South Carolina Code of Regulations
Subchapter 61-62 - Air Pollution Control Regulations and Standards
Subchapter 61-62.63 - "National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for Source Categories"
Subpart B - "Requirements for Control Technology Determinations for Major Sources in Accordance With Clean Air Act Sections, Sections 112(g) and 112(j)"
Section 61-62.63.B.51 - Definitions
Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
Terms used in Sections63.50 through 63.56 that are not defined in this section have the meaning given to them in the Act, or in subpart A of this part.
(a) "Affected source" means the collection of equipment, activities, or both within a single contiguous area and under common control that is in a section112(j)(c) source category or subcategory for which the Administrator has failed to promulgate an emission standard by the section112(c)(j) deadline, and that is addressed by an applicable MACT emission limitation established pursuant to this subpart.
(b) "Available information" means, for purposes of conducting a MACT floor finding and identifying control technology options under this subpart, any information that is available as of the date on which the first Part 2 MACT application is filed for a source in the relevant source category or subcategory in the State or jurisdiction; and, pursuant to the requirements of this subpart, is additional relevant information that can be expeditiously provided by the Administrator, is submitted by the applicant or others prior to or during the public comment period on the section112(j)(j) equivalent emission limitation for that source, or information contained in the information sources in paragraphs (1) through (5) of this definition.
(c) "Control technology" means measures, processes, methods, systems, or techniques to limit the emission of hazardous air pollutants including, but not limited to, measures which:
(d) "Enhanced review" means a review process containing all administrative steps needed to ensure that the terms and conditions resulting from the review process can be incorporated using title V permitting procedures.
(e) "Equivalent emission limitation" means an emission limitation, established under section112(j)(j) of the Act, which is equivalent to the MACT standard that EPA would have promulgated under section112(d) or (h)(d) or (h) of the Act.
(f) "Maximum achievable control technology (MACT) emission limitation for existing sources" means the emission limitation reflecting the maximum degree of reduction in emissions of hazardous air pollutants (including a prohibition on such emissions, where achievable) that the Administrator, taking into consideration the cost of achieving such emission reductions, and any non-air quality health and environmental impacts and energy requirements, determines is achievable by sources in the category or subcategory to which such emission standard applies. This limitation shall not be less stringent than the MACT floor.
(g) "Maximum achievable control technology (MACT) emission limitation for new sources" means the emission limitation which is not less stringent than the emission limitation achieved in practice by the best controlled similar source, and which reflects the maximum degree of reduction in emissions of hazardous air pollutants (including a prohibition on such emissions, where achievable) that the Administrator, taking into consideration the cost of achieving such emission reduction, and any non-air quality health and environmental impacts and energy requirements, determines is achievable by sources in the category or subcategory to which such emission standard applies.
(h) "Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) floor" means:
(i) "New affected source" means the collection of equipment, activities, or both, that if constructed after the issuance of a section112(j)(j) permit for the source pursuant to Section63.52, is subject to the applicable MACT emission limitation for new sources. Each permit must define the term "new affected source," which will be the same as the "affected source" unless a different collection is warranted based on consideration of factors including:
(j) "Permitting authority" means the permitting authority as defined in part 70 of this chapter.
(k) "Research or laboratory activities" means activities whose primary purpose is to conduct research and development into new processes and products where such activities are operated under the close supervision of technically trained personnel and are not engaged in the manufacture of products for commercial sale in commerce, except in a de minimis manner; and where the source is not in a source category, specifically addressing research or laboratory activities, that is listed pursuant to section112(c)(7)(c)(7) of the Act.
(l) "Section112(j)(j) deadline" means the date 18 months after the date for which a relevant standard is scheduled to be promulgated under this part, except that for all major sources listed in the source category schedule for which a relevant standard is scheduled to be promulgated by November 15, 1994, the section112(j)(j) deadline is November 15, 1996, and for all major sources listed in the source category schedule for which a relevant standard is scheduled to be promulgated by November 15, 1997, the section112(j)(j) deadline is December 15, 1999.
(m) "Similar source" means that equipment or collection of equipment that, by virtue of its structure, operability, type of emissions and volume and concentration of emissions, is substantially equivalent to the new affected source and employs control technology for control of emissions of hazardous air pollutants that is practical for use on the new affected source.
Source category schedule for standards means the schedule for promulgating MACT standards issued pursuant to section112(e)(e) of the Act.