Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
All water systems shall report all of the following information
to the Department in accordance with this section.
(1) Reporting requirements for tap water
monitoring for lead and copper and for water quality parameter monitoring.
(a) Notwithstanding the requirements of
except as provided in paragraph (1)(a)(viii) of this section a water system
must report the information specified in paragraphs (1)(a)(i) through (ix) of
this section for all tap water samples specified in R.61-58.11.H and for all water
quality parameter samples specified in R.61-58.11.I within the first ten
(10) days following the end of each applicable tap sampling monitoring period
specified in R.61-58.11.H and
R.61-58.11.I (i.e., every six (6)
months, annually, every three (3) years, or every nine (9) years). For tap
sampling periods with a duration less than six (6) months, the end of the tap
sampling monitoring period is the last date samples can be collected during
that tap sampling period as specified in R.61-58.11.H and R.61-58.11.I.
(i) The results of all tap samples for lead
and copper including the location of each site and the site selection criteria
under R.61-58.11.H(1)(c) through
(j), used as the basis for which the site was
selected for the water system's sampling pool, accounting for R.61-58.11.H(1)(k);
(ii) Documentation for each tap water lead or
copper sample for which the water system requests invalidation pursuant to
(iii) Water systems with
lead service lines, galvanized service lines requiring replacement, or lead
status unknown service lines in the lead service line inventory conducted under
must re-evaluate the tap sampling locations used in their sampling pool prior
to the compliance date specified in R.61-58.11.B(1) and
thereafter prior to the next round of tap sampling conducted by the system, or
annually, whichever is more frequent.
(A) By
the start of the first applicable tap sampling monitoring period in
the water system must submit a site sample plan to the Department in accordance
with R.61-58.11.H, including a list of
tap sample site locations identified from the inventory in R.61-58.11.F(1),
and a list of tap sampling water quality parameter (WQP) sites selected under
R.61-58.11.I(1)(a). The site sample
plan must be updated and submitted to the Department prior to any changes to
sample site locations. The Department may require modifications to the site
sample plan as necessary.
(B) For
water systems with lead service lines with insufficient lead service line sites
to meet the minimum number required in R.61-58.11.H, documentation in
support of the conclusion that there are an insufficient number of lead service
line sites meeting the criteria under R.61-58.11.H(1)(c) or
(d) for community water systems or
for non-transient, non-community water systems, as
(iv) The 90th
percentile lead and copper concentrations measured from among all lead and
copper tap water samples collected during each tap sampling period (calculated
in accordance with R.61-58.11.B(3)(d),
unless the State calculates the water system's 90th percentile lead and copper
levels under paragraph (8) of this section;
(v) With the exception of initial tap
sampling conducted pursuant to R.61-58.11.H(4)(a)(i),
the water system must identify any site which was not sampled during previous
tap sampling periods, and include an explanation of why sampling sites have
(vi) The results of all
water quality parameter tap samples that are required to be collected under
R.61-58.11.I(2) through
(vii) The results of all samples collected at
the entry point(s) to the distribution system for applicable water quality
parameters under R.61-58.11.I(2) through
(viii) A water system shall report the
results of all water quality parameter samples collected under Section I(3) -
(6) above, during each six (6)-month monitoring period specified in Section
I(4) above, within the first ten (10) days following the end of the monitoring
period unless the Department has specified a more frequent reporting
requirement . ; and
(ix) By the
start of the first applicable tap sampling period in R.61-58.11.H(4),
the water system must submit to the Department a copy of the tap sampling
protocol that is provided to individuals who are sampling. The Department shall
verify that wide-mouth collection bottles are used and recommendations for
pre-stagnation flushing and aerator cleaning or removal prior to sample
collection are not included pursuant to R.61-58.11.H(2).
