Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
A. Definitions.
1. Supplemental Benefits: State funded
payments for the care and support of an adopted child.
2. The Department: The South Carolina
Department of Social Services.
Family: The adoptive family who is adopting or has adopted a child, or the
4. Caregiver: The person
who provides care and support after the death or disability of the adoptive
5. Child: The adoptive
child for whom Supplemental Benefits payments are authorized.
6. Adoption Assistance Agreement: An Adoption
Subsidy Agreement or contract between an adoptive family and the Department or
another adoption assistance state for ongoing or time limited financial support
through federal or state public funds.
7. Special Needs Child: A legally free child
for whom reasonable but unsuccessful efforts have been made to place without
subsidy except where it would be against the best interest of the child because
of significant emotional ties with foster parents and the child meets one or
more of the following criteria:
(a) A white
child ten years old or older;
(b) A
black or mixed race child six years old or older;
(c) A physically, mentally or emotionally
handicapped child or a child at risk for physical, mental or emotional
handicaps due to a condition existing before adoption;
(d) A member of a white sibling group of
three or more children, one of whom is at least six years of age, or a sibling
group of four or more white children of any age;
(e) A member of a black or mixed race sibling
group of two or more children, one of whom is at least six years of age, or a
sibling group of three or more black or mixed race children of any
(f) A member of a sibling
group that includes a special needs child.
8. ICAMA: The Interstate Compact on Adoption
and Medical Assistance.
9. Medical
Assistance Identification: Medicaid Card.
10. Prior Approval: Required authorization
for payment of Supplemental Benefits funds for residential treatment and for
purchases of medical or rehabilitative equipment which costs more than the
amount specified in the adoption assistance agreement.
B. Eligibility Requirements for Supplemental
1. The child has been placed for
adoption by the Department.
2. The
child must be legally free for adoption.
3. The child must have established
significant emotional ties with his foster parents who are unable to assume
financial responsibility for the full cost of the child's care, and the
adoption by this family is deemed in the best interest of the child by the
agency; or the child must be a special needs child.
4. The child must be financially dependent
upon the family and under the age of 18, or a child between the ages of 18 and
21 shall be eligible if the child remains a full time student and financially
dependent upon the family.
C. Eligibility Requirements for Medicaid
1. The initial adoption assistance
agreement for state or federal public funds must have been signed by the family
and the authorized agency representative prior to adoption
2. The family must
have a current adoption assistance agreement for federally funded adoption
assistance or for state funded adoption assistance based on the child's medical
or rehabilitative needs.
D. Family Responsibilities.
1. The family shall notify the Department
within ten working days of changes in the child's condition or the family's
circumstances that may affect the adoption assistance agreement in any
2. The family shall use all
other available resources, including Medicaid, before using Supplemental
Benefits payments for medical, rehabilitative or other treatment
3. The family shall
cooperate with the Department by signing and returning the adoption assistance
agreement promptly.
4. The family
shall notify the Department within ten working days if they are no longer
legally responsible for supporting the child or if they are no longer
financially supporting the child.
5. The family must obtain prior approval to
receive payment under Supplemental Benefits for residential treatment and for
purchases of medical or rehabilitative equipment which costs more than the
amount specified in the adoption assistance agreement.
6. The family that has an agreement with
another state shall provide proof annually that the agreement is still in force
to receive Medicaid or other services in South Carolina through
E. Supplemental
Benefits Payments.
1. Payments may begin as
soon as the child has been placed adoptively and agreements have been
2. Payments may be
delayed until the child's needs increase and the family can no longer meet
those needs from their own resources.
3. Payments terminate at age 18 unless the
child is still in school full time and financially dependent upon the
4. All Supplemental
Benefits terminate when the child reaches 21.
5. All Supplemental Benefits terminate at the
death of the child or at the death or disability of the adoptive parents,
unless the disability results in placement of the child with a
6. Supplemental Benefits
may be paid to a caregiver with the approval of the Department.
7. Supplemental Benefits may not exceed that
which is reasonable for treatment services or allowable for a child under
foster family care.
8. Supplemental
Benefits may be reduced, terminated or left the same, if the family begins
receiving other cash benefits on behalf of the child, i.e., Social Security
benefits. Any reduction or termination will be negotiated with the family, but
the final determination will be made by the Department.
9. The family may be reimbursed for the
child's medical expenses for conditions covered in the adoption assistance
agreement and that are not paid by private insurance, Medicaid or other
10. Providers may be
paid directly for expenses incurred for the child in the same circumstances as
stated above.
1. The family who has received
an overpayment shall be required to reimburse the Department.
2. The Department reserves the right to
recoup overpayments from future payments.
G. Supplemental Benefits Appeals.
1. The family has the right to appeal any
decision made by the Department on Supplemental Benefits both before and after
finalization of the adoption, according to the Department's approved fair
hearing appeal process.
2. The
family will be informed of its right to a judicial review in accordance with
the Administrative Procedures Act.
H. ICAMA Appeals.
The family has the right to appeal decisions made about
adoption assistance and/or services as specified in the adoption assistance
agreement according to the policies and procedures in the state which entered
into the agreement or the state in which the child lives, if
Statutory Authority: 1976 Code Sections 20-7-1900 through
20-7-1970 and Sections 20-7-2610 et.