South Carolina Code of Regulations
Section 30-18 - Beach Restoration Fund
Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
A. Funding for Projects: Beach restoration projects will follow a cyclical pattern that is conditioned by the availability of funds. The Department will make an initial announcement when applications are to be submitted. The announcement will specify the time of submission and the format to be used. There will be at least a 90 day period for receiving applications. Projects that are not funded during the initial cycle will be eligible for consideration at the next cycle which will start when additional funds become available. Communities will be given the opportunity to update their applications for subsequent cycles to show any changed conditions.
B. Application Process: Applications for beach nourishment must be submitted to the Department. The applications will be reviewed by the staff for completeness and eligibility requirements. Input from the applicant and the public will be solicited and considered. In evaluating the project applications the Department will be guided by the legislated criteria and guidelines, and, the following consideration:
C. Necessary Permit Application Information: Any eligible local government desiring to submit an application for Beach Restoration Funds should submit a completed permit application to the Department. The following information should be submitted on or attached to the permit application form.
D. Minimum Regulatory Requirements: All applications will be evaluated to determine if the project meets the minimum regulatory requirements and then ranked on a relative basis according to the five considerations listed in R.30-18(E). The minimum regulatory requirements are:
E. Project Evaluation Considerations: If the project meets the minimum regulation requirements, the project is then evaluated and ranked using the following considerations:
F. Administration of the Project: The execution and administration of the project will be coordinated by the Department according to regulations of the State Budget and Control Board regarding procurement of architectural/engineering services and for construction of permanent improvements projects.