F. Severity VI Category
Level: Not more than One Thousand Dollars, per violation.
I. Health Physics and Radiation Protection:
A. Severity I--Very Significant violations
1. Single exposure or a quarterly
accumulation of exposures to a worker in excess of 25 rems of radiation to the whole
body, 150 rems to the skin of the whole body, or 375 rems to the feet, ankles,
hands, or forearms, when such exposures are contrary to the provisions of RHA 3.2,
Title A;
2. Annual whole body exposure
of a member of the public in excess of 2.5 rems of radiation;
3. Release of radioactive material to an
unrestricted area in excess of ten times the limits of RHA 3.5, Title A;
4. Disposal of licensed material in quantities or
concentrations in excess of ten times the limits of RHA 3.13, Title A; or
5. Exposure of a worker in restricted areas in
excess of ten times the limits of RHA 3.3, Title A.
B. Severity II--Very Significant violations
1. Single exposure or a quarterly
accumulation of exposures to a worker in excess of 5 rems of radiation to the whole
body, 30 rems to the skin of the whole body, or 75 rems to the feet, ankles, hands,
or forearms, when such exposures are contrary to the provisions of RHA 3.2, Title
2. Annual whole body exposure of a
member of the public in excess of 0.5 rems of radiation;
3. Release of radioactive material to an
unrestricted area in excess of five times the limits of RHA 3.5, Title A;
4. Failure to make an immediate notification as
required by RHA 3.18, Title A;
Disposal of licensed material in quantities or concentrations in excess of five
times the limits of RHA 3.13, Title A; or
6. Exposure of a worker in restricted areas in
excess of five times the limits of RHA 3.3, Title A.
C. Severity III--Significant violations involving:
1. Single exposure or a quarterly accumulation of
exposures to a worker in excess of 3 rems of radiation to the whole body, 7.5 rems
to the skin of the whole body, or 18.75 rems to the feet, ankles, hands, or
forearms, when such exposures are contrary to the provisions of RHA 3.2, Title
2. A radiation level in an
unrestricted area that exceeds 100 millirems/hour for a one-hour period;
3. Failure to make a 24-hour notification as
required by RHA 3.18, Title A, or an immediate notification required by RHA 3.17,
Title A;
4. Substantial potential for an
exposure or release in excess of limits specified in Part III, Title A, where such
exposure or release does not occur (e.g., entry into high radiation areas in the
vicinity of exposed radiographic sources without having performed an adequate
survey, failure to provide security or prevent unauthorized entry into a high
radiation area, operation of a radiation facility with a nonfunctioning interlock
5. Release of radioactive
material to an unrestricted area in excess of the limits of RHA 3.5, Title
6. Improper disposal of licensed
material not covered in Severity Levels I or II;
7. Exposure of a worker in restricted areas in
excess of the limits of RHA 3.3, Title A;
8. Release for unrestricted use of contaminated or
radioactive material or equipment which poses a realistic potential for exposure to
members of the public, or failure to decontaminate facility areas as
9. Cumulative worker exposure
above regulatory limits when such cumulative exposure reflects a programmatic,
rather than an isolated weakness in radiation protection;
10. Conduct of licensee activities by a
technically unqualified person or person not meeting training requirements specified
by regulation or license conditions; or
11. Failure to control or provide security for
licensed material.
Severity IV--Violations involving:
1. Failure to
follow requirements not covered in Severity Levels I, II, or III, that substantially
reduces the margin of safety (e.g., inadequate survey, incomplete dosimetry,
improper posting, failure to maintain proper security);
2. A radiation level in an unrestricted area such
that an individual may receive greater than 2 millirems in a one hour period or 100
millirems in any seven consecutive days; or
3. Failure to make a 30-day written notification
required by RHA 3.19, Title A.
E. Severity V--Violations involving any other
matter involving failure to follow procedures, rules and regulations or license
conditions, that has other than minor safety or environmental
F. Severity VI--Violations
that have minor safety or environmental significance.
II. Radioactive Materials Operations:
A. Severity I--Very Significant violations
1. A technically unqualified or
unauthorized person conducting a licensee activity that results in radiation levels,
contamination levels, or releases that exceed ten times regulatory limits or limits
specified in the license;
2. Use of
unauthorized equipment that results in radiation levels, contamination levels, or
releases that exceed ten times regulatory limits or limits specified in the
3. Possession or use of
unauthorized radioactive materials requiring a license that results in radiation
levels, contamination levels, or releases that exceed ten times regulatory
4. Failure to perform required
surveys, tests, or evaluations, or to institute required safety precautions that
results in radiation levels, contamination levels, or releases that exceed ten times
regulatory limits or limits specified in the license; or
5. A system designed to prevent or mitigate a
serious safety event being inoperable when actually required to perform its design
B. Severity
II--Violations involving:
1. A technically
unqualified or unauthorized person conducting a licensee activity that results in
radiation levels, contamination levels, or releases that exceed five times
regulatory limits, or limits specified in the license;
2. Possession or use of unauthorized equipment or
material in the conduct of licensed activities that results in radiation levels,
contamination levels, or releases that exceed five times regulatory limits or limits
specified in the license;
3. Possession
or use of unauthorized radioactive materials requiring a license that results in
radiation levels, contamination levels, or releases that exceed five times
regulatory limits.
4. Failure to perform
required surveys, tests, or evaluations that results in radiation levels,
contamination levels or releases that exceed five times regulatory limits, or limits
specified in the license; or
5. Failure
to make required initial notifications associated with Severity Level I or II
C. Severity
III--Violations involving:
1. Failure to control
access to licensed materials for radiation purposes as specified by regulatory
2. Possession or use of
unauthorized equipment, materials or facilities in the conduct of licensed
3. Possession or use of
unauthorized radioactive materials requiring a license;
4. Use of radioactive materials on humans where
such use is not authorized;
5. Conduct
of licensee activities by a technically unqualified or unauthorized
6. Degradation of a system
designed to prevent or mitigate a serious safety event;
7. Failure to provide adequate measures to prevent
loss or theft of radioactive materials; or
8. Radiation levels, contamination levels, or
releases that exceed regulatory limits or limits specified in the license.
D. Severity IV--Violations involving:
1. Failure to maintain patients containing
Cobalt-60, Cesium-137, Iridium-192, or Radium implants hospitalized, or failure to
conduct and record surveys of such patients prior to release;
2. Failure to conduct required leakage or
contamination tests; or
3. Use of
improperly calibrated survey equipment or counting equipment.
E. Severity V--Other violations such as failure to
follow procedures, rules and regulations, or license conditions that have other than
minor safety or environmental significance.
F. Severity VI--Violations that have minor safety
or environmental significance.
III. Transportation of Radioactive Materials:
For purposes of this Schedule, radioactive material transported as
radioactive waste into or within South Carolina is subject to the provisions of the
S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control Regulation Regulation 61-83,
Regulation for the Transportation of Radioactive Waste Into or Within South
Carolina. Radioactive materials, other than radioactive wastes as defined in S.C.
Department of Health and Environmental Control Regulation Regulation 61-83, are
subject to the following Severity Categories:
A. Severity I--Very Significant violations of
State and Federal Regulations involving:
1. Annual
whole body exposure of a member of the public in excess of 2.5 rem of radiation;
2. Breach of package integrity
resulting in surface contamination or external radiation levels in excess of ten
times the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) or Department of Transportation (DOT)
B. Severity II--Very
Significant violations of State and Federal Regulations involving:
1. Annual whole body exposure of a member of the
public in excess of 0.5 rem of radiation;
2. Breach of package integrity resulting in
surface contamination or external radiation levels less than ten times in excess of
NRC or DOT limits.
3. Surface
contamination or external radiation levels in excess of three times NRC or DOT
limits that did not result from a breach of package integrity; or
4. Failure to make required initial notifications
associated with Severity Level I or II violations.
C. Severity III--Violation of State and Federal
Regulations involving:
1. Breach of package
2. Surface contamination or
external radiation levels in excess of but less than a factor of three above NRC or
DOT requirements that did not result from a breach of package integrity;
3. Any noncompliance with labelling, placarding,
shipping paper, packaging, loading or other requirements that could reasonably
result in the following:
a. Improper
identification of the type, quantity, or form of material;
b. Failure of the carrier or recipient to exercise
adequate controls;
c. Substantial
potential for personnel exposure or contamination; or
4. Failure to make required initial notification
associated with Severity Level III violations.
D. Severity IV--Violation of State and Federal
regulation involving any noncompliance of package selection or preparation
requirements which does not result in a breach of package integrity or surface
contamination, or external radiation levels in excess of NRC or DOT
E. Severity V--Other
violations such as failure to follow procedures or rules and regulations that have
other than minor safety or environmental significance.
F. Severity VI--Violations that have minor safety
or environmental significance.