South Carolina Code of Regulations
Subchapter 61-58.7 - Operation and Maintenance
Section 61-58.7.B - General Requirements for Operation and Maintenance of Public Water Systems
Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
(1) All water systems must be operated and maintained in accordance with their construction and operating permit(s) and any approved modifications.
(2) Each system shall have and maintain up-to-date written Standard Operating Procedures for the operation and maintenance of its system. These procedures shall include but not be limited to:
(3) All chemical feed systems that are in operation shall be monitored as often as necessary to ensure proper operation. Documentation must be maintained.
(4) The water from each treatment process shall be sampled and analyzed as often as necessary to ensure that the treatment process is functioning properly, but in no case less than once a day. The operator shall maintain a written record of all analyses conducted. These records shall be kept for a minimum of three (3) years. Except where otherwise noted, any analyses conducted for compliance with the monitoring requirements of R.61-58.5, R.61-58.10, R.61-58.11 and R.61-58.13, shall be performed by a laboratory certified by the Department and the records of these analyses kept on file in accordance with the retention schedules outlined in the regulations. All other monitoring conducted for the purpose of process control shall be performed using equipment and methodology acceptable to the Department.
(5) If a combined phosphate or poly-phosphate chemical is used, total phosphate residual monitoring may be conducted once every two weeks in lieu of the daily monitoring as required in R.61-58.7(B)(4)(B)(4).
(6) The operator shall measure the amounts of chemicals used each day and calculate the dosages. The operator shall maintain a written record of all measurements and dosage calculations. These records shall be kept for a minimum of 3 years.
(7) The system shall have immediate access to parts for routine repairs and shall repair any malfunctioning equipment as soon as possible.
(8) Chemical spills shall be cleaned up promptly and disposed of properly. Any chemical spills which are not contained and reach the environment shall be reported to the Department immediately.
(9) Where chlorine gas is used, the following shall apply:
(10) Where ammonia gas is used, the following shall apply:
(11) Where fluoride is added to the water the following shall apply:
(12) Adequate safety equipment for handling of chemicals used in treatment shall be provided.
(13) Chemical dosages shall not exceed the maximum dosage specified by the Department.
(14) All emergency power equipment shall be operated at least once per month under load and records of this operation kept on file with the water system.
(15) All chemicals and products added to a public water supply as part of the treatment process shall be certified as meeting the specifications of the American National Standard Institute/National Sanitation Foundation Standard 60, Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals--Health Effects. The certifying party shall be accredited by the American National Standards Institute.
(16) All materials and products installed in a public water system after December 31, 1995, which comes into contact with drinking water during the treatment, storage, transmission or distribution of the water, shall be certified as meeting the specifications of the American National Standard Institute/National Sanitation Foundation Standard 61, Drinking Water System Components--Health Effects. The certifying party shall be accredited by the American National Standards Institute.
(17) All storage and de-watering facilities for water treatment plant residuals shall be maintained in good operating condition. Equipment shall be cleaned and lubricated according to manufacturer's recommendations and the operation and maintenance manual for the plant. Records shall be kept of maintenance performed. There shall be no bypassing of any treatment process to the environment. The facilities shall be monitored in accordance with any operating permit(s) issued by the Department.
(18) Security shall be provided and maintained for all intake, treatment, storage and pumping facilities so as to prevent the entrance of unauthorized persons.
(19) Sampling taps shall be maintained so that representative water samples can be obtained from:
(20) All required flow meters shall be maintained and operated in accordance with design criteria.
(21) Secondary containment systems shall be maintained for all liquid chemical storage tanks and solution tanks, capable of receiving and containing accidental spills or overflows. Incompatible chemicals shall not be stored in the same secondary containment area.