The tap sampling protocol shall contain instructions for correctly collecting a
first-draw sample for sites without lead service lines and a first-draw and a
fifth liter sample for sites with lead service lines, where applicable. If the
water system seeks to modify its tap sampling protocol specified in this
paragraph (1)(a)(ix), it must submit the updated version of the protocol to the
Department for review and approval no later than sixty (60) days prior to
(b) For a
non-transient non-community water system, or a community water system meeting
the criteria of R.61-58.11.H(2)(e),
that does not have enough taps that can provide first-draw or fifth liter
samples, the system must either:
(i) Provide
written documentation to the Department identifying standing times and
locations for enough non-first-draw and fifth liter samples to make up its
sampling pool under R.61-58.11.H(2)(e),
by the start of the first applicable monitoring period under R.61-58.11.H(4)
unless the Department has waived prior Department approval of non-first-draw
and fifth liter sample sites selected by the system pursuant to R.61-58.11.H(2)(e);
(ii) If the Department has
waived prior approval of non-first-draw sample sites selected by the system,
identify, in writing, each site that did not meet the six-hour minimum standing
time and the length of standing time for that particular substitute sample
collected pursuant to R.61-58.11.H(2)(e)
above, and include this information with the lead and copper tap sample results
required to be submitted pursuant to paragraph (1)(a)(i) of this
(c) At a time
specified by the Department, or if no specific time is designated by the
Department, then as early as possible prior to the addition of a new source or
any long-term change in water treatment, a water system must submit written
documentation to the Department describing the change or addition. The
Department must review and approve the addition of a new source or long-term
change in treatment before it is implemented by the water system. The
Department may require the system to take actions before or after the addition
of a new source or long-term treatment change to ensure the system will operate
and maintain optimal corrosion control treatment such as additional water
quality parameter monitoring, additional lead or copper tap sampling, and
re-evaluation of corrosion control treatment. Examples of long-term treatment
changes include, but are not limited to, the addition of a new treatment
process or modification of an existing treatment process. Examples of
modifications include switching secondary disinfectants, switching coagulants
(e.g., alum to ferric chloride), and switching corrosion inhibitor products
(e.g., orthophosphate to blended phosphate). Long-term changes can also include
dose changes to existing chemicals if the system is planning long-term changes
to its finished water pH or residual inhibitor concentration. Long-term
treatment changes would not include chemical dose fluctuations associated with
daily raw water quality changes where a new source has not been
(d) Any small system
applying for a monitoring waiver under R.61-58.11.H(7)
above, or subject to a waiver granted pursuant to R.61-58.11.H(7)(c)
above, shall provide the following information to the Department in writing by
the specified deadline:
(i) By the start of
the first applicable tap sampling monitoring period in R.61-58.11.H(4),
any small water system applying for a monitoring waiver shall provide the
documentation required to demonstrate that it meets the waiver criteria of
R.61-58.11.H(7)(a) and
(ii) No later than nine years after the
monitoring previously conducted pursuant to R.61-58.11.H(7)(b)
or R.61-58.11.H(7)(d)(i) above, each small system desiring to maintain its
monitoring waiver shall provide the information required by R.61-58.11.H(7)(d)(i) and
(ii) above.
(iii) No later than 60 days after it becomes
aware that it is no longer free of lead-containing and/or copper-containing
material, as appropriate, each small system with a monitoring waiver shall
provide written notification to the Department, setting forth the circumstances
resulting in the lead-containing and/or copper-containing materials being
introduced into the system and what corrective action, if any, the system plans
to remove these materials.
(e) Each ground water system that limits
water quality parameter monitoring to a subset of entry points under
above, shall provide, by the commencement of such monitoring, written
correspondence to the Department that identifies the selected entry points and
includes information sufficient to demonstrate that the sites are
representative of water quality and treatment conditions throughout the
(2) Source Water
Monitoring Reporting Requirements
(a) A water
system shall report the sampling results for all source water samples collected
in accordance with R.61-58.11.J above within the first
10 days following the end of each source water monitoring period (i.e.,
annually, per compliance period, per compliance cycle) specified in
R.61-58.11.J above.
(b) With the exception of the first round of
source water sampling conducted pursuant to R.61-58.11.J(2)
above, the system shall specify any site which was not sampled during previous
monitoring periods, and include an explanation of why the sampling point has
(3) Corrosion
Control Treatment Reporting Requirements - By the applicable dates under
R.61-58.11.C above, systems shall
report the following information:
(a) For
water systems demonstrating that they have already optimized corrosion control,
information required in R.61-58.11.C(2)(a) through
(b) For systems required to optimize
corrosion control, their recommendation regarding optimal corrosion control
treatment under R.61-58.11.D(1)
(c) For systems required to
evaluate the effectiveness of corrosion control treatments under
above, the information required by that paragraph.
(d) For systems required to install optimal
corrosion control designated by the Department under R.61-58.11.D(4)
above, a letter certifying that the system has completed installing that
(4) Source
Water Treatment Reporting Requirements - By the applicable dates in
R.61-58.11.E above, systems shall
provide the following information to the Department:
(a) If required under R.61-58.11.E(2)(a)
above, their recommendation regarding source water treatment;
(b) For systems required to install source
water treatment under R.61-58.11.E(2)(b)
above, a letter certifying that the system has completed installing the
treatment designated by the Department within twenty four (24) months after the
Department designated the treatment.
