South Carolina Code of Regulations
Subchapter 61-4 - Controlled Substances
Part 1000 - Prescriptions
Section 61-4.1000.1007 - Dispensing of Narcotic Drugs for Maintenance Purposes
The administering or dispensing directly (but not prescribing of) narcotic drugs listed in any schedule to a narcotic drug dependent person for the purpose of continuing his or her dependence upon such drugs in the course of conducting an authorized clinical investigation in the development of a narcotic addict rehabilitation program shall be deemed to be within the meaning of the term "in the course of his or her professional practice or research" in the Act, provided, that approval is obtained prior to the initiation of such a program by submission of a Notice of Claimed Investigational Exemption for a New Drug to the Food and Drug Administration which will be reviewed concurrently by the Food and Drug Administration for scientific merit and by the DEA for drug control requirements, and that the clinical investigation thereafter accords with such approval.