5. Technical Review. After determining that
the permit application is administratively complete, the Department will
conduct a Technical Review of the proposed project. The Department's technical
review of the permit application will involve the documents and issues
addressed in this Section. All individual drawings and plans shall be signed
and stamped by a professional engineer duly licensed to practice in the State
of South Carolina.
a. Engineering Drawings
and Plans. All applications for new Class Three landfills and landfill
expansions shall contain engineering drawings that set forth the proposed
landfill location, property boundaries, adjacent land uses and construction
details. Additional requirements for landfills with leachate recirculation are
outlined in SubPart A, Section258.4. of this Part. All construction drawings
shall be bound and rolled and shall contain the following:
(1) A vicinity plan or map that shows the
area within one mile of the property boundaries of the landfill in terms of:
the existing and proposed zoning and land uses within that area at the time of
permit application; and, residences, public and private water supply wells,
known aquifers, surface waters (with quality classifications), access roads,
bridges, railroads, airports, historic sites, and other existing and proposed
man-made or natural features relating to the facility. The plan shall be on a
scale of not greater than 500 feet per inch unless otherwise approved by the
(2) Site plans that
show: the landfill's property boundaries, as certified by an individual
licensed to practice land surveying in the State of South Carolina; off-site
and on-site utilities (such as, electric, gas, water, storm, and sanitary sewer
systems), rights-of-way and easements; the names and addresses of abutting
property owners; the location of soil borings, excavations, test pits, gas
venting structures, wells, piezometers, environmental and facility monitoring
points and devices, benchmarks and permanent survey markers; on-site buildings
and appurtenances, fences, gates, roads, parking areas, drainage culverts, and
signs; the delineation of the total landfill area including planned staged
development of the landfill's construction and operation, and the lateral
limits of any previously filled areas; the location and identification of the
sources of cover materials; the location and identification of special waste
handling areas; and site topography with five feet minimum contour intervals;
and, any other relevant information as necessary for proper operation. The site
plan shall show wetlands, property lines, existing wells, water bodies, and
soil stockpiles that will be used as cover material. ¡The plan shall show all
buildings, to include residences and schools, on adjacent properties. The plan
shall be on a scale of not greater than 200 feet per inch unless otherwise
approved by the Department.
Detailed plans of the landfill that clearly show in plan and cross-sectional
views the following: the original, undeveloped site topography before
excavation or placement of solid waste; the existing site topography, if
different, including the location and approximate thickness and nature of any
existing solid waste; plan view of the location of the seasonal high water
table in relation to the bottom elevation of the proposed landfill; a cross
sectional view of existing and final elevations, bottom elevation and deflected
bottom elevation, and seasonal high water table; geologic units; known and
interpolated bedrock elevations; the proposed limits of excavation and waste
placement; other devices as needed to divert or collect surface water run-on or
run-off; a plan and cross section view of fill progression for the life of the
landfill; the final elevations and grades of the landfill; groundwater
monitoring system; and, the building locations and appurtenances.
(4) Detailed plans of the sedimentation
ponds. These plans shall clearly show in plan and cross sectional views the
following: the existing site topography, the seasonal high water table, pond
bottom elevation, permanent pool elevation, first flush elevation, maximum
elevation for sedimentation clean-out, emergency spillway 100-yr storm
elevation, riser pipe, antiseep collars, outlet protection, emergency spillway,
dewatering riser, trash/antivortex rack, and sedimentation pond gauge
(5) Detailed plans shall
show: the location and placement of each liner system and each leachate
collection system, locating and showing all critical grades and elevations of
the collection pipe inverts and drainage envelopes, manholes, cleanouts, valves
and sumps; and, leachate storage, treatment and disposal systems including the
collection network and any treatment, pre-treatment, or storage
Engineering Report. An Engineering Report comprehensively describing the
existing site conditions and an analysis of the landfill, including closure and
post-closure criteria. Additional requirements for landfills with leachate
recirculation are outlined in Section5.c. below. All engineering reports shall
be bound. This report shall:
(1) Specify the
filling rate (in tons per day) of the landfill describing the number, types,
and specifications of all necessary machinery and equipment needed to
effectively operate the landfill at the prescribed filling rate;
(2) Contain a detailed description of all
construction phases, including, but not limited to, the liner system, leachate
collection system, and final cover system;
(3) Contain an analysis of the site to
(a) The name, address, and location
of all adjacent landowners; the closest population centers;
(b) A description of the primary
transportation systems and waste transportation routes to the landfill (i.e.,
highways, airports, railways, etc.); and,
(c) An analysis of the existing topography,
surface water and subsurface geological conditions;
(4) Discuss the closure and post-closure
maintenance and operation of the landfill which shall include, but not be
limited to:
(a) A closure design consistent
with the requirements contained in Section258.60;
(b) A post-closure water quality monitoring
program consistent with requirements contained in Section258.61;
(c) Methane monitoring and control systems as
(d) An operation and
closure plan for the leachate collection, treatment, and storage facilities
consistent with the requirements of this Part; and,
(e) A discussion of the future use of the
site including the specific proposed or alternative use. Future uses shall
conform to the stabilization plan, required by this regulation and shall not
adversely affect the final cover system;
(5) Include appendices demonstrating