(5) Lead Service Line Inventory and
Replacement Reporting Requirements
Water systems must report the following information to the
Department to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of R.61-58.11.F and
(a) No later than
January 16, 2024, the water system must submit to the Department an inventory
of service lines as required in R.61-58.11.F(1).
(b) No later than January 16, 2024, any water
system that has inventoried a lead service line, galvanized requiring
replacement, or lead status unknown service line in its distribution system
must submit to the Department, as specified in Section R.61-58.11.F(2), a
lead service line replacement plan.
(c) The water system must provide the
Department with updated versions of its inventory as required in
R.61-58.11.F(1) in
accordance with its tap sampling monitoring period schedule as required in
but no more frequently than annually. The updated inventory must be submitted
within thirty (30) days of the end of each tap sampling monitoring period.
(i) When the water system has demonstrated
that it has no lead, galvanized requiring replacement, or lead status unknown
service lines in its inventory, it is no longer required to submit inventory
updates to the Department, except as required in paragraph (5)(c)(ii) of this
(ii) In the case that a
water system meeting the requirements of paragraph (5)(c)(i) of this section,
subsequently discovers any service lines requiring replacement in its
distribution system, it must notify the Department within thirty (30) days of
identifying the service line(s) and prepare an updated inventory in accordance
with R.61-58.11.F(1) on
a schedule established by the Department.
(d) Within thirty (30) days of the end of
each tap sampling monitoring period, the water system must certify that it
conducted replacement of any encountered lead goosenecks, pigtails, and
connectors in accordance with R.61-58.11.F(3).
(e) Within 30 days of the end of each tap
sampling monitoring period, the water system must certify to the Department
that any partial and full lead service line replacements were conducted in
accordance with R.61-58.11.F(4) and
(5), respectively.
(f) If the water system fails to meet the
forty-five (45)-day deadline to complete a customer-initiated lead service line
replacement pursuant to R.61-58.11.F(4)(d),
it must notify the Department within thirty (30) days of the replacement
deadline to request an extension of the deadline up to one hundred eighty (180)
days of the customer-initiated lead service line replacement.
(i) The water system must certify annually
that it has completed all customer-initiated lead service line replacements in
accordance with R.61-58.11.F(4)(d).
(ii) [Reserved]
(g) No later than thirty (30) days after the
end of the water system's annual lead service line replacement requirements
under R.61-58.11.F(6) and
(7), the water system must submit the
following information to the Department, and continue to submit it each year it
conducts lead service line replacement under R.61-58.11.F(6) and
The number of lead service lines in the initial inventory;
(ii) The number of galvanized requiring
replacement service lines in the initial inventory;
(iii) The number of lead status unknown
service lines in the inventory at the onset of the water system's annual lead
service line replacement program;
(iv) The number of full lead service lines
that have been replaced and the address associated with each replaced service
(v) The number of galvanized
requiring replacement service lines that have been replaced and the address
associated with each replaced service line;
(vi) The number of lead status unknown
service lines remaining in the inventory;
(vii) The total number of lead status unknown
service lines determined to be non-lead; and
(viii) The total number of service lines
initially inventoried as "non-lead'' later discovered to be a lead service line
or a galvanized requiring replacement service line.
(h) No later than thirty (30) days after the
end of each tap sampling period, any water system that has received customer
refusals about lead service line replacements or customer nonresponses after a
minimum of two (2) good faith efforts by the water system to contact customers
regarding full lead service line replacements in accordance with
must certify to the Department the number of customer refusals or non-responses
it received from customers served by a lead service line or galvanized
requiring replacement service line, and maintain such documentation.
(i) No later than twelve (12) months after
the end of a tap sampling period in which a water system exceeds the lead
action level in sampling conducted pursuant to R.61-58.11.H, the system must
provide to the Department its schedule for annually replacing an average annual
rate, calculated on a two (2)-year rolling basis, of at least three percent
(3%), or otherwise specified in R.61-58.11.F(7)(i),
of the number of known lead service lines and galvanized lines requiring
replacement when the lead trigger or action level was first exceeded and lead
status unknown service lines at the beginning of each year that required
replacement occurs in its distribution system.
(j) No later than twelve (12) months after
the end of a sampling period in which a system exceeds the lead trigger level
in sampling conducted pursuant to R.61-58.11.H, and every twelve (12) months
thereafter, the system shall certify to the Department in writing that the
system has:
(i) Conducted consumer
notification as specified in R.61-58.11.F(6)(d)
and R.61-58.11.G(7); and
(ii) Delivered public education materials to
the affected consumers as specified in R.61-58.11.G(1).
