling site over a 30-day period; nor shall more than ten percent (10%) of the samples exceed a single sample maximum of 104/100 mL during any 30-day period. Additionally, for beach monitoring and notification activities for CWA Section 406 only, samples shall not exceed a single sample maximum of 104/100 mL. |
g. pH. |
Shall not vary more than one-half (1/2) of a pH unit above or below that of effluent-free waters in the same geological area having a similar total salinity, alkalinity, and temperature, but not lower than 6.5 or above 8.5. |
h. Temperature. |
As prescribed in E.12. of this regulation. |
i. Turbidity. |
Not to exceed 25 NTUs provided existing uses are maintained. |
13. Class SB are tidal saltwaters suitable for primary and secondary contact recreation, crabbing, and fishing, except harvesting of clams, mussels, or oysters for market purposes or human consumption. Also suitable for the survival and propagation of a balanced indigenous aquatic community of marine fauna and flora.
Quality Standards for Class SB Waters |
a. Garbage, cinders, ashes, oils, sludge, or other refuse |
None allowed. |
b. Treated wastes, toxic wastes, deleterious substances, colored, or other wastes except those given in a. above. |
None alone or in combination with other substances or wastes in sufficient amounts to make the waters unsafe or unsuitable for primary contact recreation or to impair the waters for any other best usage as determined for the specific waters which are assigned to this class. |
c. Toxic pollutants listed in the appendix. |
As prescribed in Section E of this regulation. |
d. Stormwater, and other nonpoint source runoff, including that from agricultural uses, or permitted discharge from aquatic farms, and concentrated aquatic animal production facilities. |
Allowed if water quality necessary for existing and classified uses shall be maintained and protected consistent with antidegradation rules. |
e. Dissolved oxygen. |
Not less than 4.0 mg/L. |
f. Enterococci. |
Not to exceed a geometric mean of 35/100 mL based on at least four (4) samples collected from a given sampling site over a 30-day period; nor shall more than ten percent (10%) of the samples exceed a single sample maximum of 104/100 mL during any 30-day period. Additionally, for beach monitoring and notification activities for CWA Section 406 only, samples shall not exceed a single sample maximum of 104/100 mL. |
g. pH. |
Shall not vary more than one-half (1/2) of a pH unit above or below that of effluent-free waters in the same geological area having a similar total salinity, alkalinity, and temperature, but not lower than 6.5 or above 8.5 |
h. Temperature. |
As prescribed in E.12. of this regulation. |
i. Turbidity. |
Not to exceed 25 NTUs provided existing uses are maintained. |