Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
A. Need
(1) The Department has a fully
consolidated need standard and all needs are included in a flat amount per
family size.
(2) The FI need
standard, by family size, is set by the Department at fifty percent of the
current year's "Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines for All States
(except Alaska and Hawaii) and the District of Columbia." The Department shall
adjust the need standard annually after the State's General Appropriation Act
is passed and signed by the Governor. The standard will be uniformly applied
throughout the State.
(3) The
Department does not meet full need as defined by its need standard; therefore,
it uses a ratable reduction to control the amount of the benefit. The need
standard, by family size, multiplied by the ratable reduction percentage
determines the Department's Payment Standard. The ratable reduction is set by
the Department annually based on the amount of money appropriated for FI
benefits in the General Appropriations Act, also taking into account the
anticipated number of FI recipients to whom benefits will be paid in the next
State fiscal year. The Department may adjust the ratable reduction during the
fiscal year if the anticipated number of recipients increases or decreases. The
need standard, payment standard and ratable reduction are available at the
Department's State Office, Columbia, South Carolina.
(4) The FI benefit will be rounded down to
the next lower whole dollar when the result of determining the standard of need
or the payment amount is not a whole dollar. Proration to determine the amount
of payment for the month of application must occur before rounding to determine
the payment amount for that month.
(5) In the case of FI, no payment of
assistance shall be made to an assistance unit in any month in which the amount
of assistance prior to any adjustments is determined to be less than ten
(6) An assistance unit
that is denied assistance because of the limitation specified in (5) of this
section or because the payment amount is determined to be zero as a result of
rounding down the payment shall be deemed a recipient for all other
(7) A month in which a
recipient does not receive a cash benefit, regardless of the reason, does not
count as a month against the time limit.
B. No Benefit Increase for a Child Born Ten
Months after Receipt of Family Independence Benefits.
(1) In determining the size of the BG for
eligibility and payment determination, there must be no increase in BG size due
to a child born to an FI recipient ten or more months after the BG begins to
receive FI.
(a) This does not include a child
born to a minor mother who is required to be in her mother's BG.
(b) Income and resources of this child are
counted in the FI eligibility and benefit calculation.
(c) This provision does not apply if it is
determined that this child was conceived as a result of rape or
(2) The
Department may provide vouchers for a child born ten months or more after
initial receipt of FI assistance. The vouchers may be used to pay for goods and
services for the child, as determined by the Department, which will enable the
mother to participate in education, training and employment related activities.
The Department will determine the monthly amount to be expended for these
services dependent on the funds available.
C. Resource Limit and Exclusions. The amount
of real and personal property that can be reserved for each assistance unit
shall not be in excess of twenty-five hundred dollars equity value excluding
(1) The home and its contiguous property
(even if separated by public right-of-ways) which is the usual residence of the
assistance unit;
(2) One burial
plot (as defined by the Department) for each member of the assistance
(3) Bona fide funeral
agreements (as defined by State law) up to fifteen hundred dollars in value,
plus any interest accrued, for each member of the assistance unit;
(4) Real property which the family is making
a good faith effort (as defined by the Department) to sell. A good faith effort
means agreeing to sell the property at the current market value and putting the
property up for sale in the area where it commands a market.
(5) Basic maintenance items essential to
day-to-day living such as clothes, furniture and other similarly essential
items of limited value.
(6) The
cash value of life insurance policies.
(7) Items of assistance technology for a
handicapped person required to develop or maintain life or work skills, such as
a power wheel chair or computer shall not count against the two thousand five
hundred dollar resource limit. Adaptive items added to a care or van shall not
increase its book value.
D. Special Benefit Payment Situations.
(1) Payment is made for the entire month,
except the month of application, to or for a family which, for any portion of
the month, met all of the eligibility conditions, provided the family was
eligible on the date payment was made.
(2) Payment is made for the entire month in
the course of which a child leaves the home of a specified relative, provided
payments are not made for a concurrent period for the same child in the home of
another relative or while the child is in a foster care home.
(3) Payment is made to persons acting for
relatives in emergency situations that deprive a child of the care of the
relative through whom he has been receiving benefits for a temporary period
necessary to make and carry out plans for the child's continuing care and
E. Vehicles.
One licensed vehicle per budget group not to exceed ten thousand dollars fair
market value (as determined by N.A.D.A. Official Used Car Guide or equivalent
publication) is exempt from the asset limit.