compliance with pertinent local laws and regulations pertaining to air, land,
noise, and water pollution, and other supporting data, including literature
(6) Describe the
materials and construction methods for the placement of: each monitoring well;
all gas venting systems; each liner and leachate collection and removal system;
leachate storage, treatment, and disposal systems; and, cover systems. This
description also shall include a discussion of provisions to be taken to
prevent frost action upon each liner system in areas where refuse has not been
(7) Estimate the expected
quantity of leachate to be generated, including:
(a) An annual water budget estimating
leachate generation quantities, prepared for periods of time of initial
operation, the interim between the last receipt of waste and application of
final cover, and following facility closure. At a minimum, the following
factors shall be considered in the preparation of the precipitation
infiltration into the landfill: average monthly temperature; average monthly
precipitation; evaporation; evapotranspiration, which should consider the
vegetation type and root zone depth; surface/cover soil conditions and their
relation to precipitation runoff which shall account for the surface conditions
and soil moisture holding capacity; and, all other sources of moisture
contribution to the landfill;
Liner and leachate collection system efficiencies calculated using an
appropriate analytical or numerical assessment. The factors to be considered in
the calculation of collection system efficiency shall include, as a minimum,
the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the liner, the liner thickness, the
saturated hydraulic conductivity of the leachate collection system, the
leachate collection system porosity, the base slope of the liner and leachate
collection and removal system interface, the maximum flow distance across the
liner and leachate collection and removal system interface to the nearest
leachate collection pipe, and the estimated leachate generation quantity as
computed in accordance with the requirements of the preceding subparagraph;
(c) Information gained from
the collection efficiency calculations required in the preceding two paragraphs
used to predict the static head of leachate on the liners, volume of leachate
to be collected, and the volume of leachate that may permeate through the
entire liner system on a monthly basis. This assessment shall also address the
amount of leachate expected to be found in the leachate collection and removal
system in gallons per acre per day;
(8) Include a design of the leachate storage
facility based upon the leachate generation calculation. The design capacity
for the leachate storage facility shall be based on the proposed leachate
disposal method that allows sufficient lead time for either:
(a) Development of a separate set of
engineering reports, plans and specifications for the construction and
operation of a leachate treatment facility on-site and to obtain approval of
this document before any discharge from the leachate storage facility;
(b) Development of a plan to
handle leachate destined for off-site treatment at a wastewater treatment
facility, and to ensure that the amount of leachate stored on-site is not in
excess of the storage capacity available. This plan shall include a legal
document (contract, local permit, etc.) certifying acceptance of leachate from
the operator of the wastewater treatment facility with all conditions
stipulated by the operator of the wastewater treatment facility and all such
stipulations addressed in the operations plan;
(9) Include a Construction Plan describing
how the landfill will fulfill the requirements of protecting human health and
the environment. The plan shall be presented in a manner sufficiently clear and
comprehensive for use by the landfill's operator during the life of the
landfill. It shall depict the fill progression with respect to site life and
(a) Describe the site's preparation
and fill progression for the life of the site in terms of method, depth,
location and sequence;
(b) Contain
a method of elevation control for the operator including the location and
description of the permanent surveying benchmark at the site;
(c) Contain a fill progression discussion
describing the placement and compacted thickness of daily, intermediate and
final cover;
(d) For soils
excavated during construction, identify the stockpile location and volume of
soils; and,
(e) Contain a
description of stormwater diversion from leachate collection system in areas of
constructed cells that have not had waste placement;
(10) Include an Operation and Maintenance
Report prepared to demonstrate how the landfill will meet all the operational
requirements. This report shall include, at a minimum, the following:
(a) A description of the project's personnel
requirements, stating personnel responsibilities and duties including
discussions for training and lines of authority at the landfill;
(b) A description of all machinery and
equipment to be used at the landfill, their authorized uses, and safety
(c) A description of the
operational controls, including but not limited to, signs, hours and days of
operation, landfill usage rules and regulations, and traffic flow
(d) A description of the
anticipated solid waste to be received per day, specifying the quantities
received in tons per day, the fill progression of the landfill, and the method
of solid waste placement and compaction, and the anticipated in-place
(e) A description of the
landfill's solid waste receiving process, including inspection of incoming
loads, identification of any waste streams to be excluded, and those wastes to
receive special handling, or to require treatment before receipt, and a copy of
the Special Waste Analysis and Implementation Plan (SWAIP);
(f) A description of the cover material
management plan, specifying the types of cover material (daily, intermediate,
and final), identifying the quantities required and sources for each cover
material by type, including the method of cover material placement, compaction,
and the anticipated density;
(g) A
description of the project's gas monitoring program that discusses explosive
gas generation at the landfill and the controls used to ensure that gas
generated at the landfill will not create a hazard to health, safety, or
(h) A description of how
winter and inclement weather operations will be conducted; and,
(i) If applicable, a description of the
operation of a convenience station at the landfill for smaller private vehicles
to unload refuse at an area other than the landfill's working face;
(11) Contain a Stabilization Plan.
