South Carolina Code of Regulations
Section 28-3 - General Purposes of Department of Consumer Affairs
Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
A. To further consumer understanding of the terms of credit transactions and to foster competition among suppliers of consumer credit so that consumers may obtain credit at reasonable costs.
B. To protect consumer buyers, lessees and borrowers against unfair practices by some suppliers of consumer credit having due regard for the interests of legitimate and scrupulous creditors.
C. To permit and encourage the development of fair and economically sound consumer credit practices.
D. To conform the regulation of consumer credit transactions to the policies of the Federal Consumer Credit Protection Act.
E. To implement the South Carolina Consumer Protection Code in the State of South Carolina in accordance with its terms and provisions.
F. To establish programs for the education of consumers with respect to credit practices and problems.
G. To counsel persons and groups of their rights and duties under the South Carolina Consumer Protection Code.
H. To make appropriate studies to effectuate the purposes and policies of the South Carolina Consumer Protection Code and to make the results of such studies available to the public.
I. To report on the use of consumer credit in South Carolina and to report on the problems of persons of small means in obtaining credit.
J. To receive and process complaints of individuals pertaining to any consumer transaction arising out of the production, promotion or sale of goods and services.
K. To cooperate with and assist the Attorney General and all state, local and federal agencies performing consumer protection functions in carrying out their legal enforcement responsibilities for the protection of consumers.
L. To initiate and encourage programs to inform consumers of market practices and schemes which are fraudulent, deceptive, unfair or illegal; how to detect and avoid abusive consumer transactions; and of remedies and relief available to consumers.
M. To undertake activities to encourage business and industry to maintain high standards of honesty, fair business practices and public responsibility in the production, promotion and sale of consumer goods and services.
N. To study the operation of consumer protection laws and recommend to the Governor and the Legislature new laws and amendments to laws which would promote the protection of legitimate interest of consumers within this State.
O. To provide legal representation of the consumer interest before the state and federal regulatory agencies or courts when such regulatory agencies undertake to fix rates or prices for consumer products or services or to enact regulations or establish policies relating to rates or prices for consumer products or services.
P. To monitor existing regulations of such regulatory agencies of special interest to consumers and report to the public through the news media proposed changes under consideration and the effect of such changes on the lives of the citizens of South Carolina.
Q. To simplify, clarify and modernize the law governing retail installment sales, consumer credit and usury.
R. To implement and enforce provisions of the Continuing Care Retirement Community Act.