F. Inaccessible Resources. The following
resources are considered to be inaccessible and are not counted against the FI
resource limit:
(1) Security deposits being
held on rental property or utilities.
(2) Property in probate or awaiting probate
(includes property of individuals who die intestate).
(3) Property in Chapter 13 bankruptcy unless
exempted from bankruptcy proceedings by the Bankruptcy Court and the Trustee in
(4) Property in
equitable or existing trust where one individual holds the title to the
property but another non-budget group member pays the purchase price, including
monthly payments, and is responsible for the general upkeep of the property.
This principle applies to both liquid and non-liquid resources.
(5) Property with multiple owners when it is
not possible to obtain the consent of all the owners to sell the
G. Transfer of
(1) A budget group member that has
transferred a countable resource(s) may be sanctioned for up to one year if:
(a) The resource(s) was transferred within
the three-month period immediately preceding the application filing date;
(b) The resource(s) was
transferred for the purpose of qualifying for benefits; or
(c) The resource(s) was transferred at any
time after approval for benefits.
(2) The length of the disqualification period
is based on the amount by which the transferred resource(s) when added to other
countable resources exceeds the allowable resource limit. For applicant
households, the disqualification period begins with the month of application;
for recipient households, the month after the timely notice is received.
(3) Disqualification Periods
$0 to $249.99 |
1 month |
250 to 999.99 |
3 months |
1,000 to 2,999.99 |
6 months |
3,000 to 4,999.99 |
9 months |
5,000 to and up |
12 months |
Transfer of resources will not result in disqualification when:
(a) The resource would have been excluded;
(b) The resource was sold or
traded at the approximate fair market value; or
(c) The resource was transferred to another
eligible or sanctioned budget group member; or
(d) The resource was transferred for a reason
other than qualifying for benefits.
H. Irrevocable Trusts. The funds in an
irrevocable trust are considered inaccessible to the budget group; however, any
income paid from the trust to the budget group is counted as unearned
I. Individual Development
(1) A savings account owned by a
recipient and designated by the recipient as an Individual Development Account
(IDA) which has a value of ten thousand dollars or less is excluded from the FI
resource limit.
(2) A savings
account owned by an FI recipient prior to application, with a value of two
thousand five hundred dollars or less, may be converted to an IDA.
(3) A lump sum payment of ten thousand
dollars or less deposited in an IDA within thirty days will not be counted as
(4) Funds in an IDA in
excess of ten thousand dollars are counted against the two thousand five
hundred dollar resource limit.
J. Requirement to Apply for Available
Benefits. The Department will establish and carry out policies with reference
to applicants' and recipients' potential sources of income which provide for
their being developed to a state of availability.
K. JTPA Income of Adults and Children.
(1) Earned or unearned income received by
minor children from Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Programs is disregarded
in eligibility and benefit computations.
(2) Earned income received by adults, after
appropriate disregards are granted, is counted in the budget.
(3) Unearned income received by adults,
designated by JTPA as being for training expenses is excluded.
L. Disregard of Child Support
Payments Made by a Budget Group Member to a Non-Budget Group Member. Child
support payments made by a budget group member to legal dependents who are not
budget group members may be deducted from the income of the payor.
M. Garnished Wages. A garnishment from wages
is not excludable income.
Exclusions from Income. In determining the availability of income and
resources, the following will not be included as income:
(1) The earned income of dependent children
is excluded in the FI gross income limit test and the need and benefit
(2) Up to four
hundred dollars of interest and dividends per benefit group may be excluded
(3) Vendor payments made
by a third party who is not a member of the budget group are excluded from
(4) In-kind income received
by the benefit group is excluded.
(5) Grants, such as scholarships, obtained
and used under conditions that preclude their use for current living
(6) Home produce of an
applicant or recipient, utilized by him and his household for their own
(7) Small nonrecurring
gifts not to exceed $100 per recipient in any quarter.
(8) Payments made to FI recipients known as
"child support gap payments" which are made from the child support payments
from absent parents collected by the Office of Child Support Enforcement of the
Department of Social Services.
