South Carolina Code of Regulations
Section 30-4 - Decisions on a Permit
Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
A. Permit Approval:
B. Permit Denial: A Permit denial shall cite facts upon which the denial was based and the reasons for denial.
C. Action Upon a Permit: The Department according to Section 48-39-150.C shall act upon an application for a permit within ninety days. This ninety-day period shall begin when the application is administratively complete and filed in approved form. The file is administratively complete when all required information, including fees, newspaper notices, proof of ownership and certifications have been received. Exceptions of the 90-day deadline are applications for minor development activities on which action must be taken in thirty days. Permits are deemed issued after signature by applicant and appropriate OCRM staff. See R.61-30 for further descriptions of the administrative processes governing action on a permit.
D. Completion of Work: Section 48-39-150(F) requires a permit holder to complete work within five years from the date of permit issuance. The Department may extend this five-year period upon showing of good cause indicating that due diligence toward completion of the work has been made, evidenced by significant work progress. The permit holder must request an extension in writing prior to the permit's expiration date. Permits which have expired may not be extended. Work shall be continuous and expeditious whenever possible.
E. Property Rights Not Affected; No State Liability; Other Permit Requirements: No permit shall convey, nor be interpreted to convey, a property right in the land or water in which the permitted activity is located. No permit shall be construed as alienating public property for private use or as alienating private property for public use. In no way shall the State be liable for any damage as a result of the erection of permitted works. A SCDHEC-OCRM permit in no way relieves the holder from responsibility for compliance with other applicable Federal, State, or local permit requirements.
F. Legally Commenced Use: Section 48-39-130(C) reads as follows, "Ninety days after the effective date of this act no person shall fill, remove, dredge, drain or erect any structure on or in any way alter any critical area without first obtaining a permit from the Department. Provided, however, that a person who has legally commenced a use such as those evidenced by a state permit, as issued by the Budget and Control Board, or a project loan approved by the rural electrification administration or a local building permit or has received a United States Corps of Engineers or Coast Guard permit, where applicable, may continue such use without obtaining a permit. Any person may request the Department to review any project or activity to determine if he is exempt under this section from the provisions of this act. The Department shall make such determinations within forty-five days from the receipt of any such request."
G. Mitigation Criteria:
H. Amendment to a Permit: An amendment to a permit can be made without the requirements of a new permit if the proposed change on the amendment does not significantly increase the size or change the use of the permitted project. Otherwise, the amendment proposal will require a fee, a newspaper notice and will be placed on public notice by DHEC-OCRM.
I. After-the-Fact Permits: The staff does not have authority to consider an after-the-fact application unless: