Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
A. Applications for public assistance shall
be filed at the County Department of Social Services Office located in the
county in which the applicant actually resides at the time of application. For
children in Regular foster care, the application shall be filed in the county
where the court order was issued, if different from the county of current
(1) An application shall be taken
without delay and the individual may apply for whatever category of assistance
he chooses.
(2) The county
department shall make every reasonable effort to help the applicant establish
his eligibility.
B. If
an application is made for an individual without his knowledge, the county
department may take no action without first obtaining his knowledge and
consent, unless such individual is incompetent or incapacitated. In this latter
case, assistance payments may be made only to the individual's duly appointed
legal guardian or authorized representative.
C. Application shall be by agency form and
shall be signed, except for SSI recipients. The application form shall:
(1) Clearly signify the intent of the
individual to apply and the effective date of such application;
(2) Advise the applicant of his rights and
(3) Put the
applicant on notice that he is liable for the truthfulness of the information
he includes on the application;
Provide the agency with sufficient information to begin an accurate
determination of eligibility or ineligibility.
D. The applicant or recipient shall:
(1) Provide complete and accurate information
about his circumstances, and shall be told that State Law provides a penalty
for making false statements, for willful misrepresentation of facts, or for
(2) Report any
changes in circumstances which may affect his eligibility or entitlement for
assistance within ten days of such change;
(3) Repay funds received during a period of
ineligibility resulting from failure to report changes of circumstances or from
giving incorrect information.
E. An applicant may be assisted by any
individual of his choice in the various aspects of the application process and
may be accompanied by such individual in contacts with the agency and, when so
accompanied, may also be represented by such individual.
F. Application interviews shall include:
(1) An explanation of eligibility
requirements, the agency's standard of promptness in acting on applications,
the applicant's right to a fair hearing, the procedure for requesting a
hearing, and the applicant's rights under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
(2) An explanation of the
applicant's responsibilities to give complete and accurate information, to
report any changes in his circumstances, and to repay funds received
(3) An explanation of
the need for a home visit.
(4) An
explanation of the methods of establishing eligibility, including the need for
making collateral contacts and the use of documentary and other records for
verifying pertinent information.
(5) In AFDC cases, an explanation of the
availability of family planning and Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and
Treatment (EPSDT) services and the means for obtaining these
(6) The information that
the public assistance payroll is open to public inspection in each county
(7) The signing of the
proper application form by the applicant, his legal guardian, or an authorized
G. An
individual's basic rights shall be respected and protected during the
eligibility determination process.
(1) The
determination of a person's initial or continued eligibility for public
assistance shall be conducted in a manner consistent with his rights under the
United States Constitution, the Social Security Act, and Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964.
(2) Any person
wishing to apply for any form of public assistance shall have the right to do
(3) The applicant or
recipient's use of public assistance payments shall not be limited or
restricted by agency policies.
All information obtained during interviews with and by the verification of
information about applicants or recipients of financial or medical assistance
shall be confidential. The use of or disclosure of information shall be limited
to the following situations:
(a) Pertinent
information regarding an applicant or recipient may be disclosed to any
official government or agency representative, on the basis of need, and for
purposes directly relating to the administration of the agency's programs, such
as establishing eligibility, determining amount of assistance and providing
services for applicants and recipients.
(b) Any investigation, prosecution, or
criminal or civil proceeding conducted in connection with the administration of
federal programs administered by the agency.
(c) Information other than confidential
medical reports may be disclosed to any individual or agency with the written
consent of the applicant or recipient or his authorized
(d) The names of
recipients receiving public assistance payments and the amount of such payments
are public records and open to public inspection. However, the publication of
lists of such names for commercial or political purposes is unlawful.
(e) Information regarding applications or
recipients of financial assistance, including names and addresses, may be
disclosed to a legislative body or designated audit committee when such body or
committee certifies that the information is needed for purposes, including
audits, specified in subparagraphs a and b above.