(iii) A water system that does not meet its
annual service line replacement goal as required under R.61-58.11.F(6)
must certify to the Department in writing that the water system has conducted
public outreach as specified in R.61-58.11.G(8).
The water system must also submit the outreach materials used to the
(k) The
annual submission to the Department under paragraph (5)(j) of this section must
contain the following information:
(i) The
certification that results of samples collected between three (3) months and
six (6) months after the date of a full or partial lead service line
replacement were provided to the resident in accordance with the timeframes in
Mailed notices postmarked within three (3) business days of receiving the
results shall be considered "on time.''
(ii) [Reserved]
(l) Any system which collects samples
following a partial lead service line replacement required by R.61-58.11.F must report the results
to the Department within the first ten (10) days of the month following the
month in which the system receives the laboratory results, or as specified by
the Department. The Department, at its discretion, may eliminate this
requirement to report these monitoring results, but water systems shall still
retain such records. Systems must also report any additional information as
specified by the Department, and in a time and manner prescribed by the
Department, to verify that all partial lead service line replacement activities
have taken place.
(m) Any system
with lead service lines in its inventory must certify on an annual basis that
the system has complied with the consumer notification of lead service line
materials as specified in R.61-58.11.G(5).
(6) Public Education Program Reporting
(a) Any water system that is
subject to the public education requirements in R.61-58.11.G shall, within ten (10)
days after the end of each period in which the system is required to perform
public education in accordance with R.61-58.11.G(2)
above, send written documentation to the Department that contains:
(i) The public education materials that were
delivered, and a demonstration that the water system has delivered the public
education materials that meet the content requirements in R.61-58.11.G(1) and
the delivery requirements in R.61-58.11.G(2);
(ii) A list of all the
newspapers, radio stations, television stations, and facilities and
organizations to which the system delivered public education materials during
the period in which the system was required to perform public education
(b) Unless
required by the Department, a system that previously has submitted the
information required by paragraph (6)(a)(ii) of this section need not resubmit
the information required by paragraph (6)(a)(ii) of this section, as long as
there have been no changes in the distribution list and the system certifies
that the public education materials were distributed to the same list submitted
(c) No later than three
(3) months following the end of the tap sampling period, each water system must
mail a sample copy of the consumer notification of tap results to the
Department along with a certification that the notification has been
distributed in a manner consistent with the requirements of
(d) Annually by
July 1, the water system must demonstrate to the Department that it delivered
annual consumer notification and delivered lead service line information
materials to affected consumers with a lead, galvanized requiring replacement,
or lead status unknown service line in accordance with R.61-58.11.G(5) for
the previous calendar year. The water system shall also provide a copy of the
notification and information materials to the Department.
(e) Annually by July 1, the water system must
demonstrate to the Department that it conducted an outreach activity in
accordance with R.61-58.11.G(8)
when failing to meet the lead service line replacement goal as specified in
R.61-58.11.F(6) for
the previous calendar year. The water system shall also submit a copy to the
Department of the outreach provided.
(f) Annually, by July 1, the water system
must certify to the Department that it delivered notification to affected
customers after any lead service line disturbance in accordance with
R.61-58.11.G(6) for
the previous calendar year. The water system shall also submit a copy of the
notification to the Department.
Annually, by July 1, the water system must certify to the Department that it
delivered the required find-and-fix information to the Department and local
health departments for the previous calendar year.
(7) Reporting of Additional Monitoring Data.
Any water system which collects more samples than the minimum required, shall
report the results to the Department within the first ten (10) days following
the end of the applicable monitoring period under R.61-58.11.H, R.61-58.11.I,
and R.61-58.11.J during which the samples are collected. This includes the
monitoring data pertaining to "find-and-fix'' pursuant to R.61-58.11.H(8) and
R.61-58.11.I(7). The system must certify to the Department the number of
customer refusals or nonresponses for follow-up sampling under R.61-58.11.D(10) it
received and information pertaining to the accuracy of the refusals or
non-responses, within the first ten (10) days following the end of the
applicable tap sampling period in which an individual sample exceeded the
action level.
