Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
I. Students who cannot attend public school
because of illness, accident, or pregnancy, even with the aid of
transportation, are eligible for medical homebound or hospitalized instruction.
A. A physician, nurse practitioner, in
compliance with the requirements the Nurse Practice Act, or physician assistant
in compliance with the requirements of Article 7 of the Medical Practice Act,
must certify that the student is unable to attend school but may profit from
instruction given in the home or hospital.
B. Any student participating in a program of
medical homebound instruction or hospitalized instruction must be approved by
the district superintendent or his or her designee on standardized forms
provided by the State Department of Education (Department).
C. A South Carolina school district may count
in membership a pupil who is compelled to reside outside the State to receive
medical services provided the teacher is certificated by the Department in the
state where services are rendered.
D. All approved forms must be maintained by
the district for documentation.
II. A student is eligible for medical
homebound instruction (1) on the day following his or her last day of school
attendance or (2) on the first day of the regular nine-month academic year of
the school in which he or she is enrolled and would otherwise be in attendance.
The student remains eligible (1) until the day before he or she returns to
school or (2) until the last day of the regular academic year in the school
year he or she would normally be enrolled, whichever occurs first.
III. The Department shall fund a maximum of
five periods per week of medical homebound instruction pursuant to the
Education Finance Act (EFA).
A. A day of
instruction must be based on the student's individual need but may be no less
than fifty minutes to qualify for state funding.
B. There is no limit to the amount of
instruction that may be provided with funds other than state funds.
C. If more instruction is needed, the school
district must provide the additional funds.
IV. Should an approved student not be
provided the medical homebound instruction that he or she is entitled to
receive, the student is eligible to have the medical homebound instruction made
up by the district.
A. This make up may occur
during the student's remaining eligibility for medical homebound instruction or
may occur after the student returns to school provided the make-up periods are
not during the regular school day.
B. State funding for medical homebound
instruction is available until the last day of the regular school year. If the
school district delays the start of services for any reason, the student is
still entitled to the instructional services, and the school district must make
up the missed instructional periods even if the regular school year has ended
and services are provided without the benefit of state funding.
V. All teachers providing medical
homebound instruction to students domiciled in South Carolina must hold a valid
South Carolina teacher's certificate.
A. The
teacher shall teach the medical homebound student or students in a room
especially set aside for the period of instruction.
B. Medical homebound teachers are required to
keep a weekly record of teaching services provided.