(5) Any person who is dissatisfied as the
result of an action taken or not taken by the County or State Department of
Social Services with respect to his application or his grant may appeal for an
impartial review of his circumstances through the fair hearing procedure in
Article 3 of these regulations.
The State and County Departments of Social Services shall maintain agency
program procedures and policies and shall make them available for examination
by the public upon request.
H. An application may be approved when all
eligibility criteria are met. Once eligibility is established, for programs
other than GDA and GA-IS, assistance shall continue regularly until such time
as eligibility no longer exists. For GDA and GA-IS grants, eligibility shall
terminate at the end of the grant period, and shall continue only if a new
application has been completed and approved.
(1) An application shall be denied when the
applicant or family group fails to meet one or more eligibility criteria or
when the applicant fails to furnish necessary data within the standard of
promptness, unless the delay is due to circumstances beyond the applicant's
(2) An application may be
denied because of the death of an applicant inability to locate an applicant,
or at the applicant's request.
I. A County Board of Social Services may
review, approve, disapprove, or amend an award of assistance made by the County
Department of Social Services. The State Department of Social Services may
review applications for public aid, disapprovals, or modifications of awards
made by the county departments and may make decisions as to the granting and
the amount of payment.
Determination of Eligibility and Continued Eligibility.
(1) No more than forty-five days (sixty days
for Medical Assistance Only -Disability) shall elapse between the date of
application and the date that either the first assistance grant, or the notice
of denial of assistance, is mailed to the individual or family, unless:
(a) The applicant or the agency, after
repeated attempts, has failed to secure the necessary facts regarding
eligibility and further processing time is necessary;
(b) An applicant or physician has failed to
provide needed information or an administrative or other emergency which could
not be prevented causes a delay;
(c) The applicant requests that an imminent
negative action be delayed until additional information concerning eligibility
can be secured.
Continued eligibility for financial or medical assistance shall be redetermined
or reviewed in each of the following instances, whichever occurs earliest.
(a) Immediately after the agency receives a
report that a change has occurred in the recipient's circumstances which may
affect eligibility or the amount of the assistance grant;
(b) When required on the basis of information
the agency has obtained previously about anticipated changes in the recipient's
(c) Every six months in
Aid to Families with Dependent Children -Foster Care, Regular Foster Care, and
Mandatory State Supplementation, and every twelve months for Aid to Families
with Dependent Children, Medical Assistance Only and Optional
(3) A
home visit prior to certification shall be made on each AFDC application and
review. A home visit shall be made before certification for General Disability
Assistance, General Assistance-Ineligible Spouse and Optional Supplementation,
but a home visit is not required for subsequent redeterminations in these
assistance categories. Home visits are not required on Medical Assistance Only
applications and reviews. Applicants and recipients shall be given oral or
written notice of the intended date and purpose of any home visit.
(4) The applicant or recipient shall provide
necessary information and documentation of his eligibility for assistance,
unless he is unable to do so because of age, physical or mental disability,
language barriers, or other pertinent reason.
(a) If the individual is physically or
mentally incapable of providing complete or accurate information, the agency
may take the initiative to secure such information.
(b) An individual other than the applicant or
recipient may be used as a collateral source of information as long as he:
(i) Has definite knowledge of facts which
relate to the applicant's or recipient's eligibility; and
(ii) Is willing to have his identity revealed
to the applicant or recipient, upon request, should the information provided
result in an adverse action.
(c) If an applicant refuses to provide
information necessary to establish eligibility, which is within his capacity to
provide, assistance shall be denied or terminated because eligibility cannot be
(5) The
agency shall give prompt written notification to an applicant or recipient of
any decision concerning an application for financial or medical assistance.
(a) If assistance is authorized the notice
shall include the amount of the financial assistance grant, if
(b) If assistance is
denied the notice shall contain:
(i) A written
explanation of the reason for denial,
(ii) The citation of the specific manual
section or circular letter supporting the reason for denial; and
(iii) A written explanation of the
individual's right to request a fair hearing pursuant to Article 3 of these