301.1 Repairs are defined as the patching,
restoration, painting and/or minor replacement of materials, elements,
components, equipment and/or fixtures for the purposes of maintaining such
materials, elements, components, equipment and/or fixtures in good or sound
condition. All repairs shall comply with the requirements of this Chapter.
Exception: As modified in Part 9 of this Subchapter for
repairs in historical buildings.
302.1 Except as is otherwise required herein,
work shall be done using like materials, or materials permitted by the Building
Code, Mechanical Code, Plumbing Code, Rhode Island Fire Safety Code, NFPA 101
Life Safety Code, Rhode Island Fire Prevention Code, Electrical Code, Boiler
Safety Code or Elevator Code as applicable. BFO
302.1.1 Hazardous materials no longer
permitted, such as asbestos and lead-based paint, shall not be used.
302.1.2 Conformance: The work
shall not make the building less conforming with the building, plumbing,
mechanical, electrical or fire codes of the jurisdiction, or with alternative
materials, design and methods of construction or any previously approved plans,
modifications, alternate methods or compliance alternatives, than it was before
the repair was undertaken. BFO
302.1.3 Flood hazard areas: In flood hazard
areas, repairs that constitute substantial improvement shall require that the
building comply with the Building Code §20.1.7 of this Part.
302.2 Replacement
glazing in hazardous locations shall comply with the Safety Glazing
requirements of Section 2406 of the Building Code, and paragraph 2403.1
referenced therein. B
Glass-block walls may be repaired using like materials.
2. Louvered windows and jalousies may be
repaired using like materials.
302.3 Structural: Repairs of structural
elements shall comply with this section. The work shall cause no diminution of
structural strength. The work shall not make the building less conforming with
the Building Code, Mechanical Code, Plumbing Code, Rhode Island Fire Safety
Code, NFPA 101-Life Safety Code, Rhode Island Fire Prevention Code, Electrical
Code, Boiler Safety Code, Energy Code, Elevator Code, or Accessibility Code
where applicable, or with any previously approved alternative arrangements,
than it was before the repair was undertaken. B
302.3.1 Wind design: Wind design of existing
buildings shall be based upon the procedures specified in the Building Code.
302.3.2 Reduction of strength:
Repairs shall not reduce the structural strength or stability of the building,
structure or any individual member thereof. B
Exception: Such reduction shall be allowed provided the
capacity is not reduced to below the requirements of the Building Code.
302.3.3 Damaged buildings: Damaged
buildings shall be repaired in accordance with this section. B
302.3.3.1 New structural frame members: New
structural frame members used in the repair of damaged buildings, including
anchorage and connections, shall comply with the Building Code unless the
authority having jurisdiction specifically allows replacement with like
materials. B
Substantial structural damage: Buildings which have sustained substantial
structural damage shall comply with this section. B
302.3.4.1 Engineering evaluation and
analysis: An engineering evaluation and analysis which establishes the
structural adequacy of the damaged building shall be prepared by a registered
design professional and submitted to the code official. The evaluation and
analysis may assume that all non-damaged structural elements and systems have
their original strength and stiffness. B
302.3.4.2 Extent of repair: The evaluation
and analysis shall demonstrate that the building once repaired complies with
the wind provisions of the Building Code. B
302.3.5 Below substantial structural damage:
Repairs to buildings damaged to a level below the substantial structural damage
level as defined in Part 3 of this Sub-Code shall be allowed to be made with
the materials, methods and strengths in existence prior to the damage unless
such existing conditions are dangerous as defined in Section 302.3.3.1.
302.3.6 Other uncovered
structural elements: Where in the course of conducting repairs, other uncovered
structural elements are found to be unsound or otherwise structurally
deficient, such elements shall be made to conform to the provisions of
302.3.4.1. B
302.3.7 Flood hazard
areas: In flood hazard areas, damaged buildings that sustain substantial damage
shall be brought into compliance with Building Code 3107.0. B
302.3.8 Re-roofing: Re-roofing in excess of
twenty-five (25%) percent of the roof area of the entire building shall comply
with 403.2.1. B
302.4.1 Materials: The following
plumbing materials and supplies shall not be used unless specifically allowed
by the current plumbing code:
1. Sheet and
tubular copper and brass trap and tailpiece fittings less than the minimum wall
thickness of .027" (0.69 mm).