(8) Reporting of
90th Percentile Lead and Copper Concentrations Where
the Department Calculates a Water System's 90th
Percentile Concentrations
A water system is not required to report the
90th percentile lead and copper concentrations
measured from among all lead and copper tap water samples collected during each
tap sampling monitoring period, as required by paragraph (1)(a)(iv) of this
section if:
(a) The Department has
previously notified the water system that it will calculate the water system's
90th percentile lead and copper concentrations, based on the lead and copper
tap results submitted pursuant to paragraph (8)(b)(i) of this section, and the
water system provides the results of lead and copper tap water samples no later
than ten (10) days after the end of the applicable tap sampling monitoring
(b) The system has provided
the following information to the Department by the date specified in paragraph
(8)(a) of this section:
(i) The results of all
tap samples for lead and copper including the location of each site and the
criteria under R.61-58.11.H(1)(c) through
(j), under which the site was selected for
the system's sampling pool; and
(ii) An identification of sampling sites
utilized during the current tap sampling monitoring period that were not
sampled during previous monitoring periods, and an explanation of why sampling
sites have changed; and
(c) The Department has provided the results
of the 90th percentile lead and copper calculations,
in writing, to the water system within fifteen (15) days of the end of the tap
sampling period.
Reporting Requirements for a Community Water System's Public Education and
Sampling in Schools and Child Care Facilities.
(a) A community water system shall send a
report to the Department by July 1 of each year for the previous calendar
year's activity. The report must include the following:
(i) Certification that the water system made
a good faith effort to identify schools and child care facilities in accordance
with R.61-58.11.N(5). The good faith effort may include reviewing customer
records and requesting lists of schools and child care facilities from the
primacy agency or other licensing agency. A water system that certifies that no
schools or child care facilities are served by the water system is not required
to include information in paragraphs (9)(a)(ii) through (iv) of this section in
the report. If there are changes to schools and child care facilities that a
water system serves, an updated list must be submitted at least once every five
(5) years in accordance with R.61-58.11.N(5).
(ii) Certification that the water system has
delivered information about health risks from lead in drinking water to the
school and child care facilities that they serve in accordance with
R.61-58.11.N(1)(b) and
(iii) Certification that the water system has
completed the notification and sampling requirements of R.61-58.11.N and paragraphs
(9)(a)(iii)(A) through (E) of this section at a minimum of twenty percent (20%)
of elementary schools and twenty percent (20%) of child care facilities.
Certification that the water system has completed the notification and sampling
requirements of R.61-58.11.N(7) and
paragraphs (9)(a)(iii)(A), (B), and (E) of this section for any secondary
school(s) sampled. After a water system has successfully completed one (1)
cycle of required sampling in all elementary schools and child care facilities
identified in R.61-58.11.N(1)(a),
it shall certify completion of the notification and sampling requirements of
R.61-58.11.N(7) and
paragraphs (9)(a)(iii)(A), (B), and (E) of this section for all sampling
completed in any school or child care facility, thereafter.
(A) The number of schools and child care
facilities served by the water system;
(B) The number of schools and child care
facilities sampled in the calendar year;
(C) The number of schools and child care
facilities that have refused sampling;
(D) Information pertaining to outreach
attempts for sampling that were declined by the school or child care facility;
(E) The analytical results for
all schools and child care facilities sampled by the water system in the
calendar year.
Certification that sampling results were provided to schools, child care
facilities, and local and state health departments.
(b) [Reserved]
(10) Reporting Requirements for Small System
Compliance Flexibility Options.
By the applicable dates provided in paragraphs (10)(a) and (b),
water systems implementing requirements pursuant to R.61-58.11.O, shall provide the
following information to the Department:
(a) Small water systems and non-transient,
non-community water systems implementing the point-of-use (POU) device option
under R.61-58.11.O(1)(c),
shall report the results from the tap sampling required under R.61-58.11.O no
later than ten (10) days after the end of the tap sampling monitoring period.
If the trigger level is exceeded, the water system must reach out to the
homeowner and/or building management within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving
the tap sample results. The corrective action must be completed within thirty
(30) days. If the corrective action is not completed within thirty (30) days,
the system must provide documentation to the Department within thirty (30) days
explaining why it was unable to correct the issue. Water systems selecting the
POU device option under R.61-58.11.O(1)(c)
shall provide documentation to certify maintenance of the POU devices unless
the Department waives the requirement of this paragraph (10)(a).
(b) Small community water systems and
non-transient, non-community water systems implementing the small system
compliance flexibility option to replace all lead-bearing plumbing under
R.61-58.11.O(1)(d) must provide
certification to the Department that all lead-bearing material has been
replaced on the schedule established by the Department, within one (1) year of
designation of the option under R.61-58.11.O(1)(d).