Assistance from other agencies and organizations will be excluded in
determining the amount of assistance to be paid, provided that no duplication
shall exist between such other assistance and that provided by the FI Program.
In such complementary program relationships, nonduplication shall be assured by
the fact that FI funds are insufficient to meet the total amount of money
determined to be needed in accordance with the statewide standard. In such
instances, grants by other agencies in an amount sufficient to make it possible
for the individual to have the amount of money determined to be needed, in
accordance with the FI standard, will not constitute duplication.
(10) Payments for home energy assistance will
be excluded if certified by the Division of Economic Opportunity, Office of the
Governor (or its successor), as being based on need.
(11) The principal of a bona fide loan will
not be counted as income or a resource in the determination of eligibility and
the amount of assistance. Interest earned on a loan is counted as unearned
income in the month received and as a resource thereafter. Purchases made with
a loan are counted as resources.
(12) The value of a governmental rent or
housing subsidy is not counted as income.
(13) The value of the U.S. Department of
Agriculture Food Stamp benefits or donated foods (surplus
(14) Relocation
allowances paid to a recipient by the Family Independence Program.
(15) A Child Care deduction of two hundred
dollars per month per dependent child, under age 12, will be subtracted from
the gross earned or unearned income of families applying for Family
Independence benefits. To be eligible for this deduction, the family must incur
a child care expense for a dependent child(ren) living in the home. This
deduction may only be given in the month of application and the two subsequent
O. Disregarded
Income and Resources. In determining eligibility and the amount of the
assistance payment, the following will be disregarded as income and resources:
(1) Any payment received under Title II of
the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of
(2) Grants or loans to any
undergraduate student for educational purposes made or insured under any
programs administered by the Secretary of Education except the programs under
the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act (
U.S.C. 2301 et seq.). Student financial
assistance provided under the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Act will be
disregarded in accordance with paragraph (a)(4)(ii)(t) of this
(3) Any funds distributed
per capital to or held in trust for members of any Indian tribe under Public
Law 92-254 or Pub. L. 94-540.
Any benefits received under Title VII, Nutrition Program for the Elderly, of
the Older Americans Act of 1995, as amended.
(5) Payments for supporting services or
reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses made to individual volunteers serving
as foster grandparents, senior health aides, or senior companions, and to
persons serving in the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) and Active
Corps of Executives (ACE) and any other programs under Titles II and III,
pursuant to Section 418 of Pub. L. 93-113.
(6) Payments to applicants or recipients
participating in the Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) Program, except
that this disregard will not be applied when the Director of ACTION determines
that the value of all such payments, adjusted to reflect the number of hours
such volunteers are serving, is equivalent to or greater than the minimum wage
then in effect under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, or the minimum wage
under the laws of the States where the volunteers are serving, whichever is
greater. (Section404(g) of Pub. L. 93-113, as amended by Section 9 of Pub. L.
(7) The value of
supplemental food assistance received under the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 as
amended, and the special food service program for children under the National
School Lunch Act, as amended ( Pub. L. 92-433 and Pub. L. 93-150).
(8) Pursuant to Section 15 of Pub. L.
100-241, any of the following distributions made to a household, an individual
Native, or a descendant of a Native by a Native Corporation established
pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) ( Pub. L. 92-203,
as amended):
(a) Cash distributions
(including cash dividends on stock from a Native Corporation) received by an
individual are never counted as income or resources to the extent that such
cash does not in the aggregate, exceed $2,000 in a year. Cash which, in the
aggregate, is in excess of $2,000 in a year is not subject to the income and
resources disregards;
(b) Stock
(including stock issued or distributed by a Native Corporation as a dividend or
distribution on stock);
(c) A
partnership interest;
(d) Land or
an interest in land (including land or an interest in land received from a
Native Corporation as a dividend or distribution on stock); and
(e) An interest in a settlement
(9) Benefits paid
to eligible households under the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981
pursuant to Section2605(f) of Pub. L. 97-35.
(10) Effective October 17, 1975, pursuant to
Section 6 of Pub. L. 94-114 (89 Stat. 577,
U.S.C. 459 e), receipts distributed to
members of certain Indian tribes which are referred to in Section 4 of Pub. L.