Solder having more than 0.2% lead in the repair of potable water
3. Water closets having a
concealed trap seal or an unventilated space or having walls that are not
thoroughly washed at each discharge in accordance with ASME A
4. The following types of
joints shall be prohibited:
a. Cement or
concrete joints
b. Mastic or
hot-pour bituminous joints
Joints made with fittings not approved for the specific installation
d. Joints between different diameter pipes
made with elasto-meric rolling O-rings
e. Solvent-cement joints between different
types of plastic pipe
Saddle-type fittings
The following type of traps are prohibited:
a. Traps that depend on moving parts to
maintain the seal.
b. Bell
c. Crown-vented
d. Traps not integral with a
fixture and that depend on interior partitions for the seal, except those traps
constructed of an approved material that is resistant to corrosion and
degradation. B
302.4.2 Water closet replacement: When any
water closet is replaced, the replacement water closet shall comply with the
Plumbing Code, Part 3 of this Subchapter. The maximum water consumption flow
rates and quantities for all replaced water closets shall be 1.6 gallons (6L)
per flushing cycle. B
Exception: Blowout design water closets [3.5 gallons (13L)
per flushing cycle].
302.5 Electrical: Existing electrical wiring
and equipment undergoing repair shall be allowed to be repaired or replaced
with like material. B
Electrical products shall comply with Section 110-3(b) "Installation and Use"
of the Electrical Code.
Replacement of electrical receptacles shall comply with the requirements of
Section 210-7(d) of the Electrical Code.
3. Plug fuses of the Edison-base type shall
be used for replacements only where there is no evidence of over fusing or
tampering per Section 240-51(b) of the Electrical Code.
4. For replacement of non-grounding-type
receptacles with grounding-type receptacles and for branch circuits that do not
have an equipment grounding conductor in the branch circuit, the grounding
conductor of a grounding type receptacle outlet shall be permitted to be
grounded to any accessible point on the grounding electrode system as described
in Section 250-81 of the Electrical Code, or to any accessible point on the
grounding electrode conductor.
Frames of electric ranges, wall-mounted ovens, counter-mounted cooking units,
clothes dryers, and outlet or junction boxes that are part of the existing
branch circuit for these appliances shall be permitted to be grounded to the
grounded circuit conductor if all the conditions of Section 250-60 of the
Electrical Code are met.
302.6 Mechanical
302.6.1 Defective material or parts shall be
replaced or repaired in such a manner so as to preserve the original approval
or listing. B
302.6.2 Temporary
repairs may not be made to a damaged heat exchanger. B
302.7 Boilers and Pressure Vessels
302.7.1 Repairs and replacements of fittings
or appliances shall comply with the Mechanical Code, Part 4 of this Subchapter.
302.7.2 Repairs of boilers or
pressure vessels shall comply with the requirements specified in the Rhode
Island Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 1989 edition. (Boilers over 200,000 BTU
require approval by Department of Labor and Training.) BO
302.8 Elevators: All repairs shall be done in
accordance the Rhode Island Elevator Safety Code, May 15, 1999 edition.
(Elevator approval by the Department of Labor and Training.) BO
NOTE: Where the section is followed by the letter "B", "F",
or "O", the following meaning shall apply:
"B" This means that the Building Official or the Plumbing,
Mechanical or Electrical Inspector shall review the plans, issue the permit,
inspect the installation, and approve the final certificate.
"F" This means that the Fire Official shall review the
plans for approval, the Fire Official and/or the Building Official inspects the
installation, and the Fire Official observes the final test and approves the
final installation. The Building Official shall issue the permits.
"O" This would indicate another State agency approval and
inspection is needed. An explanation will indicate the agency and approvals