Measures shall be taken within 30 days of establishing soil stockpiles to
stabilize the stockpiles not in active use. The Stabilization Plan shall
address adequate seeding or other erosion control measures of the site and:
(a) Identify and locate existing vegetation
to be retained and proposed vegetation to be used for cover, soil stockpiles,
and other purposes;
(b) If
appropriate, provide a seeding and planting schedule, including the
identification of the rationale for the seed mixture choice and fertilization
and procedures for seed application, mulching, and maintenance; and,
(c) Describe the planting plan and schedule
which identifies plants to be used consistent with future use
(12) Include
a Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Report prepared in accordance with
accepted QA/QC practices. This report shall address the construction
requirements set forth in this Part for each phase of construction and shall
include, but not be limited to:
(a) A
delineation of the QA/QC management organization, including the chain of
command of the QA/QC inspectors and contractors;
(b) A description of the required level of
experience and training for the contractor, his crew, and QA/QC inspectors for
every major phase of construction, in sufficient detail to demonstrate that the
installation methods and procedures required in this document are properly
implemented; and,
(c) A description
of the QA/QC testing protocols for every major phase of construction,
including, but not limited to, the base liner system, leachate collection
system, and final cover system. The QA/QC testing protocol shall include at a
minimum: the frequency of inspection; field testing; sampling for laboratory
testing, the sampling and field testing procedures and equipment to be
utilized; the calibration of field testing equipment, the frequency of
performance audits; the sampling size; the soils or geotechnical laboratory to
be used; the laboratory procedures to be utilized; the calibration of
laboratory equipment and QA/QC of laboratory procedures, the limits for test
failure; and, a description of the corrective procedures to be used upon test
(13) Include a
Contingency Plan that addresses an organized, planned and coordinated,
technically and financially feasible course of action to be taken in responding
to contingencies during the construction and operation of the landfill. The
plan shall provide a description of the criteria to be utilized in evaluating
deficiencies, and selecting and implementing corrective actions. The plan
shall, at a minimum, address:
(a) Procedures
for responding to deficiencies during the construction phase resulting from
circumstances including, but not limited to, inclement weather, defective
materials or construction inconsistent with specifications as demonstrated by
quality control testing;
Actions to be taken during operation of the landfill with respect to: personnel
and user safety; on-site personal injury; fires; explosive landfill gases
detected on site; dust; litter; odor; noise; equipment breakdown; unusual
traffic conditions; vectors; disposition of unapproved wastes; receipt of
unauthorized wastes; releases of hazardous or toxic materials; groundwater and
surface water contamination which may include public water supply contamination
as a result of an accidental spill; and, the occurrence of the leachate storage
facility being at or above capacity; and,
(c) Procedures to be used in response to:
tank and surface impoundment spills or leakage, including removal of the waste
and repair of such structures; and, the inability of the approved leachate
treatment facility to accept leachate from the landfill for an indefinite
period of time;
Include a Groundwater Monitoring Plan. Upon obtaining approval of the
investigations performed to satisfy the landfill siting study, a groundwater
monitoring plan shall be submitted to the Department for review and approval.
The groundwater monitoring plan shall detail the activities to be performed to
ensure compliance with the requirements of Section258.51., Section258.53., and
(15) Include a
Closure Plan in the permit application that details the activities to be
performed to satisfy the requirements of Section258.60.; and,
(16) Include a Post-closure Plan that details
the activities to be performed to satisfy the requirements of
c. South
Carolina Coastal Zone Management Plan. The proposed landfill project shall be
consistent with the South Carolina Coastal Zone Management Plan, if the
landfill is located in the coastal zone as defined in accordance with the
Coastal Zone Management Act.
Leachate Recirculation. All landfills proposing leachate recirculation shall
comply with the requirements outlined in Subpart I below.