94-114 (89 Stat. 577,
U.S.C. 459 d).
(11) Pursuant to Section 7 of Pub. L. 93-134,
as amended by Section 4 of Pub. L. 97-458. Indian judgment funds that are held
in trust by the Secretary of the Interior (including interest and investment
income accrued while such funds are so held in trust), or distributed per
capita to a household or member of an Indian tribe pursuant to a plan prepared
by the Secretary of the Interior and not disapproved by a joint resolution of
the Congress, and initial purchases made with such funds. This disregard does
not apply to proceeds from the sale of initial purchases, subsequent purchases
made with funds derived from the sale or conversion of the initial purchases,
or to funds or initial purchases which are inherited or transferred.
(12) Pursuant to Section 2 of Pub. L. 98-64,
all funds held in trust by the Secretary of the Interior for an Indian tribe
(including interest and investment income accrued while such funds are so held
in trust) and distributed per capita to a household or member of an Indian
tribe, and initial purchases made with such funds. This disregard does not
apply to proceeds from the sale of initial purchases, subsequent purchases made
with funds derived from the sale or conversion of initial purchases, or to
funds or initial purchases which are inherited or transferred.
(13) Any student financial assistance
provided under programs in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as
amended, and under Bureau of Indian Affairs education assistance
(14) For FI, any payments
made as restitution to an individual under Title I of Public Law 100-383 (the
Civil Liberties Act of 1988) or under Title II of Public Law 100-383 (the
Aleutian and Pribilof Islands Restitution Act).
(15) Any Federal major disaster and emergency
assistance provided under the Disaster Relief Act of 1974, as amended by Public
Law 100-707 (the Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Amendments of 1988)
and comparable disaster assistance provided by States, local governments and
disaster assistance organizations.
(16) Any payments made pursuant to the
Settlement in the In Re Agent Orange Product liability litigation, M.D.L. No.
381 (E.D.N.Y.).
(17) Student
financial assistance made available for the attendance costs defined in this
paragraph under programs in the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied
Technology Education Act (
U.S.C. 2301 et seq.). Attendance costs are:
tuition and fees normally assessed a student carrying the same academic
workload as determined by the institution, and including costs for rental or
purchase of any equipment, materials, or supplies required of all students in
the same course of study; and an allowance for books, supplies, transportation,
dependent care and miscellaneous personal expenses for a student attending the
institution on at least a half-time basis, as determined by the
(18) For FI, any
payments made pursuant to Section6(h)(2) of
Public Law
101-426, the Radiation Exposure Compensation
P. Determination of
Need and Amount of Assistance. After all policies governing the reserves and
allowances and disregard or setting aside of income and resources referred to
in this section have been uniformly applied:
(1) In determining need, financial
eligibility and the amount of the assistance payment all remaining income shall
be considered in relation to the State's need standard.
(2) Income and resources are considered
available both when actually available and when the applicant or recipient has
a legal interest in a liquidated sum and has the legal ability to make such sum
available for support and maintenance.
(3) Income tax refunds shall be considered as
(4) Lump sum payments
shall be treated as resources for applicants and recipients. When the lump sum
includes a payment for the current month, that amount is treated as
(5) Income received by
individuals employed on a contractual basis may be prorated over the period of
the contract; or intermittent income received quarterly, semiannually, or
yearly may be prorated over the period covered by the income.
(6) Child support payments made directly to
the FI benefit group are counted as unearned income.
(7) Income of aliens who would be FI budget
group members except that their alien status disqualifies them will have their
income counted toward the budget group.
(8) Income of sanctioned budget group members
will have their income counted toward the budget group.
(9) In family groups living together, income
of the spouse is considered available for the budget group and income of a
parent(s) is considered available for dependent children under 19. If an
individual is a spouse or parent who is a recipient of SSI benefits under Title
XVI, an individual with respect to whom Federal foster care payments are made,
an individual with respect to whom State or local foster care payments are
made, an individual with respect to whom Federal adoption assistance payments
are made, or an individual with respect to whom State or local adoption
assistance payments are made, then, for the period for which such benefits or
payments are received, his or her income and resources shall not be counted as
income and resources available to the FI unit.
(10) A minor parent recipient living in the
home will have income deemed to the minor parent budget group from his or her
parent's income. The amount of income to be deemed shall be determined by
computing the parent's gross monthly income and then subtracting an amount
equal to the monthly gross income limit for a family size comprised of the
parents and their legal dependents exclusive of the minor parent; the remainder
is the amount of deemed income.
Q. Recovery of Overpayments and Correction of
(1) The Department will specify
uniform statewide procedures for recovery of overpayments of assistance,
including overpayments resulting from assistance paid pending hearing
decisions. Overpayment means a financial assistance payment received by or for
an assistance unit for the payment month which exceeds the amount for which
that unit was eligible.
(a) Any recovery of an
overpayment to a current assistance unit, including a current assistance unit
or recipient whose overpayment occurred during a prior period of eligibility,
must be recovered through repayment (in part or in full) by the individual
responsible for the overpayment or by recovering the overpayment through
reducing the amount of any assistance payable to the assistance unit of which
he or she is a member, or both.
If recovery is made from the grant, such recovery shall result in the
assistance unit retaining, for any payment month, from the combined assistance,
income, and liquid resources not less than 90 percent of the amount payable to
a family of the same composition with no other income. If the Department
chooses to recover at a rate less than the maximum, it must recover
(c) The Department shall
recover an overpayment from:
(i) the
assistance unit which was overpaid, or
(ii) any assistance unit of which an adult
member of the overpaid assistance unit has subsequently become a member,
(iii) any adult members of the
overpaid assistance unit whether or not currently recipients. If the Department
recovers from individuals who are no longer recipients, or from recipients who
refuse to repay the overpayment from their income and resources, recovery shall
be made by appropriate action under State law against the income or resources
of those individuals.
(iv) any
assistance unit of which an adult member accessed all or part of their monthly
payment at a liquor store, a casino, gambling casino or gaming establishment,
or an adult-oriented entertainment establishment. The amount of the overpayment
shall equal the amount accessed at any of the locations listed in
(d) If
through recovery, the amount payable to the assistance unit is reduced to zero,
members of the assistance unit are still considered recipients of FI.
(e) In cases which have both an underpayment
and an overpayment the Department must take one of the following three actions
by the end of the quarter following the quarter in which the overpayment is
first identified:
(i) recover the overpayment,
(ii) initiate action to locate
and/or recover the overpayment from a former recipient, or
(iii) execute a monthly recovery agreement
from a current recipient's grant, income or resources.
(2) Underpayments. The Department
will specify uniform statewide policies for prompt correction of any
underpayments to current recipients and those who would be a current recipient
if the error causing the underpayment had not occurred. Underpayment means a
financial assistance payment received by or for an assistance unit for the
payment month which is less than the amount for which the assistance unit was
eligible, or failure by the State to issue a financial assistance payment for
the payment month to an eligible assistance unit if such payment should have
been issued. The number of months for which retroactive underpayment
corrections shall not exceed twelve. Retroactive corrective payments shall not
be considered as income, or as a resource in the month paid nor in the next
following month.
(3) In locating
former recipients who have outstanding overpayments the Department should use
appropriate data sources such as State Unemployment Insurance files, South
Carolina Department of Revenue and Taxation information from tax returns, state
automobile registration, IEVS, and other files relating to current or former
(4) The Department must
maintain information on the individual and total number and amount of
overpayments identified and their disposition for current and former
(5) The Department may
elect not to attempt recovery of an overpayment from an individual no longer
receiving assistance where the overpayment amount is less than $35. Where the
overpayment amount owed by an individual no longer receiving assistance is $35
or more, the Department can determine when it is no longer cost-effective to
continue overpayment recovery efforts, provided it has made reasonable efforts
to recover the overpayment from the individual. Reasonable efforts must include
notification of the amount of and reasons for the overpayment and that
repayment is required.
(6) FI
established claims for overpayment of benefits that are thirty-five dollars or
greater and are more than ninety days delinquent are referred to the South
Carolina Department of Revenue and Taxation and/or the United States Internal
Revenue Service for intercept of those claims from tax refunds due persons
against whom the claims are established. Clients are given written notification
by the Department when delinquent claims are referred for state and/or federal
tax intercept.